Gusher Pty Ltd

Company Induction Handbook




Introduction 3

Inductions 4

Management system 4

Your job 5

Policies 6

Work Health and Safety Policy: 6

Rehabilitation and Return to Work Policy 8

Quality Policy 9

Environmental Policy 10

Issue Resolution 11

Smoking policy 12

Asbestos (ACM) Containing Material Statement 13

Summary 13

Incident Reporting 14

Emergencies 14

Corporate Objectives 15

Sun exposure 16

Electrical equipment 16

Permits to Work 16

Personal protective equipment (PPE) 16

Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) & Job Safety Analysis (JSA) 17

Risk / Hazard Assessment and Recognition 18

Hazard priorities 18


Welcome to the Gusher team.

We aim to make your time with us rewarding, productive, educational and safe. We trust you will share these objectives with us.

The company has a vision to maintain a healthy and safe workplace for everyone, produce quality work that meets and exceeds client expectations, carried out in an environmentally sustainable fashion and with minimum risk to all involved.

We look to achieve this by:

·  Professionalism and innovation in the construction and support services industries

·  Working cooperatively with our clients, customers, and other stakeholders

·  Maintaining a work environment which encourages and develops teamwork, personal development and success

·  Being responsive to the needs of customers, workers and the community to ensure the growth and success of our business

It is vital all workers and contractors accept their responsibilities and help in the identification and elimination of workplace hazards. Your commitment to the company’s policies, procedures and guidelines are essential to achieve our goals and objectives – and for your job satisfaction and your health, safety and welfare.

The handbook and our job safety guidelines describe the minimum standards applicable to every Gusher employer, visitor, subcontractor and manager.

Please read it carefully and keep it for your reference. Any queries should be directed to your supervisor or site manager.

We trust you enjoy working with us.

Mick Malady
Managing Director -- Gusher Pty Ltd

·  This induction must precede project, task or role specific inductions and client inductions for Defence, Spotless, DHA


Subcontractors and workers must complete the induction process before starting work on any Gusher site. This includes agreeing to and signing the safety agreement attached to this handbook.

Subcontractors and workers must observe all rules, regulations, notices, instructions and health and safety requirements applicable to the each work area. These will be explained during the specific site inductions.

Subcontractors and workers shall:

·  take all measures necessary to protect people and property;

·  avoid unnecessary interference with the passage of people and vehicles;

·  prevent nuisance and unreasonable noise and disturbance;

·  comply with all relevant Australian Standards, Australian Construction Code of Practice and National WHS Act and Regulations while working on Gusher sites

Management system

It is Gusher’s objective to provide services in a manner that conforms to:

·  AS 4801 – Safety Management Systems

·  ISO 9001 – Quality Management Systems

·  ISO 14001 – Environmental Management Systems

·  ISO 31000 – Risk Management

Further objectives are to ensure all personnel are:

·  Suitably qualified and competent for the task(s) to be performed

·  Clearly briefed on their responsibilities

·  Provided with adequate resources

·  Trained to maintain required skill and safety standards

Gusher’s management system is audited regularly to ensure it meets our needs, identifies areas for improvement and provides the chance for input and feedback from workers and subcontractors.

Your job

All team members are responsible for ensuring clients receive the standard of service they want in a manner acceptable to the company’s management.

1.  Know what has to be done, and the standards required.

2.  Do the job as set out in your position description.

3.  Ensure the quality of the job meets and exceeds the standards required.

4.  Use the standard methods detailed, but always look for a better way to do things.

5.  Carry out work in a safe manner at all times,


There are a number of policies in place to help provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment.

Work Health and Safety Policy:

Gusher will provide a safe and healthy workplace for all staff, subcontractors and others by:

·  demonstrating strong leadership in setting and achieving WHS goals;

·  identifying and controlling all health and safety hazards and associated risks;

·  consulting with all personnel on decisions that may impact on their health and safety;

·  integrating WHS risk management principles into all of its operations;

·  encouraging a culture of cooperation, initiative and responsibility to maintain a safe and healthy workplace;

·  continually reviewing and improving the health and safety aspects of the management system to eliminate workplace injury and illness.

As part of its compliance processes, Gusher Pty Ltd is committed to:

·  work health and safety

·  rehabilitation

·  compliance with AS 4801 and the Work Health & Safety (WHS) Act and WHS Regulations (2011) requirements

·  establishment of measurable objectives and targets

·  legislative and regulatory compliance

·  continual improvement in all aspects of the company’s operations

·  using all available resources as required in the execution of the company’s WHS responsibilities

·  Federal Safety Commissions Leadership Charter

The objective is to create and maintain a workplace that is free from hazards which may affect persons at work.

In recognition of the company’s duty of care to all persons in the workplace, Gusher has developed and maintains processes to:

·  Include WHS specific responsibilities and accountabilities in position descriptions, and comply with those responsibilities

·  Develop and maintain consultation and communications strategies for WHS

·  Identify and assess WHS hazards in the workplace; control of these hazards; and residual risk evaluation within the guidelines developed in ISO 31000 Risk Management and corporate policies and procedures

·  Develop contractor management systems

·  Provide rehabilitation as a means to promote well-being and maintaining the self esteem of the individual, while returning any injured person to meaningful work as soon as is practicable after any incident

This policy is communicated to Gusher workers, subcontractors and other relevant stakeholders:

·  At induction and re-induction

·  At site induction

·  By display on project site noticeboards

·  Via the Gusher public website.

Authorised: B.L. Malady, Managing Director


This policy shall be reviewed annually by the Managing Director in consultation with workers.

Rehabilitation and Return to Work Policy

Gusher is proactive in its approach to injury management and places strong emphasis on the safe, timely and sustainable return to work program for injured or ill workers.

We are committed to:

·  prompt injury notification

·  communication and consultation with all parties to develop appropriate return to work programs

·  accountability and responsibility for injury management being clearly understood

·  provision of suitable and meaningful activities during the return to work process, and

·  dispute resolution as required.

We will ensure the following positive approach in meeting these objectives, including:

·  early and prompt reporting of injuries

·  appropriate and timely medical intervention and effective return to work planning

·  provision of suitable resources and productive duties for the injured worker

·  positive support and encouragement during the rehabilitation process

·  regular review of incidents and accidents to seek preventive measures and achieve elevated levels of improvement.

Responsibility for implementation of this policy lies with the Managing Director, who may appoint a competent Return to Work Co-ordinator (as required by regulation).

Authorised: B.L. Malady, Managing Director


This policy shall be reviewed annually by the Managing Director in consultation with workers.

Quality Policy

Gusher is committed to carrying out all building and maintenance activities in accordance with the principles of ISO 9001:2008.

It is Gusher’s policy to respond promptly to client needs and expectations and to ensure client satisfaction is a sustainable priority. Management, all sub-contractors and workers are committed to maintaining and improving quality standards.

Gusher’s quality objectives are:

·  Providing customers with consistently high quality services by assessing customer requirements and feedback and translating the results into a consistently high standard of products and services.

·  Ensuring that all workers and subcontractors understand and maintain the required quality standards and maintain those standards at all times for all clients.

·  Maintaining the skills and competency levels of all workers and subcontractors through regular communication and performance feedback at the completion of each major project.

·  Conducting regular reviews of quality standards achieved to promote an environment of constant improvement.

Authorised: B.L. Malady, Managing Director


This policy shall be reviewed annually by the Managing Director in consultation with workers.

Environmental Policy

Gusher is a leading Australian construction company. The companies overall mission is to build high quality construction projects that provide the client with a high level of service. Gusher has made a strong commitment to environmental best practice in all areas of construction. Gusher is committed to continual improvement. These high standards of practice can also deliver benefits to the environment, society and economy

The company will:

·  Identify and manage all operational environmental impacts, and the associated risks and opportunities;

·  Minimise waste-to-landfill and greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the consumption of power, water and natural resources whenever practicable, employ environmental considerations in purchasing decisions and continue to identify areas for improved performance;

·  Work closely with subcontractors, workers, clients, suppliers and other interested parties to continually improve work practices and systems ;

·  Set environmental objectives, targets and monitor our progress against these year on year;

·  Ensure that sufficient resources and capabilities are available to deliver our policy commitments;

·  Provide adequate information and training to enable environmental impacts and opportunities to be identified, prioritised and managed effectively

·  Incorporate environmental management considerations, prevention of pollution into all core business plans and management practices;

·  Comply with applicable legal and other requirements, relevant government policies and relevant environmental management plans;

·  Actively promote and encourage the adoption of ecologically sustainable work practices in all company operations.

·  Make available our policy to the public on our website

The managing director has overall responsibility for policy development and implementation in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001. Management at all levels are required to support our policy commitments and to ensure that subcontractors, workers and suppliers understand and comply with arrangements for policy implementation.

This policy applies to all Gusher construction sites and will be reviewed every three years, or more frequently if necessary, dependant on legislative or operational changes.

Authorised: B.L. Malady, Managing Director


Issue Resolution

·  As soon as possible after an issue has been reported, the Managing Director, the worker and the worker health and safety representative (if appointed) must meet and try to resolve the issue.

·  The resolution of the issue must take into account those of the following factors that are relevant:

Ø  Whether the hazard or risk can be isolated;

Ø  The number and location of workers affected by it;

Ø  Whether appropriate temporary measures are possible or desirable;

Ø  Whether environmental monitoring is desirable;

Ø  The time that may elapse before the hazard or risk is permanently corrected;

Ø  Who is responsible for performing and overseeing the removal of the hazard or risk.

·  If any party involved in the resolution of the issue requests the details of the issue and all matters relating to it’s resolution must be set out in writing by the employer to the satisfaction of all parties.

·  As soon as possible after the resolution of an issue, details of the agreement, in a form that is approved by all parties and in the manner that is agreed by the parties to be appropriate:

Ø  Must be brought to the attention of the workers; and

Ø  Must be reported to the relevant health and safety committee; and

Ø  May be forwarded by the parties to any relevant organisations having jurisdiction over the work

·  At any stage in the resolution of an issue, any party may call in any relevant organisation or specialist advice to assist the parties to resolve the issue.

·  In the event where the issue cannot be resolved an independent arbitrator (preferably an NT WorkSafe representative) will be appointed to assist in the resolution of the matter.

Smoking policy

Our company is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment. The following rules must be adhered to:

·  Smoking is prohibited in enclosed workplaces and in company motor vehicles.

·  Smoking is prohibited in areas where chemicals are stored, and in and around other fire hazard areas.

·  Smoking is prohibited on construction sites or sites where building or renovation is being undertake.

·  Smoking is prohibited on all client premises.

Workers/Subcontractors who wish to smoke may do so in their own time during breaks and shall not smoke whilst carrying out duties and responsibilities for Gusher.

Gusher recognises that smoking is an addiction and that the smoking policy will impact on smoker’s working lives.

Gusher wishes to support workers/subcontractors who want to stop by providing information of stop smoking services.

Issues relating to this policy are to be directed to the Project Manager or Compliance Manager.

Responsibility for implementation of this policy lies with the Managing Director.

Authorised: B.L. Malady, Managing Director


This policy shall be reviewed annually by the Managing Director in consultation with workers.


·  Cigarette butts are a health hazard to Other persons & a fire hazard.