QUESTION 201 TOPIC : Alcohol
Aslamulaikum Hafiz Saab. I intake 2 types of herbal medicine for my health. One which is called Echinacea and the other St John's Wort. Echinacea is made from herbs which are extracted using alcohol and water to capture active constituents. The alcohol is then removed, leaving a very small residue. St John's Wort is made in the same way as Echinacea but all alcohol is removed from it. My question is that are we allowed to use these medicines when alcohol is used in making them (even though it is not the alcohol as we know it)?
There is a difference of Opinion between Scholars of Fiqh regarding use of Alcohol in medication. However In both cases mentioned , it is the understanding of Most of The Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat Imams as permissible.
QUESTION 202 TOPIC : Nicknames
Can you call people nicknames, even though it is out of love?
The Holy Quran from the English translation of the "Kanzul Iman" lays down:
O believers! Let not the one nation cut any joke of the other nation. Perhaps they may be better than them (who joke). And the women should not joke other women. Perhaps they may be better than them (women who joke). And neither find faults in one another nor call one another by nick-names. What a bad thing it is , to be called a disobedient after believing. And those who do not repent, they are the cruel. " (Sura Al Hoojorat , 2nd Rakoo , verse 11)
When a child is born it is said that the Azaan should be said in the right ear and the iqamat in the left. Could you please tell me that the Azaan which is to be said , is it the normal Azaan or the Fajar Namaz Azaan?
Azaan is said in the childs ear , so that the first words the child hears is the name of Allah (SWT).
It is recommended to say the Fajar Azaan , but either Azaan is accepted.
If you miss a namaz what punishment do you receive? And what age do you have to be to read namaz some people say 7 but others say 12, what is the right age?
In the Holy Quran it says : In Paradises, they shall ask each other about the cruels “what has brought you into lower hell?” They will say, “we were not of those who established Salaat (Muslim Prayer)” (Kanzul Iman , Surah Mooddassir 2nd Rukooh Ayat 40-43 , Page 757).
Further it States in a Hadith that “one who has missed namaz; so namaz time has gone past, that person will burn for many Hukbah in Jahanum (hell), every Hukbah is of 80 years, each year being of 360 days”.
Namaz becomes fard when a child reaches the age of adulthood (puberty). Miskaat Shareefs Hadith states that RasoolAllah (SAW) said that at age of seven encourage (teach) your child to pray (give him order (hukm)) and by age of 10 to make sure he will pray even if you have to be harsh with him (warn, shun him if required).
QUESTION 205 TOPIC : Reading behind certain Imams at Certain Mosques
In this day and age, where unity is the key, why is it that Muslims are striving to make our divisions greater and more deep rooted? Please could you tell me whether the claim that praying behind an imam who leads that Jammat in a (so called) Deobandi Masjid, renders your own prayer 'invalid' is true? How can we possibly unite during these dark times when we are kept from attending the places where Muslims meet- (the Masjid)?
Of course one of the biggest needs of the Muslim Ummah in the present time is unity. We need to get together to face the onslaught and the attacks of the infidels or the kuffar, but we have to take that route only within the teachings of Islam.
We can only unite with those who are perfect and complete Muslims.
Namaz is one of the most dearest and pleasing acts that one performs for the pleasure of Allah. So if we are going to appoint somebody as our Imam then we are in reality giving our Salaat in his hands so that he can then put it forward to Allah. We have to be very sure that the person who is becoming our Imam has the qualities and the criteria to take that role. Anybody whose Aqaid are not right does not in any way deserve to become the Imam of a believer.
In the time of Hazrat Sayadana Umar Ibn Khatab (radi allah ho tha alla anh) there was an Imam who always use to recite a certain Surat. As soon as Sayadana Farooqa Azam, the Amir-Ul-Momineen, the greatest man of his time found this out he had that Imam killed. The reason being because even though it is totally permissible to read Surat Abasa in your salaat but it all comes down to the Niyat (the intention). This certain Imam was reciting this Surah because apparently this Surah was revealed to express Allah’s apparent anger to the Prophet (S.A.W).
Once a Sahabi Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Ume Maqtoom (RA) came to the Prophet (S.A.W) and he himself was blind and could not see. At that very time the Prophet (S.A.W) was preaching to the leaders of the Quraish (Utba, Shayba Abu Lahab, Abu Jahl etc.) and because Hazrat Abdullah (RA) did not know what the Prophet (S.A.W) was doing he said "Ya Rasoolallah (S.A.W), Teach me of that which you have been taught by Allah (SWT)." The Prophet (S.A.W) did not pay much attention to Hazrat Abdullah (R.A) because he felt that he should give more importance to his preaching to the non believers because if they were brought into the folds of Islam it would be a great boost for this religion whereas Hazrat Abdullah (R.A) was already a believer so he could be taught later on - so this is why this Surah was revealed. So apparently it seems that Allah has expressed his anger when the Prophet (S.A.W) turned his face away and showed disregard when a blind man came to him.
This is why it is imperative that we have to ensure that the Imam who is leading out Salaat deserves to be in that position.
When we carry out these acts relating to the duniya (worldly things) we ensure we have the best quality. We go around ten shops if we want to buy something - we don’t just pick it up from the first shop.
In the same way Namaz, which is the most important duty upon a believer, its fulfillment must be carried out with great scrutiny and we have to ensure the Imam is capable of becoming our Imam.
Anybody who has the minutest disregard or disrespect for the Prophet (S.A.W) is in no way at all eligible to become the Imam.
Why do we read Kalama after every Namaz, Did Hazoor Pak (SAW) do this?
Reading Kalma Shareef at any time (whether after every Namaz or not), is a good practice to hold, as it brings great blessing and reward. In the Holy Quran (Ninth Sipara) Allah (SWT) says do zirk of Allah both quietly and loudly. Further More RasoolAllah (SAW) has said the best of zikr is la ilaha illalah. It is proven in a Hadith that Hazoor Pak (SAW) did zikr after Farz Namaz.
QUESTION 207 TOPIC : Sleeping
I want to ask the imam, is it ok to go to sleep with your backside facing up or not?
According to a Hadith, this way of sleep i.e.: sleeping on face and stomach is the way of Dozakhi (People of hell). (Tirmizi, Ibn-e-Maja, Mishkath 4498-4486)
Further more Hazret Abu Hurairah RA (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that one day the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) passed by a man sleeping on his belly. He tapped the man with his foot saying: “Such manner of sleeping is loathed by Allah” (Ibn Hibban).
QUESTION 208 TOPIC : Dinosaurs
Do we as Muslims believe in dinosaurs? If the answer is yes, then could you please explain to me as to when were they introduced on earth (i.e. before Hazret Adam (AS) or after).
Believing in the dinosaur is not a fundamental Islamic believe. However evidence shows that such creatures did exist on earth as proven from their fossil and skeleton discoveries. There is no specific evidence in our understanding as in Quran and Hadith Shareef to refer to when dinosaurs’ existed.
How do you know if you are ready for Hajj?
The main signs are reaching adulthood, and having the financial means, thereafter Hajj
becomes Fard. Then you must accomplish the Fard at earliest possible time, ensure the conditions for hajj are fulfilled (completion of haqooq), i.e. pay debts off which are demanded, you have to ensure that you are not causing difficulty to those dependents on you, i.e. that they will survive the period you are not present to provide for them etc.
QUESTION 210 TOPIC : Paradise
I have heard an Alim say that all the Prophets i.e. Hazret Musa (AS), Hazret Isa (AS) etc. ummahs will go to heaven after going to our Prophet (S.A.W). Does this mean all the Christians, Jews etc will all be allowed to enter paradise?
Those Jews to whom Prophet Musa AS (Moses) came, and those Christian to whom Hazret Isa AS (Jesus) came i.e. their ummah who believed and followed their teachings will go to heaven with the intercession of RasoolAllah (S.A.W). After the announcement of Prophet Hood, Allah (SWT) commands all mankind thereafter to follow the teaching of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) (i.e. Islam).
QUESTION 211 TOPIC : Graveyard
Are we allowed to go to the graveyard wearing shoes?
Yes. However some people remove the shoes out of respect.
Do you need to have your ankles showing in Namaz? If so then what about the socks, doesn’t that defeat the object?
It is Sunnah to have trousers above ankles (not to show your ankles), hence it’s not about showing your ankles but rather to accomplish the method of having trousers above ankle.
Can we pray Namaz with half sleeve tops or not?
Hazoor Sadr-u-Sharia Aleh Rehmat (Hazret Moulana Shafi Okarawi RA) says that the one who has proper clothes and still performs Namaz wearing a T-shirt or a Vest it is considered Karahat-e-Tanzeehi and if one does not have proper clothes than there is no Karahat in it, i.e. it is allowed. (Fatawa Amjadia Part 1, Page 193) Allah Ta'ala knows the best.
QUESTION 214 TOPIC : Organ Donation
Are you allowed to donate your organs after you die i.e. make a will?
There is difference of opinion on this issue. Majority of the scholars disallow it and those that allow it have many strict conditions, for example there has to be a guarantee that the organ receiving body will not reject the organ.
QUESTION 215 TOPIC : Funerals
Are we as Muslims allowed to go to the funerals of non Muslims, and also take part?
If the intension is to do dawah (publicise Islamic beliefs) then it is permissible, but do not recite their prayers (taking part in non Islamic recitation or prayers is not allowed).
Aslamulaikum Shaik Saab What does the word Pir Mean, and why is it recommended to follow one? Wasalaam
The word Pir means a guide in Persian. It is mentioned in a Hadith that; if a person has no guide shaitan (Devil) is his guide. Ala Hazret Imam Ahmed Raza Khan has
mentioned conditions for a guide (Pir) to do bayah to:
1) He has to be an Alim (knowledge of Quran Pak and Hadith Shareef)
2) Acts upon his knowledge.
3) Does not do anything contrary to teachings of Islam.
Assalam-o-Alaikum. I am concerned about this question for a long period of time. I believe to go to Dargah of Allah's beloved men, but I have heard from many sources that it is not good for a woman to go to any Dargah (Darbar) as Allah appoint angels to curse the woman soon she starts her Journey from Home to any Dargah (Darbar) and that curse continues by the Angels until she comes back home. Can you please clarify this for me along with the relevant citations of Quran (where Possible) and Hadith. Wasalaam
Wa Alai Kum Asalaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu. Sister we hope this reaches you in good state of health and Imaan inshallah. Your question with the reference refers to a particular Islamic methodology of visiting the graves of the pious people. Ulama have a difference of opinion on the matter, but to the Majority of Ahle Sunnah Wal Jammah; Hanafi school scholars it is permissible for a female to visit Darbars of Awlia Allah alaihi rahmah (with some rules to adhere to). We will explain this below as simply as possible.
We must understand that all the Quran Pak and Hadith Shareef was revealed in events, therefore the reference you refer to (in your question) was given when there was the fear that people who were new to Islam, may indulge themselves into the habit of worshipping graves after so many years of having the habit of worshipping idols. When Islam was fully established and confirmed (rasikh), then that prohibition became mansukh (abrogated).
Then RasoolAllah (SAW) said “nahayta kum an ziyaratil quburi fa zuruha” interpretation of the meaning “I prohibited you from visiting the graves, NOW VISIT THEM” and furthermore Hazrat-e-Aisha RA visited the Grave of the Prophet (SAW) and did so without veil (Hijab) and she later again visited Roza tun Nabi (SAW) after Hazret Abu Bakr Siddique RA was buried next to RasoolAllah SAW and did so without veil (Hijab) and then she visited again after Hazret Umar-e-Farooque RA was buried next and this time she observed the veil (Hijab). Another Hadith relates that Hazret e Aisha (RA) asked RasoolAllah (SAW) what she (RA) should read when visiting a grave and he (SAW) taught her a dua, and not prohibited her from visiting.