Bellingham Girls Softball Association (BGSA)


Please Print Legibly

Name: ______Date:______

Address: ______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______Cell Phone:______

E-mail Address: ______2nd E-mail Address: ______

For clarification: The Bench Coach and Assistant Coach assist the Head Coach.

I am applying to: (please check one of the following)  Head Coach  Bench Coach  Assistant Coach

At the following level of play:

Softball:  Instructional (Grades K-2)  Intermediate (Grades 2-5) Juniors (Grades 5-7)  Seniors (Grade 8-10)

 TwinValley Age Bracket______ Fall Ball Age Bracket______

Have you previously coached in BGSA?  YES NO

If yes: What level? ______What Team? ______Year? ______

Do you have any knowledge of complaints from parents, players, or league officials in your coaching capacity?


Did you turn in your equipment?  YES NO To whom /where did you turn it in?______

Who was your contact person in the league (Director’s Name):______

Are you planning to manage or coach any other sports activities from March to August?

 YES NO If yes, please describe______

List name(s), age(s) and last spring season’s playing level for all of your children registered to play in BGSAthis year:

Player’s Name (first and last) Current Age Level of Play LAST SPRING




Please list all of your coaching experience, including the type of sport, association, age level, dates and city or town where you coached: (use back for additional space if necessary)______

Please list any coaching certification or certificates you have received and any training courses you have attended. Include all dates, locations, and instructor’s name(s) _(use back for additional space if necessary) ______

Head Coach/Assistant Coach/Bench Coach Selection Policy: In addition to teaching softball and administering a team, managers and coaches are charged with developing self-discipline and good sportsmanship, and serving as role models for players and parents, as embodied within the ASA Organization rule books. Evidence of these attributes is collected from a variety of sources and decisions are made based upon these standards, as well as current and prior participation in league activities, administrative requirements, proper care and return of equipment, as well as candidate interviews, Board of Director evaluations, umpire experiences and evaluations and comments received from parents. The Bellingham Girls Softball Association Board of Directors evaluates candidates based upon these standards, and follows safety guidelines in the review of applicants as outlined by ASA Standards. The BGSA requires coaches be selected each year, with no tenure suggested or promised, therefore managing a team one year is not a guarantee of being selected to manage that team in any other year.

I, ______, hereby apply to coach in the BGSA. I agree to abide by the standards of ASA, and observe all of BGSA’s rules, regulations, policies and procedures. I understand that these rules, regulations, policies and procedures may be modified during the course of the season and that it is MY responsibility to remain informed. I also agree, that if selected, I will attend all mandatory coaches meetings, player tryouts, training sessions, and will complete the required BGSA CORI & SORI Background Check. Furthermore, I understand that I may be suspended or removed from my coaching position for violations of, but not limited to, the League Rules and/or Codes of Conduct, policies and procedures as outlined above.


Signature Date