Guildwood Village Community Association

Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting

May 16, 2017

1.  Call to order

A Guildwood Village Community Association Executive Committee meeting was held at Chartwell Guildwood Retirement Residence on Tuesday, May 16, 2017. President Dave Arnold called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. Members in attendance included:

Dave Arnold / Sherry Mikelic
Shelley Angus / Donna Milovanovic
Andy Douglas / Timo Puhakka
Audrea Douglas / Lynda Satelmajer
Judy Baribeau / Bob Taylor-Vaisey
James Gilchrist / Bruce Villeneuve
Leslie Hetherington / Tina Villeneuve
Julia Lakats / Jim Whitney
John Mason

Members not in attendance included: Andrew Macklin, Kathleen Wolfe and Reg Wolfe.

2.  Approval of agenda

M/S/C to approve the agenda as presented.

3.  Guests

4.  Approval of minutes

M/S/C to adopt the April 11, 2017 Guildwood Village Community Association Executive Committee meeting minutes as distributed, with minor changes:

-Correct spelling of Livingston Road

-Insertion on Page 2: “One member commented that for the GVCA 50th Anniversary we had beefed up Guildwood Day.”

-Deletion of GO on Page 4: “Recommendation has been made to move Guildwood parking…”

5.  Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Jim Whitney handed out copies of Year-to-Date (April) Financial Statements.

The bank balance is currently $68,000. There is an additional $5,300 not reflected on the page. Jim requested a list of cheques needed for vendor payments related to Guildwood Day. The most recent payment for the News Views publication is lower. This expense reduction will continue. Jim indicated that changes need to be made to the GVCA banking documents and signing authorities; Bob Taylor-Vaisey needs to be added as the new Vice President and James Gilchrist should be removed. There will be upcoming expenses for the Canada’s 150 event and Guildwood Day. Additionally, an amount of $3,250 will be spent on the Heritage plaque, which will reduce our bank balance in future months. In response to a question about acceptable balances for not-for-profit community groups, Jim will look into community group financial guidelines.

6.  Items for Discussion and Approval







7.  Items in Progress

7.1  Guildwood Celebrates Canada’s 150 Event Update

Advertising in the Spring edition of News & Views, on Facebook and on the GVCA website assisted in selling out the Guildwood Celebrates Canada’s 150 Event. Approximately 800 tickets have been sold and the majority of purchases were made by GVCA members.

7.2  Storage Facility Update

With the construction of a new Guildwood-Chartwell Retirement Home facility this summer, Shelley Angus has advised that all stored items in the old plaza area need to be removed by July 31, 2017. Discussion occurred around planning to clear out the belongings towards the end of June. Bruce Villeneuve will complete paperwork at the storage facility in mid-July. Dave Arnold asked that if Bruce needs further assistance to reach out to the Committee. Further discussions to be held at the June Executive Committee meeting.

A future home for Committee meetings also needs to be arranged. The Guild Inn Estate closes at 5 pm on Tuesdays, and the rental rate for Wednesday evenings would be approximately $250. Leslie Hetherington will inquire with the Church of the Holy Trinity on their availability. Donna Milovanovic suggested checking with Alex from Paul Ainslie’s office regarding what the community group rate should be at The Guild Inn Estate. Tina Villeneuve suggested looking into the Brigadier meeting room at Division 43 Police Station. Another suggestion was made to check with Extendicare.

7.3  News Views – Position Recruitment Update:

The Editor, Advertising Coordinator and Delivery Coordinator are positions that need to be filled this summer. Three individuals have expressed interest for the editorial position. Judy Baribeau and Dave Arnold will be meeting with the candidates on Thursday, May 18. Julia Lakats has expressed an interest to fill the role of the Advertising Coordinator. Julia has spoken with Mike Brennan, the outgoing Advertising Coordinator, and feels she can handle the workload.

The Executive Committee agreed that there were no issues in Julia Lakats filling the role of Advertising Coordinator.

Leslie Hetherington suggested when meeting with the candidates that Dave and Judy inquire into what software graphics do the candidates use? And do they currently have the software?

Dave Arnold suggested that the Association move forward with a previous proposal to use PayPal to receive advertising payments for the Fall edition of News & Views. Since the rates are standardized and no discounts are available, Jim Whitney felt this would be achievable and will follow up.

8.  New Business

Timo Puhakka currently has three cardboard boxes that contain Guildwood Village Community Association documents. He feels that plastic containers would be a better storage alternative. The Executive Committee agreed that Timo can be reimbursed for the purchase of plastic containers.

9.  Committee Reports

9.1  Committee Affairs

Bob Taylor-Vaisey will be meeting with a City representative to discuss traffic issues on June 14 at 10:30 am. Bob will also be meeting with Mitzie Hunter (MPP Scarborough-Guildwood) on May 24, 2017.

9.2  Membership

Donna Milovanovic has inputted at least 740 Memberships from four Guildwood areas. There are six more areas to input. Donna will be purchasing six gift cards for the canvassing draw from Bullock’s Valu-Mart, each valued at $100.

9.3  Friends of Guild Park

John Mason wished to highlight two items from his report: for Doors Open, which will be held on Sunday, May 28, there is a request from some assistance with visitor registration. For much further down the road, John wants to see if the GVCA is interested in participating in a Hallowe’en event on Saturday, October 28 or Sunday, October 29. The Christmas Lighting Event will possibly occur on Saturday, December 2 and the Candy Cane Hunt will possibly be held on Saturday, December 9.

9.4  Guildwood Day

Audrea Douglas will be meeting with D’Arcy Bullock at Bullock’s Valu-mart on Wednesday, May 17. Garbage removal will be handled by the BBQ vendor. There will be no power available at the Greek Theatre, so a generator will be required. Both Bruce Villeneuve and Bob Taylor-Vaisey have generators. Renting one is also an option. Dave Arnold will find out what the requirements are for the band. Power is also needed for two freezers. A meeting should be held with site supervisor Chris Martin. Dave also has a meeting with the school superintendent. Shirley Chung is in charge of organizing the vendor tables.

Tina and Bruce Villeneuve have some flag supplies and John Mason will look to see what is needed to display the flags.

The Sheridan Nurseries Plant Event is being held on Wednesday, May 17. A request was made for Dave Arnold to follow up with Sheridan Nurseries to ensure they are ready for the event.

9.5  CPLC May Report

Report enclosed under Addendum C.

10. Communication and Correspondence

Correspondence received was distributed to the group for review.

The Community Sign Installation proposal was considered by theScarborough Community Councilon May 2, 2017 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on May 24, 2017.

Currently, three locations have been suggested. The primary location preference would be facing southbound traffic at the Guildwood Parkway gates, the second preference would be at facing southbound traffic on Morningside Road, south of the rail tracks. The third preference would be facing southbound traffic on Bethune Blvd, south of Hill Crescent.

The Executive Committee extended their thanks and appreciation to Jim and Jane Whitney for fixing the Guildwood Village sign. Job well done!

11. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn at 8:42pm.

The next Executive meeting is to be held on June 13th at Chartwell Guildwood Retirement Residence.

Lynda Satelmajer, Secretary / Date of approval

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