Mrs. Lori Snell
EHS 2017-2018
Materials Needed●Lab Journal - composition notebook lined (college ruled) NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
●Pencil or pen
●Zip-lock bags
●2 rolls paper towels
●1 box disposable gloves
LAB FEE: $26
Class Norms
Grades are calculated on total points earned during the grading period.
total pts earned = 9wks avg
total pts possible
The value of each individual assignment varies.
Projects and assignments will be announced and discussed in class.
Any assignments missed during an absence will have a zero in iNow until the assignments is made up. / Course Description
Our study of Forensic Science will include five main areas of study – impression evidence, trace evidence, chemical evidence, biological evidence, crime scene investigation, and laws. Our focus will remain on the analysis of evidence using the different sciences and scientific procedures. In addition, case studies and crime scene scenarios will be used to develop an understanding of the issues emerging as the science of forensics continues to develop.
Learning Goals
Develop skills to help facilitate creative thinking and problem solving.
Learn strategies for analyzing evidence.
Improve science skills related to research.
Learn to make predictions and decisions based on measurement,
observations, and calculations.
Units of Study
Week Unit
Week 1 Observational SkillsWeek 2 Crime Scene Investigation and Evidence Examination
Week 3 The Study of Hair
Week 4 A Study of Fibers and Fabrics
Week 5 Pollen and Spore Examination
Week 6 Fingerprinting
Week 7 Crime Scene #1 Evaluation
Week 8 DNA Profiling
Week 9 Blood and Blood Spatter
Week 10 Drug Identification and Toxicology
Week 11 Handwriting Analysis, Forgery, and Counterfeiting
Week 12 Death: Meaning, Manner, Mechanism and Time
Week 13 Crime Scene #2 Evaluation
Week 14 Soil Examination, Forensic Anthropology
Week 15 Glass Evidence
Week 16 Casts and Impressions
Week 17 Tool Marks
Week 18 Ballistics
ALERT: Because this class does cover crime and crime scene, items of
a graphic nature will be used. These items may contain pictures of real
crime scenes, evidence, victim’s bodies, and other materials. All of these
materials will be used in a manner that facilitates learning, and will not
promote crimes and murders and entertainment. The learning process that
will occur in this class are to help students understand how to work crime
scenes and possibly solve crimes, as well as prevent them in the future.
I am looking forward to having you in class this semester. I am excited about all the things that we will learn together this year. You will be the leader of your learning in my class. My hope is that you discover a passion for learning and growing through the experiences we have together this semester.
Please indicate below that you have read and discussed the course syllabus for forensic science and are ready to take on the responsibilities of your learning in this class.
Student’s NameStudent’s Signature
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to spend time and learn with your child this semester. I am looking forward to getting to know your child and their learning strengths and weaknesses. My hope is to foster their strengths and build on their weaknesses so we can grow together as a learning community. My desire is that the skills and dispositions your child learns in my class will carry them confidently into any situation they may face in the future.
Please indicate below that you have read and discussed the course syllabus for forensic science and are prepared to help your child uphold their responsibilities for successfully completing the requirements of this course.
Parent’s NameParent’s Signature
Parent’s email
Home phoneCell Phone
Thank you,
Lori Snell
EHS Science Dept.
Academic Inventory
1.Who is your flex block teacher?______Room #______
2.Which do you think is your strongest subject?
___Math___Science___English ___History___Art___Music
3.What is your favorite subject in school?______
4.What is your preferred method of study?
___Along/Individual___With a partner___In small groups
5.How much time do you spend on school work each night?
___None___5-25 min___30-60 min___60+ min
What is your learning goal for this class this semester?
We will think together about the actions we can take to accomplish this goal as well as the evidence we see that progress is being made.
What will you need from me to be able to accomplish your goal?
What are some things I can do to help you be successful?