Guild Accreditation Application Pack

School/College Details

School/College Name
Website Address
Main Contact Name
Email Address
Guild Membership Number
Do you have Teaching Risk Insurance Cover for yourself AND your teaching staff? / (Yes/No) / Do you have Public Liability insurance cover for your business? / (Yes/No)

Please complete a 100-word description (below or on a separate page) of your training institute as you would like it to appear on

Course Details

Course Name
Qualification Attained
Course Pre Requisite Qualifications
Total Days / Hours practical / Hours Theory
Max. Delegates / How many Case Studies must be carried out? / What form of assessment is used?
Course Description (Max 50 words). Do not use bullet points or CAPS Lock.
Course Name
Qualification Attained
Course Pre Requisite Qualifications
Total Days / Hours practical / Hours Theory
Max. Delegates / How many Case Studies must be carried out? / What form of assessment is used?
Course Description (Max 50 words). Do not use bullet points or CAPS Lock.

Please include copies of relevant course manuals with application. These are best supplied via email along with the completed application forms.

Lecturer/Tutor Details

Lecturer/Tutor Name
Guild Membership Number
Professional Qualifications
Teaching Qualifications
Number Of Years Experience In The Industry
Email Address
Lecturer/Tutor Name
Guild Membership Number
Professional Qualifications
Teaching Qualifications
Number Of Years Experience In The Industry
Email Address
Lecturer/Tutor Name
Guild Membership Number
Professional Qualifications
Teaching Qualifications
Number Of Years Experience In The Industry
Email Address

Please forward photocopies of all your Beauty, Holistic, Nails and Teaching qualifications listed on this form. You must advise us in writing if any new tutors are employed to teach accredited courses.

Venue Resources And Other Accreditation Details

Venue Resources / Yes / No
Does your venue have practical and theory rooms that can safely accommodate the maximum number of candidates attending the course?
Do students have access to sufficient hot and cold water and waste facilities in accordance with the local health authority?
Do you have adequate toilet/changing facilities?
Do you provide sufficient products and equipment for the maximum number of students that you can safely accommodate?
Other Accreditation / Yes / No
Have you ever been refused accreditation by another organisation or insurance provider?
Have you ever had an accreditation application for a course withdrawn?
Have you had your courses accredited by another organisation or insurance company? If yes please give details below:
Other accrediting bodies:

Accreditation Checklist

In order for us to ensure your application is accredited as quickly as possible, please use the following checklist to ensure you have submitted all relevant documentation. Failure to supply all required information will result in a delay.

Forms 1, 2, 3 and 4

Photocopies of each individual tutors Beauty/Holistic/Nail Qualifications relating to the courses that they will be teaching. Copy of each individual tutors CV.

Copies of training manuals for each course that you are applying to have accredited.

Copies of the certificate of training that you will issue to successful candidates.

Accreditation Fee of £495 + VAT (£594.00).

Please note that all fees will be reimbursed in full if your application is not successful.

* We operate with Microsoft 2003 programs. If your material is written in Word 2007 could you please save it in a lower format. To do this, open your document and re-save by going down to the SAVE AS TYPE section (under the File Name section) and select a lower format (you should have the option to save as a Word 2003 document). We will then be able to open the document.


Please return all completed forms to .