Technology Center of DuPage
High School Course Syllabus
Early Childhood Education and Care
Instructors: Jeanne Beauchamp and Helen Figaro
Course Description
This course provides students with an introduction to the field of early childhood education and care. This includesexploration of the ways that early childhood programs support the development of children and the professional role and responsibilities of the early childhood educator.
High School Credit
Classroom/Observations & Lesson Planning/ Preschool/ Level 1ECE Training
Herr, Judy. (2016). Working with Young Children (Seventh Edition). Illinois: Goodheart-Willcox
ECE Credential Level 1. Illinois Department of Human Services and Illinois Network for Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies. (2006). Illinois Department of Human Services and Illinois Network for Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to accomplish the following:
- Identify the various types of early childhood education and care programs.
- Demonstrate knowledge of child development, principles, and theories.
- Identify characteristics of various ages and stages of early childhood.
- Ability to promote children’s health and safety.
- Establish classroom limits.
- Ability to handle daily routines.
- Demonstrate knowledge and ability to guide different areas of the preschool classroom.
Course Requirements
Classroom: While in the classroom students will work on the coursework by following goal packets according to the IGLS system.
- At least one test must be taken to keep on pace and to start lesson planning for preschool
- Students are responsible for keeping track of their own goal work and for (CDA Child Development Associate) hours. Students wanting to receive 120 clocks for the training portion of the CDA must complete the coursework. There are other requirements for the CDA for further details please go on the CDA website
- Students can work on their portfolio while in the classroom. (See instructors for details)
Student will receive a rubric for the portfolio.
Leadership Portfolio Projects
2nd year Students who have completed all of the High School Coursework will be working the Leadership Projects. Student will receive a rubric for these projects
Students will receive CPR training.
Online Assessments
- Illinois Poison Control
- Bloodbourne Pathogens
Certifications are part of the professional portfolio
Workshops/Guest Speakers
Students can receive a certificate of participation attending a workshop event.
Level 1 ECE
There are 16 modules. Training for the Level 1 ECE will be on the days that preschool is not in session. Students need to complete all 16 modules to earn the credential and be eligible for the scholarship.
Observations/Lesson Planning
Students will need to complete an observation sheet for the area of the preschool that they will work in for their week in preschool. (Observation Sheets are located in the Observation Room along with Observation Guidelines) Lesson plans must be completed and signed before entering preschool.
Students implement the activities planned with children. Supervise children at all times. Be responsible for circle time when designated.Students are able to receive some hours towards their CDA credential to meet the requirements for the preschool portion. Self-Evaluation Forms are handed in at the end of the week.
Schedules for each of the program are posted.
- Classroom
- Lesson Planning
- Preschool
Extended Campus
Please see instructor for details
There is a test after each goal packet is completed. An assessment is taken after each module from the Level 1 ECE.
See instructors about projects throughout the year.
Rubrics are posted for each area of the program as well as handed out. See list below
- Classroom
- Lesson Planning
- Preschool
- Circle Time
Grading Scale
“See Rubrics”