Do Now
TLW- / *Use It/Lose It Mon
*Etymology Words Introduced
*Complete practice and benchmark (AIMS) / *Use It/Lose It Tues
*Check Etymology Flashcards
*Understand the process of POW TIDE for writing / *Use It/Lose It Wed
*Etymology Review
*Pull apart a writing prompt using POW
*Identify the parts of TIDE in a reading selection that would be utilized in completion of the prompt / Use It/Lose It Thurs
*Etymology Game
*Pull apart 2nd writing prompt using POW
*Identify the parts of TIDE in a reading selection that would be utilized in completion of of the prompt / Use It/Lose It Fri
*Etymology Class Discussion
*Complete examination of prompts and reading selections w/ organizer
*Quiz on POW TIDE
(Strategies for Involvement) / *Students teaching/explaining Use It/Lose It at Promethean / *Students teaching/explaining Use It/Lose It at Promethean
*Small Groups
*PowerPoint / *Students teaching/explaining Use It/Lose It at Promethean
*Small Groups / *Students teaching/explaining Use It/Lose It at Promethean
*Small Groups / *Students teaching/explaining Use It/Lose It at Promethean
*Small Groups
Practice to
(Student Work) / *Intro. To Etymology Words
*Teacher will model the thinking necessary to complete the AIMS reading test; complete together
*Students will complete the test / *Students will view a PowerPoint presentation explaining POW TIDE
*Teacher will explain the terms POW TIDE and demonstrate how to pull apart a prompt.
*In small groups, students will look at an exemplar and identify TIDE / *Steps of POW TIDE will be reviewed orally (student-led)
*Teacher will model using the TIDE graphic organizer
*Students will work in groups to pull apart a prompt
*Students will use a graphic organizer to identify TIDE - 1st article / *Steps of POW TIDE will be reviewed orally (student-led)
*Students will work in groups to pull apart a prompt
*Students will use graphic organizer to identify TIDE - 2nd article / *Complete examination of articles and organizers
*Quiz on POW TIDE
(Assessment) / *AIMS test
"Use It/Lose It" discussion / *Discussion
*Group Work / *Discussion
*Group Work / *Discussion
*Group Work / Quiz
Reflections / Was the design of this test more difficult than standard MC format? Why? / What is the most important part of pulling apart a prompt? / How do the POW TIDE steps help you? / What is your belief - Are video games harmful? / On a scale of 1-10, how comfortable do you feel with POW TIDE at this point? (1 not at all, 10 very)
/ Etymology Flashcards
Finish reading The Outsiders / Etymology Words Studied
Finish reading The Outsiders / Etymology Words Studied
Finish reading The Outsiders / Etymology Words Studied / Have a wonderful weekend! :)

Teacher/Subject: Wood Enriched ELA Week: August 17 - 21, 2015

Guiding Question: What is POW TIDE? How will I use it in my writing?

Materials: Flocabulary/packet, "Use It or Lose It" (Promethean), prompts/articles, exemplar, TIDE graphic organizer, PowerPoint, quotes