
From Hiroko Saitosan, Japan:

Transcript from Sept 28

Skype Darshan with Sri Bhagavan.


3 years have passed since the great earthquake and tsunami in Japan 2011.

This year, we had the event from July to September in a row to get rid of our Japanese negativity, effect by nuclear accident and to pray for less natural disaster as a collective gathering by Oneness Trainers, Givers and others for 21 days according to Bhagavan's advice.

Sep. 28 was the final day to pray with all and had a big event all over the countryand had a Skype darshan with Bhagavan. This file is the one that Bhagavan talked at this Japanese event.


Thank you for giving us this special opportunity to pray for Japan.

Q: I wish to have a happy family with someone I love. I have prayed and made my efforts for the past 15 years. However, it has not come true yet.

Bhagavan, please tell me what I can do to have a happy marriage and a happy family?

Please bless the oneness family members who have the same wish.

A: You have been trying for 15 years, and nothing has happened. Now if you give up that need or if you get detached to that need, it will happen immediately. I bless you all.

Q: Dearest Bhagavan,

There are people in oneness who think that the money is dirty, and treat making money as if it is an evil thing. Please tell us why wealth/prosperity is important for spirituality.

A: In oneness, worldliness and spirituality are not different. And creation of wealth is not at all bad. Creation of wealth, in face, helps everyone. Wealth creation leads to fulfillment. Fulfillment leads to transformation. Transformation leads to freedom. Freedom leads to awakening. And awakening leads to discovery of God. If you are focused on wealth creation, you are doing a spiritual sadana.

Q: Bhagavan, Please tell us what is the best sadana for success or getting wealth? Setting right the relationship with the parents or releasing charges against money, or participating in wealth deeksha, or participating in sacred chamber process?

A: All this is important, but what is most important is wealth consciousness. Wealth consciousness should not be mistaken with money. Having good parents is wealth. Having a good wife, or a husband, or good children is wealth. Having a good job or profession is wealth. Having good health is wealth. All that you have in various forms is wealth. Even a beggar is wealthy. His begging ball is wealth. You must become extremely conscious of all that you have. That is wealth consciousness. Through practice you could acquire that. Once you achieve that, wealth starts pouring in. It becomes easy to make money. In the ultimate analysis, making money is only a game. There are opportunities everywhere. Once you achieve wealth consciousness you begin to see those opportunities. And people would say you are lucky.

Q: Dearest Bhagavan,

Please tell us more about Oneness Village.

Many Japanese people are very much interested in having Oneness Village in our country. I remember Bhagavan once told in a darshan that we can manage an Oneness Village as a business.

However, there are people who show strong resistance against “business”. It seems they think that the activity for profit is not good. Practically speaking however, it is necessary to have a company that manages the village, and also having a steady financial ground is also indispensable to maintain the village continuously. Will you please explain to us more about how to keep this Oneness village going as a “business”?

A: Oneness also means openness. When we say oneness village, it does not refer to oneness university or us. Oneness means, it is a spiritual hub, a spiritual center. It is like a one stop shop, where all movements, all faiths, all teachers would come and conduct their courses. People could explore all movements, all teachings, and become like one family. Therefore, it has got to be run on commercial lines.

Q: Dearest Bhagavan,

With grace of Paramatma, we are given this amazing opportunity for collective prayers for the last 21 days. We can strongly feel the importance and power of prayers. Will you please tell us what kind of phenomenon we are going to see in Japan and in the entire world, in the field of education, politics, and economy in the future?

A: Everything is going to change. Competition is going to be replaced with cooperation. World would become like one family

Q: Dearest Bhagavan,

Thank you for all your blessing for us all.

How many oneness villages should we have in Japan? We wish to create one in Kamakura, around Tokyo metropolitan area. Please bless us.

A: All the blessings.

Q: Bhagavan, thank you for all your guidance always. I try to talk to my Divine as often as I can and I feel that the bond with my Divine is growing closer. However, there are times when I can get the answer immediately and there are times when I cannot feel or hear any response. Could you please explain what is making these differences? What is happening when we cannot get the answer from our Divine right away?

A: Your connection with the divine depends on the levels of your kundalini. The Kundalini keeps fluctuating. It depends upon the hour or the day, it depends on the atmosphere, the food that you have eaten, and the energy field, and the sensory inputs. It keeps fluctuating. When it crosses the particular point, your connection with the divine is very good. Whereas it falls below the point, you lose the connection. You must learn not to blame yourself. If you keep blaming yourself, things get worse. Please understand you are not responsible. It will come back.

Q: Dearest Bhagavan,

Thank you for your love and guidance always.

During the skype darshan with Japan on the July 27th event, Bhagavan said that they have learned the art of controlling weather in India by praying collectively in the sacred chambers.

I used to think that we have to go into Sacred Chambers individually for deepening our connection with our own Divine or for our own personal wishes. Can a group of people go into the Chambers together if it is for prayers for a country or for the entire planet?

A: Is it effective to do collective prayers in Sacred Chambers with a group of trainers that have strong connection with their own Divine with purpose of avoiding natural calamities including earthquake etc.? In that case, should we use 1st chamber or 2nd or the 3rd chamber? Please tell us more about how we can utilize the sacred chambers for the whole, other than personal growth and wishes.

For handling problems concerning nature, or nations, or countries, you need a big chamber. You could create a special chamber. For example, this hall where you are congregating, could become a special chamber. You can consider that to be a third chamber. And with a proper invocation, you could begin your prayers. Such prayers would be very powerful in handling nature, or the problems of a country.

Q: Dear Bhagavan,

While there are people who have their Divine physical very quickly after they go into the Sacred Chambers, there are also those who do not experience their physical Divine even after participating in the Sacred Chamber process. What is causing these differences Bhagavan? What can we do to have our Divine physical fast?

A: That is because their kundalini levels are low, and in that case they must repeat the process.

Q: Dear Bhagavan,

I would really like to become a spiritual leader. Please tell us what we should do to become a spiritual leader. Also, please give your blessings for this.

A: You need a powerful personal divine to become a great spiritual leader. I would bless you for that.

Q: Dear Bhagavan,

If Paramatma really becomes physical, it feels that oneness villages or spiritual leaders are not needed. Why do we need oneness villages or spiritual leaders?

A: Oneness villages are required to promote oneness in the world.

Q: Dear Bhagavan, we are very very happy to have your Darshan again. Thank you very much. Last year Sacred Chambers began and now around the world God is becoming physicall. n the Bible, The Revelation to John Chapter 21 (The New Heaven and the New Earth) says as follows. "Now God's home is with people! He will live with them, and they shall be his people. God himself will be with them, and he will be their God. He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared. Does this revelation refer to current situations? Thank you, Bhagavan.

A: This revelation in the Bible, refers to oneness phenomenon. When the oneness phenomenon began in the year of 1989, it revealed to us that it is fulfilling the biblical prophecy

Q: Dearest Bhagavan Thank you for all your blessings for us. It was such an impact for us to hear about your retirement. We feel your boundless love to us. Thank you so much Bhagavan. It also seems to us that you are still as busy as you were before. What can each one of us do for you Bhagavan? We would also like to live for you as well. With all our love and gratitude.

A: You have to work and bring about oneness within yourself, then oneness in your family, then oneness in your society, then oneness in your country, and then finally oneness in the world.

Q: Dearest Bhagavan, Thank you for all your blessings for us.

It was such an impact for us to hear about your retirement. We feel your boundless love to us. Thank you so much Bhagavan. It also seems to us that you are still as busy as you were before.

What can each one of us do for you Bhagavan?

We would also like to live for you as well.

With all our love and gratitude.

A: You have to work and bring about oneness within yourself, then oneness in your family, then oneness in your society, then oneness in your country, and then finally oneness in the world.