The ABWE nursery supports parents by providing for the physical and emotional needs of the children of ABWE parents during training and other scheduled events.
ABWE provides these guidelines to provide the best possible care. It is the desire of ABWE to protect the health and safety of its entrusted children and child care workers. We believe that ABWE is a family and that all of the children are “ours” and treat them as if they were our own.
We count it a great privilege to partner with you during this time. Please abide by the guidelines listed below to ensure a smooth training event for you and your children.
- Please make sure you have received and completed the below profile for each child in ABWE’s care. This should be given to the child care worker on your first day of training.
- Please label anything and everything that belongs to your or your child brought to the nursery at ABWE.
- Please bring with you any bottles or cups that may be needed as well as diapers and a change of clothing for each child.
- We prefer you do not bring:
- Personal toys
- Medication. Any medication that needs to be dispensed must be done so by you, the parent. Refrigeration is available if needed for the purpose of medication.
- SICK children. No sick children will be admitted to the nursery for the health of other children. In the event that an illness presents itself in your child, you will be contacted by the nursery staff and if the child is indeed ill, the child will need to be cared for in a different method.
- According to the Center for Disease Control, the following guidelines are to be the determining factor for bringing children to the nursery at ABWE:
I: Vomiting within the last 24 hours
II: Fever greater than 101 within the last 24 hours
III: Diarrhea within the last 24 hours
IV: Childhood disease symptoms such as chickenpox, etc.
V: Strep throat, lice, pink eye, unexplained rash.
- We will strive to keep your child as safe as possible, but in the event of any incident or accident, you will be notified in a timely manner.
- Only parents will be permitted in the nursery to drop off and pick up children. No other siblings or adults will be allowed to retrieve children at the end of the training day.
- Immunization schedule to be followed for admission to the ABWE nursery as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics:
- Age birth to 6 months: HepB, RV, DTaP, Hib, PCV, IPV including any multiple doses or boosters
- Age 12 to 18 months: as above and including MMR, Varicella and HepA
- Older than 18 months: as above and any required multiple doses or boosters
- Please refer to the site for more guidelines.
- Children are welcome to participate in the meal provided to the parents, but absolutely NO special meals will be provided for children based upon preference or allergy requirements. Parents are welcome to bring sack lunches for their children and refrigeration is available.
This form must be completed by the parents for each child that will be under the supervision of the ABWE and be returned by email to your event coordinator for your training event.
AGE:______ALLERGIES: ______
Parents: ______Cell# ______
Is your child taking any medications? _____ Please explain if so:______
Is your child current with the above guideline for immunizations?
YES______NO______If, NO, please explain______
Approximate date of child’s last illness ______Type of illness ______
- Does child nap in a.m. ______p.m. ______both______
- Specific habits – needs pacifier, sleeps on stomach, side, back, etc.______
POTTY TRAINED – YES ______NO ______
Special Instructions: ______
If applicable please indicate your permission below:
Child may be strolled around courtyardYes ___No____
Child may have juiceYes___No____
Child may have Cheerios and/or Gold FishYes___No____
Child may play in courtyard Yes___No____
I understand that the information provided on this form will be held confidential between family and persons who need to know. If medical attention is required I understand this information may be released to medical professionals. I also understand that ABWE is not, nor needs to be, a licensed day-care facility in the state of Pennsylvania and I an ultimately responsible for the care of my child while on ABWE property.
Signed Date