Introduction to Ecology (BISC 204) Literature Review
A literature review is a critical analysis of a research paper. By “critical”, we mean that you apply your critical thinking skills to:understand the purpose and evidence of the paper, evaluate whether the conclusions of the paper are warranted, and extend the study to think about a reasonable next step.
The objectives of this assignment are to:
- Produce a written review of research published in a scholarly journal article
- Gain experience providing and receiving constructive feedback on critical writing
- Give a short (3 min.) presentation briefly summarizing your written review
Important Due Dates (in tutorial):
Written Review—Rough Draft / Week of October 3rdWritten Review—Final Draft / Week of October 9th
Oral Presentations (tentative) / Week of November 2nd and November 9th
You will choose a paper to review in your tutorial section, and your TA will explain the process for selecting papers. You will produce a written review that provides a concise overview of 1) the key question addressed in the paper, 2) the key results, and 3) a brief discussion of the broader implications of these results for general ecological understanding. For this assignment, we will help you structure your review (below). Specifically for the written review, you should include one short paragraph to address each of the three components of a good literature review (1. a-c below). You will help one another during the Week of October 3rd by providing “peer-review” of each other’s work. This is a great opportunity to improve your written review as well as your fellow student’s.
Instructions for the WRITTEN REVIEW
- Briefly address the following (1 paragraph each):
- What idea or question was examined in the paper and how did the researchers carry out the study?
- What did their results show and what did the authors conclude and why? Include a copy of the most important Figure from the paper you reviewed and explain it.
- From your perspective, in what ways do the results from this study help advance our general understanding of ecological systems (i.e. what is at least one broader conclusion from the study)?
- Additional requirements for the WRITTEN REVIEW.
- The written review should be no more than 2 pages long, typed using 12 point font, 1” margins, and double spacing.
- Include 1 key figure from the paper (this counts against the 2 pg. limit!)
- Do not include a cover page, which wastes paper
- Include the full citation for the paper according to the style presented in tutorial at the top of your review.
- Papers should be written using complete sentences and organized into paragraphs.
- Please proofread your review. Part of the grade will be based on your use of correct spelling and grammar.
- Abide by the plagiarism guidelines, and do not quote directly from the paper.
Instructions for the PRESENTATION
- You will have exactly 3 minutes for your presentation (ideally 1 slide each for points 1a, 1b, and 1c of your written review, but it’s up to you)
- You may use no more than 3 slides in support of your presentation (submitted to your TA in advance)
- One slide must include the figure you chose to include in your written review
- Presentations must be made in Powerpoint. The TA’s will explain the specific requirements and deadlines for submitting your presentations to them.
Academic Dishonesty
Please note that this assignment must represent your own, original ideas and all writing and presentation slides must be your own work. You are welcome to discuss your chosen paper with other students in the class, your TA’s, and the instructor as often as you like, but the written review and your presentation slides must be your own. Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty and will not be tolerated in any form.
Written review evaluation sheet
Your TA will place checkmarks along the continuum from weak to strong for each point listed and then provide you with final numeric score out of 10 points. The written component of the assignment is worth 5% of your final course grade.
Writing & Conventions: (2/10 points) / weak / average / strongFormatting: 1” margins, 12pt font, maximum 2 pages double spaced
Full citation included in the style of the journal Ecology. No title page!
Figure included & appropriate (graphical representation of research data)
Writing is clear, logical, and concise
Writing is free of spelling and grammatical errors
Quotations are not used; Information is summarized in students own words
Content: (8/10 points) / weak / average / strong
Purpose of the research is clearly & correctly stated
Summary of the approach is clearly & correctly stated
The data shown in the figure is clearly described (i.e. Relationship between the independent and dependent variables correctly & clearly stated.)
Interpretation of results clear and well-reasoned given data
Provided at least one reasonable broader conclusion of the study’s findings
Participated in peer review exercise: YES / NO
Oral presentation evaluation sheet:
Your TA will place checkmarks along the continuum from weak to strong for each point listed and then provide you with final numeric score out of 10 points. Theoral presentation is worth 5% of your final course grade.
Paper review presentation: (10/10 points) / weak / average / strongPurpose of the research is clearly & correctly stated
Summary of the methods are clearly & correctly stated
Figure from paper clearly displayed correctly described
Interpretation of results clear and well-reasoned given data
Provided at least one reasonable broader conclusion of the study’s findings
Student spoke clearly & was easily understood
Slides areclear and easy to understand (if used)
Presentation met time and slide limits (max 3 min, max 3 slides)
Literature Review Assignment, Biology 204, Ecology