Guidelines for IEP Teams Transferring Students to and from the Transitional Learning Center (TLC)

The McPherson County Special Education Cooperative, Reno County Special Education Cooperative (RCEC), and Hutchinson Public Schools collaborate to provide a special purpose day school for students with serious emotional disturbance who are unable to function successfully in regular school settings and in lesser restrictive environments. RCEC employs the staff and administers the program. Following is information about the referral process and admission.

Referral Process

It is McCSEC policy when IEP teams are considering the Transitional Learning Center (TLC) as an educational placement option for a student, the Case Coordinator contacts the TLC liaison for McCSEC and Director of Special Education.

The IEP team must ensure that a recent Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA) has been completed and a Behavior Intervention Plan is in line with data collected during the FBA process. There is a fine line between being too quick or delayed when considering Transitional Learning Center as an educational placement option for students. In order for the student to have the most appropriate educational services, the IEP team (including the Behavior Specialist) and Case Coordinator are encouraged to contact the TLC liaison for McCSEC and Director of Special Education early in the consideration process. IEP teams are encouraged to use the guidelines below in their considerations.

TLC Placement Considerations

It is McCSEC policy to use Transitional Learning Center as a service/placement option on the continuum of special education services for the following:

  • students identified with Emotional Disturbance or other severe behavioral issues,
  • students transitioning from another day school, or
  • students previously enrolled in Transitional Learning Center.

The following are TLC guidelines, developed by the special education directors from McCSEC, RCEC and Hutchinson Public Schools.

  1. The student has been identified as a student with a disability and has severe behavioral issues that interfere with his or her ability to be educated in a less restrictive environment.
  1. The student is at least in 3rd Grade and his/her chronological age is no more than 21 years.
  1. The student has been receiving special education services at least 2/3 of the school day, the school’s resources have been utilized and remedies, at this level, have been exhausted. In addition, it has been determined that the student requires greater structure in which to learn.
  1. The student’s IEP teamhas determined that the day school is the most appropriate and least restrictive placement for the student. Data supportive of this decision may include, but are not limited to the following:
  2. A Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA) has been completed and all resulting recommendations exhausted in the regular school setting.
  3. A Positive Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is currently in place.
  4. A recent reevaluation has been completed.
  1. The school district within which the student resides is able to substantiate that the student cannot be educated in a regular school setting.
  1. If the student has a history of violence, special consideration will be made in order to ascertain the magnitude of this problem with regard to the appropriateness of a placement at Transitional Learning Center.
  1. The home district shall be responsible for developing the IEP that indicates the least restrictive environment is Transitional Learning Center.

Transitional Learning Center will annually develop a school calendar. Students attending Transitional Learning Center will follow this calendar.

When the student has made significant behavioral progress and sustained positive behaviors over time, TLC staff will contact the TLC liaison for McCSEC and Director of Special Education. A meeting will be conducted to determine the most appropriate, gradual reintegration plan back to a less restrictive educational setting.