Topten laser printers
Guidelines for Frontrunner Public Procurers
Product group covered: / All laser printers, both colour and monochrome.
Product availability: / All products listed at meet the criteria listed below.
Potential energy savings:[1] / The energy consumption of similar products can vary considerably – The most efficient laser printer consumes 80% less energy than an inefficient model with a similar printing speed.
Potential cost savings:1 / In the following example, a saving of €219in electricity costs would be achieved over 5 yearscompared to an inefficient model with a similar printing speed in ppm (pages per minute).
The energy consumption of a laser printer is largely determined by the printing speed, so havingslower laser printers canmake even more significant savings in energy costs. In the example below a total of €352 could be saved over 5 years with a slower printer:
Inefficient model / Topten MFD
Speed / Cost / Speed / Cost / Saving[2]
45ppm / €415 / 47ppm / €196 / €219
24ppm / €63 / €352
Procurement criteria – Updated: July 2012
The following criteria can be inserted directly into tendering documents. The specifications are updated continuously. The newest versions are always available at
Technical specifications: /- Products must meet the latest criteria of the ENERGY STAR Programme Requirements for Imaging Equipment.
Verification:Products carrying the ENERGY STAR label will be deemed to comply. Alternatively, bidders may demonstrate compliance with the above requirements by another objective third-party means or by supplying test results in respect of their product demonstrating that the criteria are met.
- In addition to the above requirements, products must not exceed the following maximum Energy Efficiency Index (EEI, in %)
colour 1 – 20 ppm / 40%
colour 21 – 100 ppm / 50%
monochrome / 60%
I.e. the Typical Energy Consumption (TEC) of the product must only reach these proportions, or less, of the maximum ENERGY STAR TEC for that particular type and speed of printer.
NB:Please refer to the Appendix for a table in which maximum TEC values fulfilling these requirements have been calculated for each speed of printer.
Verification:Bidders must supply test results demonstrating that these requirements are met according to the methodology set out in the ENERGY STAR Programme Requirements for Imaging Equipment (Version 1.1). ENERGY STAR’s TEC limit values can be found in this document and hence the EEI of a product may be calculated.
TEC values for products can be verified by:
- Producers’ declarations, found in catalogues, on the web or upon request
- Declarations by ‘ENERGY STAR’
Award criteria (optional): / X% of the total marks available will be given to products equipped with an automatic double-sided copying function (duplex unit).
Notes on implementation
- Energy Efficiency Index (%)
The Energy Efficiency Index (EEI, in %) is calculated by Topten based on the product’s TEC and Energy Star’s TEC limit value: EEI= TEC*100/TEC limit value. The lower a product’s EEI, the better is its energy efficiency.
Maximum EEI values for Topten laser printers relate to TEC limit values in the following way:
- Colour printers of speeds between 1-20ppm must only use 40% or less of the TEC required by ENERGY STAR for the speed of printer in question
- Colour printers of speeds between 21-100ppm must only use 50% or less of the TEC required by ENERGY STAR for the speed of printer in question
- Monochrome (black & white) printers of all speeds must only use 60% or less of the TEC required by ENERGY STAR for the speed of printer in question
Please refer to the Appendix for a table containing maximum TEC values for products of each printing speed up to 100ppm, in black & white and colour, which fulfil these Topten requirements.
- Market checks
National websites may also be used by procurers to check that there are products on the market that meet Topten criteria in a particular country. Links to Topten websites in many different European countries can be found on .Appearance on national websites should not be used as a means of verification of technical specifications however, as performance is based on self-declaration by suppliers.
- Duplex printing
Printing double-sided can save even more energy than choosing an energy efficient laser printer. The production of paper consumes a considerable amount of energy, therefore reducing paper consumption by printing on both sides contributes to energy saving.
- Using award/evaluation criteria
The exact model used for evaluating compliant tender bids will vary from authority to authority. If you apply this criterion however, it should be given a significant weighting (at least 10-15%) in the evaluation scheme.
Specification 2 requires that laser printers must not exceed the following maximum TEC in kWh/week.
All products with TEC values below these thresholds are considered to be Topten laser printers until the criteria are updated in response to development of the market:
Speed (ppm) / Max. TEC / Speed (ppm) / Max. TEC / Speed (ppm) / Max. TEC / Speed (ppm) / Max. TECb/w / Colour / b/w / Colour / b/w / Colour / b/w / Colour
1 / 0,60 / 1,16 / 26 / 1,26 / 2,70 / 51 / 4,53 / 6,33 / 76 / 9,78 / 13,60
2 / 0,60 / 1,20 / 27 / 1,32 / 2,75 / 52 / 4,74 / 6,50 / 77 / 9,99 / 13,95
3 / 0,60 / 1,24 / 28 / 1,38 / 2,80 / 53 / 4,95 / 6,68 / 78 / 10,20 / 14,30
4 / 0,60 / 1,28 / 29 / 1,44 / 2,85 / 54 / 5,16 / 6,85 / 79 / 10,41 / 14,65
5 / 0,60 / 1,32 / 30 / 1,50 / 2,90 / 55 / 5,37 / 7,03 / 80 / 10,62 / 15,00
6 / 0,60 / 1,36 / 31 / 1,56 / 2,95 / 56 / 5,58 / 7,20 / 81 / 10,83 / 15,35
7 / 0,60 / 1,40 / 32 / 1,62 / 3,00 / 57 / 5,79 / 7,38 / 82 / 11,04 / 15,70
8 / 0,60 / 1,44 / 33 / 1,68 / 3,18 / 58 / 6,00 / 7,55 / 83 / 11,46 / 16,05
9 / 0,60 / 1,48 / 34 / 1,74 / 3,35 / 59 / 6,21 / 7,65 / 84 / 11,88 / 16,40
10 / 0,60 / 1,52 / 35 / 1,80 / 3,53 / 60 / 6,42 / 8,00 / 85 / 12,30 / 16,75
11 / 0,60 / 1,56 / 36 / 1,86 / 3,70 / 61 / 6,63 / 8,35 / 86 / 12,72 / 17,10
12 / 0,60 / 1,60 / 37 / 1,92 / 3,88 / 62 / 6,84 / 8,70 / 87 / 13,14 / 17,45
13 / 0,60 / 1,64 / 38 / 1,98 / 4,05 / 63 / 7,05 / 9,05 / 88 / 13,56 / 17,80
14 / 0,60 / 1,68 / 39 / 2,04 / 4,23 / 64 / 7,26 / 9,40 / 89 / 13,98 / 18,15
15 / 0,60 / 1,72 / 40 / 2,10 / 4,40 / 65 / 7,47 / 9,75 / 90 / 14,40 / 18,50
16 / 0,66 / 1,76 / 41 / 2,43 / 4,58 / 66 / 7,68 / 10,10 / 91 / 14,82 / 18,85
17 / 0,72 / 1,80 / 42 / 2,64 / 4,75 / 67 / 7,89 / 10,45 / 92 / 15,24 / 19,20
18 / 0,78 / 1,84 / 43 / 2,85 / 4,93 / 68 / 8,10 / 10,80 / 93 / 15,66 / 19,55
19 / 0,84 / 1,88 / 44 / 3,06 / 5,10 / 69 / 8,31 / 11,15 / 94 / 16,08 / 19,90
20 / 0,90 / 1,92 / 45 / 3,27 / 5,28 / 70 / 8,52 / 11,50 / 95 / 16,50 / 20,25
21 / 0,96 / 2,45 / 46 / 3,48 / 5,45 / 71 / 8,73 / 11,85 / 96 / 16,92 / 20,60
22 / 1,02 / 2,50 / 47 / 3,69 / 5,63 / 72 / 8,94 / 12,20 / 97 / 17,34 / 20,95
23 / 1,08 / 2,55 / 48 / 3,90 / 5,80 / 73 / 9,15 / 12,55 / 98 / 17,76 / 21,30
24 / 1,14 / 2,60 / 49 / 4,11 / 5,98 / 74 / 9,36 / 12,90 / 99 / 18,18 / 21,65
25 / 1,20 / 2,65 / 50 / 4,32 / 6,15 / 75 / 9,57 / 13,25 / 100 / 18,60 / 22,00
[1] These represent rough figures comparing the best product currently available, with an inefficient model available on the market– see for more details.
[2]Based on electricity price of €0.15/kWh