Caloundra State Primary School

Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students

based on The Code of School Behaviour

1.  Purpose

Our Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students supports the provision of a safe and productive learning environment for all, creating conditions for each learner to progress towards self-management. Parental support is an integral component to ensure success for all students.

The Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students has been developed over time and in consultation with many stakeholders. This policy is an evolving document as it remains responsive to continuous improvement and effectiveness. It is accountable to our stakeholders to ensure learning outcomes are maximised and a supportive environment is nurtured where non-violent, non-coercive and non-discriminatory language and behaviour are fostered.

2.  Consultation and data review

Caloundra State School has developed this plan in collaboration with our school community. A review of school data relating to attendance, absenteeism, school disciplinary absences, school opinion surveys and behaviour incidents occurs twice a term to maintain relevance. This is managed by the school PBL team.

The Plan was endorsed by the Principal, school staff, the President of the P&C and (Regional Executive Director or Executive Director (Schools) in April 2016, and has now been reviewed in 2017 as required by legislation.

3.  Learning and behaviour statement

Our school community believes in -

-  accepting the traditions, habits, cultures, beliefs and differences of individuals whilst respecting the traditions of school, state and nation,

-  encouraging all school members to reach their potential,

-  respecting the rights of everyone to learn and teach to the best of their ability without fear of ridicule or disruption

-  supporting each person as they learn to become socially and personally responsible citizens

-  negotiating conflict resolution in a fair and equitable manner through peaceful behaviours, practices and procedures

-  trusting and supporting one another in ways that demonstrate respect for the safety and well-being of all its members, and

-  actively listening as essential if we really care for others and our school.

These beliefs operate most effectively in a supportive school environment where:

·  all members feel safe and valued

·  curriculum programs, interpersonal relationships and the organisation of the school produce “quality” social and academic outcomes for all

·  non-coercive, equitable behaviours and practices are used in the school’s policies, procedures and curriculum programs

·  school policy reflects both proactive steps to encourage self-management and self-evaluation, and reactive procedures to address individual situations as they arise

·  all avenues of management are employed prior to the use of suspension and exclusion.

Our school community has identified the following school values to teach and promote our high standards of responsible behaviour.

4. Processes for facilitating standards of positive behaviour and responding to unacceptable behaviour

Universal Behaviour Support

To promote and encourage the desired standards of positive behaviour, it is essential to communicate those standards to all students. At Caloundra State School, we recognise the importance of directly teaching students the behaviours we want them to demonstrate at school.

A set of behavioural expectations in specific settings has been attached to each of our four school values. The Whole School Expectations Teaching Matrix below outlines our agreed values and specific behavioural expectations in all school settings. This is the foundation of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (PBL) program that is implemented across the school. PBL is a preferred model of managing student behaviour. It helps our school to create a positive learning environment by developing a proactive whole school system.


Matrix of Expectations

Be a Learner
Every student at Caloundra State School is a learner. As a learner you will…
Be Safe / Be Respectful / Be Responsible
All Areas / ·  Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself
·  Walk on concrete areas
·  Enter building only when a teacher is present
·  Solve problems with words
·  Use equipment safely
·  Move around the school with a buddy / ·  Use manners and polite language
·  Follow adult instructions
·  Respect the differences in others
·  Respect and care for our school environment
·  Respect others personal space and property
·  Wait your turn / ·  Be in the right place at the
·  right time
·  Wear correct uniform at all times
·  Be honest
·  Ask for help if you need it
Learning Areas / ·  Enter a room only if a teacher is present
·  Walk
·  Ask permission to leave the room / ·  Raise your hand to speak
·  Respect others right to learn and the teachers right to teach
·  Encourage others
·  Stay in your space
·  Be an active listener
·  Follow class rules / ·  Be organised
·  Listen to instructions
·  Try your best
·  Be persistent
·  Stay on task
·  Participate fully in learning activities
Eating Areas / ·  Sit in the correct area to eat
·  Use good hygiene
·  Put lunch boxes away / ·  Use manners / ·  Put rubbish in the bin
·  Eat own food
·  Put lunch box away
Play Areas / ·  Be sun safe; wear school hat
·  Wear shoes and socks at all times
·  Stay in bounds
·  Play school approved games / ·  Play fairly
·  Use Stop/Walk/Talk / ·  Use school approved equipment
·  Return borrowed equipment
·  Play in designated area
Toilets / ·  Take a buddy
·  Wash hands / ·  Respect the privacy of Others / ·  Use toilets before school and during breaks
·  Use the correct toilets
·  Keep toilets clean
·  Flush toilet
Tuckshop / ·  Line up single file / ·  Wait quietly
·  Use manners / ·  place orders before school
·  Collect orders before breaks
Transitions / ·  Move between classes in an orderly manner in two straight lines
·  Use arrows and walk on the left side of pathways and stairs
·  Enter and exit rooms in an orderly manner / ·  Wait quietly
·  Walk quietly
·  Be respectful of other classes / ·  Line up sensibly at bell time
·  Move promptly from class to eating areas
·  Move promptly to class after breaks
Before and After School / ·  Follow bike and road safety rules
·  Use supervised crossings
·  Wear correct safety equipment
·  Sign in when late
·  Sign out when leaving early
·  Walk bike/scooter in school grounds
·  Go straight home or to an agreed location / ·  Represent your school with pride
·  Be respectful and courteous to everyone / ·  Leave valuables at home
·  Take mobile phones to the office before school
·  Stay in the undercover area until the first bell
·  Store bags, bike, scooters and skateboards in the correct location

Responsible Behaviour Plan - Caloundra State School Last printed 26/10/2017

Stop, Walk and Talk

Stop, Walk and Talk is a strategic way to deal with bullying and other types of inappropriate behaviour. Students are taught the Stop, Walk and Talk processes and are given practical examples of its application. The Stop, Walk and Talk steps are referred to constantly and utilised when solving or debriefing incidents.

The Stop, Walk and Talk consists of three steps:

1)Stop or I will report

2)Walk away

3)Report to an adult that you trust

School Parade

Weekly awards are presented on parade to students who demonstrate the school values focus key for that week.

Ongoing reminders are given to students regarding the focus for the week and the desired behaviours to achieve this.

Visual Reminders

Throughout the school, visuals are posted of the four school values and of the Expectations Matrix.

Responsible Behaviour Plan - Caloundra State School Last printed 26/10/2017

Caloundra State School implements the following proactive and preventative processes and strategies to support student behaviour:

·  A dedicated section of the school newsletter highlighting and explaining the four school values

·  School Wide Positive Behaviour Committee regularly meeting to share whole staff positives, negatives and concerns. The School Leadership Group is also a forum to express issues or ideas

·  Behaviour induction delivered to all new staff by a member of the Behaviour Committee or Leadership Group

·  A Behaviour Induction Folder be assigned and explained to relief teachers

·  Behaviour induction in week 3 of each term, delivered by the Deputy Principal to all new students

·  Use of support services and external agencies to develop individual support profiles, enabling staff to make the necessary adjustments to support these students consistently within the school setting

·  Actively involving carers in the support processes and procedure being implemented

·  A Student Leadership program that rewards students who are role models with the position of Student Leader

Acknowledgement of Expected School Values

At Caloundra State School, communication of our key messages about behaviour is backed up through acknowledgement, which provides students with feedback for engaging in expected school values. A formal recognition system has been developed. This acknowledgement system is designed to increase the quantity and quality of positive interactions between students and staff.

Outlined below are the proactive strategies and programs implemented to foster and promote a safe and supportive school community.

Proactive practices in positive behaviour reinforcement include:

·  Individual Classroom reinforcement – Each teacher develops and implements positive reinforcement schedules within their classroom to recognise and reward student efforts to meet whole class expectations. These expectations operate in conjunction with the whole school focus. This may range from verbal praise and acknowledgement, social interaction with their peers, choice of activities etc.

Schoolwide Encouragers

Caloundra Rewards Outstanding Children (CROCs)

·  CROCs will be used throughout the school

·  CROCs will be themed for the core values of safety, respect, responsibility and learning

·  Staff are encouraged to hand out CROCs liberally for appropriate behaviour

·  Each class teacher to have a method of recording how many CROCs a student or their house is given such as a chart, tally on board, behaviour book or goal sheets

·  Class CROC draws are conducted weekly to determine winner of weekly Slushy voucher that is awarded on parade

·  House Captains will gather CROC house points from each class twice a term and report points to the Deputy Principal

·  Each term a CROC celebration day will be held where students participate in activities such as a movie, disco, or games

·  At week five and ten whole school parades students gather in the hall to hear the winning CROC house for the term.

·  The winning house trophy will be displayed in the classrooms for the next term.


·  Weekly awards on parade are to reflect the school’s values.

·  Teachers use school values templates found in the PBL file.


·  A range of postcards has been developed outlining the school values that teachers can send home to parents.

Morning Tea with the Stars

·  Each term the Principal will host a morning tea and invite one student from each class.

·  The selected student should be the one who has consistently displayed the school values.

Lunch Activities

·  Lunchtime Library Program – students are given the opportunity to play various board games, computer based activities, craft and read in a supervised, calm environment, enhancing cooperative and social skills.

·  Craft, Dance & Chappy games are timetabled on various day at lunch times.

·  Junior Leaders – Year 5 & 6 students take on leadership roles to organise and implement lunchtime games for lower school students.

At school, a student who behaves appropriately, in a respectful, friendly manner, will receive positive rewards such as stickers, CROCs, certificates etc. However, for this student, the natural consequences of their behaviour choice will be far more beneficial and satisfying in that the student will develop strong friendships and positive interactions.

5.  Targeted behaviour support

In most cases the challenging behaviours of students requiring targeted support may not be immediately regarded as serious, but the frequency of their behaviours may put the students’ learning and social growth at risk if not supported.

Students requiring further support are presented at the Student Support Services Team meeting which is held weekly. Prior to the meeting the class teacher, gathers all relevant information and parent/carer consent to present the student referral at the meeting. Upon reviewing all the relevant information a course of action is devised on how to best support the student, teacher or parent.

In addition to the whole school focus, strategies to assist students requiring targeted support include:

·  Student Support Services referral

·  Guidance Counsellor referral

·  Behaviour Support Consultant intervention

·  Chaplaincy support

·  Mentor

·  Supported lunch time play

·  Buddy class

·  Teacher aide assistance

·  Restorative practices

·  Alternative timetable

·  Individual program modification

·  Individual reinforcement schedule

·  Communication Card

·  Parent/carer involvement in working with the school support team to develop an appropriate adjustment

·  Community agency involvement

Targeted support is coordinated by a school-based team with active administrator support and staff involvement. The team constantly review the adjustments, the response process, and the reporting responsibilities of staff and of the students being supported. A record of the student’s behaviour and the targeted support applied is used to gauge if /when more intensive support is warranted.

6.  Intensive behaviour support

Caloundra is committed to educating all students, including those with the highest behavioural support needs. We recognise that students with highly complex and challenging behaviours need comprehensive systems of support.

The Student Support Services Team:

·  works with other staff members to develop appropriate behaviour support strategies