The form should be completed by the organiser in overall control of the event (or a member of the CSSC Event Team).
CSSC is bound by the Health and Safety at work Act (1974) and current Health and Safety legislation to ensure that all volunteers and participants of those undertaking activities are not exposed to risks to their health or safety.
- Ensure that you have either visited the venue or have information from someone who has. Enter the date visited in the box.
- Ask the venue about their Public Liability Insurance and Risk Assessment for the area being used. The venue should be able to supply you with a photocopy of both (and as a very minimum their public liability certificate).
- Check that members with any type of disability will be able to access the venue and facilities with the ability to move around freely.
- Ask to see the changing and toilet facilities and make sure that they are clean and hygienic.
- Get details of how to contact any on site first aider ( number) in case of emergency. Make sure you know where the nearest hospital with an A & E department is situated and how to get there.
- Make yourself aware of fire exits and procedures (and any fire alarm tests) so that you will be able to pass this information onto competitors and officials.
- Check the availability of space for spectators and procedure for their admittance.
- Check entry forms for any pre-existing medical conditions (e.g. asthma, angina, diabetes etc.).
- Any other sports specific notes that could be useful.
- Send form to the event team and copy in Regional Sports Liaison officer. Contact details on next page.
On the Day
- Completely check over the venue – playing areas, access etc. Report any defects or issues to venue staff and note them in the comments section (along with the name of the person you reported them to).
- In adverse weather, determine if playing conditions are suitable for play and ensure that participants have the appropriate clothing.
- Make all emergency procedures known to players and officials
- If an accident or incident occurs please complete the appropriate report form and remember to pass this on to the relevant person at the end of the event (this could be a regional officer or the CSSC Events team)
- Recommend a warm up for competitors and check on medications that may be required for those with pre-existing medical conditions (e.g. whereabouts of inhalers for asthmatics)
- Add any other useful information
The person carrying out the check should then sign and date the checklist which should be forwarded onto the events team.
National & Regional Events / Contact DetailsNational Event Team /
01494 888439
01494 888348
01494 888434
01494 888407
Sport Liaison Officers / Contact Details
Eastern – Martin Leaver
North East – Chris White
North West – Pete James
Midland – Donna Edwards
South West – Binny Fraser
Scotland – Rona Duncan
Wales – Nigel Williams
Yorkshire – Nicki Stowe /
Health and Safety Guidelines