Action & Impact Review meetings

Guidelines for Case Presentation

The purpose of this guidance is to help the Action and Impact meeting members understand the nature of the case that is to be presented. It will provide consistency to all case presentations with focus applied to solution formulation. This document does not need to be submitted prior to the meeting.

This form is to be kept by the person presenting the case and should act as a preparation tool for A&I meetings. Members of the Action and Impact meeting will have details of the case, but will not have sight of this form.

Please be mindful that case presentations need to be under 10minutes long to allow sufficient time for discussion.

What you want from the Action and Impact meeting?

Be specific about what you are looking for; i.e. new strategies, guidance, new case lead etc?

Family demographics (composition) / history

List names and other family details, date you first started working with family, type of contact and approx. how many times you had contact. This should include brief history encompassing, mental health, substance misuse, religious factors, medical factors etc.

Describe family and or individual strengths

To be based on factual experience drawing on scenario’s that clearly demonstrate resilience

Tell us about the intervention strategies used

Which members of the family have you worked with? What have you done so far? Provide brief examples of the interventions carried out

Evaluate the effect of your intervention

How do you think your intervention has impacted on the family/individuals?

Child’s Voice

How do the children feel, what would they like to see happen?

Summary of current status

Describe the prominent factors at the last contact with family; use this section to note your concerns (please use factual statements where possible and if recording opinion please make that clear)

Identify goals short term and long term?

Do the family have any goals (including the children’s goals); what goals do you have for the family

What agencies (if any) are currently involved with the family?

List all agencies who are currently working with the family

What is your current / future plan with the family?

What will your service continue to do with / offer for the family? What is your current care plan (if you have one)