Guidelines for Affiliation of Independent Ministries to become a part of Higher Faith Ministries Inc.
In response to requests from other ministries to be accepted as a part of Higher Faith Ministries and to be considered as an affiliate the following guidelines have been drawn and established by the board of Higher Faith Ministries Inc.
Article 1: Name
Any church/ministry seeking to become an affiliate of Higher Faith Ministries must be willing to incorporate “Higher Faith or Higher Faith Ministries into the name of the organization ie “Higher Faith House of God” or “House of Prayer, an affiliate of Higher Faith Ministries”.
Article 2: Government
Section 1: Higher Faith Ministries Inc is and will remain the overhead governing organization and at no time shall any affiliate ministry attempt to set up governing rules that supersede the constitution and bylaws of Higher Faith Ministries.
Section 2: Affiliate ministry shall maintain the right and responsibility of appointing leaders within their own ministry and are responsible for seeking and following God’s directions in doing so.
Article 3: Financial Responsibilities
Section 1: Higher Faith Ministries cannot and will not support the affiliate church financially and is not responsible for any financial or personal obligations the affiliate church may have incurred or will incur in the future.
Section 2:The affiliate church will be responsible for all insurance, expenses, etc that are associated with the church and Higher Faith Ministries can in no wise be held liable for these items.
Section 3: The affiliate’s internal government maintains control over finances of the church and seeing that all documents are filed in appropriate and timely manners with local and national civil governments
Section 4: The affiliate recognizes that tithing is important and understands tithes should be paid accordingly to help support Higher Faith Ministries.
Article 4: Ministry Responsibilities
Section 1: Affiliate agrees to follow and abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of Higher Faith Ministries Inc.
Section 2: Affiliate agrees to welcome and recognize ministers who are sent by Higher Faith Ministries Inc to teach and minister in their church.
Section 3: All ministers of affiliate church must be licensed through Higher Faith Ministries.
Section 4: Affiliate agrees to follow the teachings and practices that are specified in the bylaws of Higher Faith Ministries. The following is taken from the bylaws of Higher Faith Ministries to show the teachings and practices that are specified:
Article 3: Doctrines and Practices
Section 1. We believe the Holy Bible is the inspired word of the Most High God. We believe it was given to man for the guidance and inspiration in the living of a Christian life. We believe that in the Bible we will find guidelines for the day to day living of a Christian lifestyle. We believe it to be the final authority in all matters of faith, doctrine, duty, and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21) It is the only inspired word of God and is not to be added to nor taken away from. (Revelation 22:18-19) We believe and use for all purposes the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Section 2. We believe a person’s sins are forgiven through accepting the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of the world. We believe in public water baptism by immersion as an act of showing the world that we have come out from among them and choose to live a life devoted to serving the Lord.
Section 3: We believe that it is the responsibility of all Christians to tithe one-tenth of all their increase unto the Lord (Leviticus 27:30-33).
Section 4. There shall at no time be allowed any form of idolatry, witchcraft, tarot reading, fortunetelling, Ouija boards, or any other type of occult or evil object, device, or practice associated with and known to be used by those who do not serve the Lord on any premise being occupied or owned by Higher Faith Ministries Inc.
Section 5. There shall at no time be allowed any form of merchandising to take place within any room or building used for purpose of holding church services. We believe this is God’s holy place and shall be a house of prayer. (Matthew 21:12-13, Isaiah 56:7)
Section 6. We believe in the gifts of the Spirit being fully operational in the church.
Section 5: Higher Faith Ministries Inc believes in the Trinity of the Godhead being represented by the Father, the son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Any ministry seeking to affiliate with Higher Faith Ministries must also believe in the Trinity of the Godhead and may not teach or allow to be taught anything contrary to such.
Article 5: Rights and Privileges
Section 1: Higher Faith Ministries Inc grants the right to the affiliate to use the name Higher Faith Ministries as a way to show they are affiliated with an overhead organization
Section 2: Higher Faith Ministries agrees to provide spiritual guidance and support to pastors and ministers through whatever means are necessary as deemed by the governing board of Higher Faith Ministries Inc.
Section 3: Higher Faith Ministries Inc agrees to provide links to existing website of the affiliate on their domain and website and also to list the church as an affiliated church.
Section 4: Higher Faith Ministries Inc retains the right to remove the affiliate from affiliated status at any time should the governing board of Higher Faith Ministries determine that the affiliate is violating the agreement in any way. At such time, should this become necessary, the affiliate shall no longer be eligible to use Higher Faith or Higher Faith Ministries as part of the name of the ministry and shall immediately remove it from the title.
Article 6: Ratification
Any ministry or church seeking to become an affiliate of Higher Faith Ministries shall approve and agree to operate under such guidelines as have been stated above. At this time an application for affiliation can be made.