1. John 1:1-18 An affirmation of the whole body.

2. Luke 10:27 Stewardship of our bodies.

3. Connections between neurons are critical. Lots of them, and complex and physical!

4. Three simple, ‘no-brainer’ ways to maximize your brain.

a. Exercise

i. Destin Mesner/ODD; Spark, John Ratey

ii. “This is your brain on exercise…”

iii. Learning Readiness PE / academic excellence at NCHS

iv. Brain Breaks

b. Diet

i. Appleton Central Alternative High School

ii. CDCP – Obesity – Not the problem but a critical symptom

iii. Dr Lustig, Sugar, the Bitter Truth.

iv. Toxins effects; harms or tricks our brains

c. Play/Rest/Sleep

i. “Copy/paste”; the brain needs a Sabbath

ii. Play for “Practice and Programming”

iii. Play for “Processing and Performance”

iv. Play – three inventories

5. Health and Wellness Ministries in the congregation…

6. Story and the Brain.

7. “Brain Breaks” explained.

8. The EYES have it over the EARS.

9. Brain Changes - Are kids (and younger adults) different today?

i. Digital Natives vs Digital Immigrants and even Foreigners

ii. Is the Church speaking the native language? And the brain’s language?

iii. Experience wires the brain!

13. Implications in the local school and church.

14. Questions and comments.

More Resources

1. WheatRidge.org – grant application help, resources, connections…

2. “Naperville High School www.learningreadinesspe.com

a. “Brain Breaks” activity book (from WheatRidge.org)

3. David Katz

a. ABC for Fitness– movement for elementary age and younger.

b. Activity Bursts Everywhere – movement for the rest of us.

c. http://health.usnews.com/health-news/blogs/eat-run/2012/09/13/were-not-fat-because-were-lazy how to respond to the obesity crisis.

4. Brain Rules, John Medina, ( http://brainrules.net/ )

5. PBS Frontline – Digital Nation; Charlie Rose Series: The Brain

6. The Dana Foundation; focused on brain research. ( http://dana.org )

7. Dr David Walsh (www.sayyestono.org) (http://drdavewalsh.com/ )

8. Taking Back Childhood; http://www.nancycarlssonpaige.org/ and also regarding technology and creativity http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/is-technology-sapping-childrens-creativity/2012/09/12/10c63c7e-fced-11e1-a31e-804fccb658f9_blog.html

Mark serves as Church Relations Representative for Wheat Ridge Ministries

www.wheatridge.org 503-551-5055

One Pierce Place, Ste 250E, Itasca, IL 60143 630-766-9066