

The Professional Driver

Guideline For Contact persons


Handbook For Contact Teachers

Project Group:

·  Teppo Nikkinen, Mikkeli, Finland

·  Kari Kenttämaa, Boden, Sweden

·  Charles Galaasen, Oslo / Rune Apneseth, Førde, Norway

·  Erik Viggo Hansen, Odense, Denmark


1.  Guideline for contact persons (responsible teachers)

We welcome you to this guideline developed to take care of all questions connected to young students and apprentices (below named students) going abroad.

Students interest in going abroad is rising and more teachers get involved in those different foreign affairs, to qualify the contents of the students stay we need to link the contact persons professionally. To rise the quality in the students preparation this project aims to qualify and target all relevant information available.

The contact person is responsible for helping the contact teacher organizing the information. The student is as far as possible responsible for sending and receiving all information concerning the stay.

If you, as contact person experience that topics are not answered in this guideline, please let one from the Project Group know and we will revise it. It has to be dynamic and continuously developed.

1.1  Guideline for contact persons sending students abroad

Target Group: Contact persons/Teachers who cooperate with contact persons abroad and who are responsible for sending students abroad

Make Memorandum of Understanding with the receiving contact person in the foreign country containing Learning Outcome containing the issues and goals for the student – eventually according to certificate supplement and Learning Agreement (see enclose example)

-  Agreements on:

o  Preparation

§  Send Letter of Motivation, Europass CV and if needed copy of passport

o  Ask questions to contents during the stay

§  Lessons, training etc. at school?

§  Practising in a Company?

§  Name and information of contact person (school/company)

§  Addresses for college and company?

§  Inform of timetable for travelling

o  Accommodation

§  Prices

§  Address to stay

o  Ask for

§  Clothes:

·  For working / winter

·  Safety shoes

·  Helmet

·  Gloves

·  Certificates?

·  Etc.

§  Spare time possibilities: link (does the student need to bring equipment? Diving, ski, hockey, handball, tennis, scouting etc.)

1.2  Guideline for contact persons receiving students from abroad

Target Group: Contact persons/Teachers who cooperate with contact persons abroad and who are responsible for receiving students from abroad

Agree on Memorandum of Understanding with the sending contact person in the foreign country including Learning Outcome and Learning Agreement and accept the contents (goals) for the student

-  Agreements on:

o  Preparation

§  Receive Letter of Motivation and Europass CV

§  Make appointments with own school and a company

§  Timetable for travelling from the foreign contact person

o  Proposals for contents during the stay

§  Organize lessons, training etc. at school

§  Organize practising in a Company

§  Note name and information of contact person (school/company)

o  Arrange accommodation

§  Prices

§  Address to stay

o  Propose

§  Clothes for practical work, be aware of temperature (warm/cold)

§  Spare time possibilities: link (does the student need to bring equipment? Diving, ski, hockey, handball, tennis, scouting)

Make a list keeping information concerning the students in the class (template from Teppo)

-  Details

o  Name

o  Age

o  Qualifications (divers licences etc.)

o  E-mail

o  Telephone no.

o  Accommodation address

o  Etc.

2.  Handbook for contact teachers (international module teacher)

We welcome you to this handbook developed to take care of all questions connected to young students going abroad.

To rise the quality in the students preparation this handbook aims to describe what to do to be as well prepared as possible before the student leave the home country.

The student is as far as possible responsible for sending and receiving all his/her own information concerning the stay. The contact teacher is responsible for supporting the student organizing the information and responsible for cooperation with the contact person.

If you, as contact teacher experience that topics are not answered in this handbook, please let one from the Project Group know and we will revise it.

Target Group: Teachers preparing the students to go abroad

Responsible for the students preparation process:

·  Letter of Motivation

·  Europass CV

·  Prepare the Learning Agreement describing the Learning Outcome

·  Insurance

·  Criminal report (many companies ask for them)

·  Go through the checklist with the student (see below):

·  Support the student arranging flights

·  Budget/costs: Food, accommodation, travelling between school/company/accommodation

·  Sign in at Facebook – Transmobility

·  Make a blog and inform while abroad

·  Safety boots – make sure if you can use shoes or if you need boots

·  Winter clothes/safety clothes

·  ISEC Card

·  Health insurance card

·  For students under 18 the guardians must be present at a meeting for signing documents for the student to go abroad.

·  Credit cards / cash

·  Partnership contract, to be run through and signed

·  Grant agreement, to be signed and to be explained

·  Travel insurance, national/European health insurance cards, pass port

·  The obligation to hand in relevant documents (travel documents, insurance documentations, contracts and evaluations)

·  A percentage of the grant will be paid to your account when the above mentioned points are completed

·  Information of rules – what is allowed/not allowed during the stay

Students checklist

¨  Choose country

¨  Company or college? Combination?

¨  CV

¨  Europass - languageskills

¨  Accommodation

¨  Economy (grants, from authorities/state, wage)

¨  My amount of own contribution ______EUR

¨  Credit Card

¨  Passport

¨  Insurance

¨  Tickets (best and cheapest ways to travel)

¨  Internet (in connection to accommodation)

¨  Contract (International Dpt./Company)

¨  Started a blog

¨  Facebook Group (Transmobility)

¨  Budget for my travel

¨  Cultural possibilities

¨  ISIC Card: International Student Identity Card

¨  Proper clothes and footwear for working

¨  Driver’s license?

¨  EU qualification?

¨  Driver card? (Tacho)

¨  Etc.:______

My notes:

My name:

General information for the student:

The obligation to stay for the full period of mobility (except force majeure: documented illness, diseases in near family etc.)

Obligation to check your e-mail once a week and to answer emails from your school and contact persons.

You cannot return before the planned mobility period ends and without an approval and acceptance from your own school and insurance company. If you do or if you caused yourself to be sent home before time, you have to pay back the full amount and other costs related to your early return.

Obligation to fill in different kinds of documents, before, under and after your stay and send back by e-mail to your school within a week.

Obligation to write a diary on a regular basis. If you are member of Facebook group, you should only use the Facebook group for uploading photos and your diary. For things that deal with formalities and economy, you should use your e-mail and write to your school directly.

The European funding will be paid to the students account minimum one week (maximum two weeks) after all documents have been signed by student, foreign workplace/college and student’s own college.

Obligation to be a role model for other students and to be willing to tell about your stay to other students at your college.

When you go abroad, you are a representative for your country, your school and international mobility for VET (vocational and educational training)-students.

If you are over 18, you are looked upon as a responsible person capable of handling different situations and you have to realize that in legal terms in all European countries you are fully responsible for your own actions.

If you are under 18 you are looked upon as a responsible person capable of handling different situations, but legally you are still considered a child and in case you get in touch with authorities (hospital, police etc.) in a foreign country, your parents or your national embassy will be considered as your legal representative.

Your Network:

Student’s contacts

1. ( Mother)

2. (Father)

3. (Other)

Sending school:

1. (International coordinator)

2. (Head of department)

3. (Teacher)

Receiving school:

1. (International coordinator)

2. (Head of department)

3. (Teacher)

What to do if something happens:

The student has to get in touch with the contact teacher or an other legal person from his/her own school as soon as an important question or a difficult situation occurs.

Medical, dental or other precautions:



If yes, please explain: ______

I have participated in a meeting with


International department


Teacher contact person from student’s department




The guardians, if the student is under 18

Confidentiality: This document will be kept by the international coordinator of the sending college and the receiving college.

After Mobility

Evaluation meeting with international coordinator and contact teacher

Obligation to complete an evaluation – EU’s Mobility Tool. You will get a guideline.

Hand in the European Mobility document (EuroPass) to your own school

Obligation to finish the blog/diary from the mobility and hand it to the school

Make a Power Point-presentation or something similar about the mobility

The last rate of the funding will be paid to your account when abovementioned points have been completed and approved by your school

List of contact persons


South Savo Vocational College, P.O.Box 165, Raviradantie 4-6, FI-50101 Mikkeli -

Jarkko Leppa , Teppo Nikinen

Savo Vocational College, PL 87, FI-70101 Kuopio

Esa Heikkinen , Tel +358 44 785 3364


SOTIN, Opplæringskontoret for Service og Samferdsel BA, Alfaset 3, Industrivei 27, N-0668 Oslo -

Charles Galaasen, Oslo,

Rune Apneseth, Førde,


Björknäsgymnasiet Transportteknik, Bodens kommun, Besöksadress: Smidesvägen 6, Postadress:Idrottsgatan 4961 64 BODEN - .

Kari Kenttämaa, Yrkeslärare, , Telefon: +46(0)921-625 82. GSM: +46(0)70-208 71 55


Horizon College department Transportation and Logistics, Umbriellaan 2, 1702 AJ Heerhugowaard, Netherlands (silent partner) -

Represented by- Eloy Braamhaar


IVic, Avinguda Sant Bernat Calbó 8, 08500 Vic (Barcelona) -

Cristòfol ESTRELLAi PADILLA, , Coordinador de mobilitat, Tel. 938891878


Berufliche Schule des Kreises Segeberg in Norderstedt, Moorbekstr. 17, D-22846 Norderstedt

Maren Neumann, , Tel. +49 4533 8213, Mobil +49 160 96434015


SDE College, Transport & Logistic, Petersmindevej 1, DK-5000 Odense C

Erik Viggo Hansen, , Tel. +45 23 46 69 83. Finn H. Andersen, , Tlf. +45 26800018