Table of Contents
Part 1: School Data Dashboard / 3Part 2: District and School Vision / 5
Part 3: Bloomfield District Priorities and School Goals
Priority 1: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment (High Academic Achievement)
Priority 2: Holistic Accountability
Priority 3: Positive School Climate
Priority 4: Parent and Community Engagement / 6-8
Part 4: School Assessment Data Analysis
Science / 9-15
Part 5: School Objectives and Strategies / 16-25
Part 1: School Data Dashboard
Carmen Arace Middle School
American Indian or Alaska Native / Asian / Black or African American / Hispanic or Latino / Two or More Races / White / Free or Reduced Lunch / Limited English Proficient / Special Ed / TOTALENROLLMENT
0 / 1 / 217 / 30 / 10 / 3 / 156 / 4 / 34 / 261
0% / 0% / 83% / 11% / 4% / 1% / 60% / 2% / 13%
Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun
2011-2012 / 97% / 97% / 96% / 95% / 95% / 95% / 96% / 96% / 96% / 94%
2012-2013 / 98% / 97%
Sanctions / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun
Out of School / In School Suspensions 2011-2012 / 1/0 / 15 /7 / 4 /3 / 11/5 / 27 /3 / 16 /8 / 22/24 / 7 /12 / 16/4 / 7 /32
Out of School / In School Suspensions 2012-2013 / 7/8 / 15/5
Part 2: District and School Vision
The Bloomfield Public Schools will be a high-performing district with a positive climate of inclusion, an expectation of competitive academic achievement and a culture of meaningful parent and community engagement.
Carmen Arace Middle School shall be a child-centered, parent-engaged, community-nurturing and academic-excellent learning environment for all students. Our vision statement is intended to serve as both the blueprint for improvement and the benchmark by which we will evaluate our progress.
The Mission of Carmen Arace Middle School, through a partnership of students, staff, families and community, is to ensure every student has the skills to build a strong social and academic foundation, in order to transition into a successful high school student and responsible member of the community. This mission is accomplished by providing a challenging, research-based curriculum that meets individual needs and is delivered in safe environment by a dedicated nurturing staff.
Part 3:Bloomfield DistrictPrioritiesand School Goals
Priority 1: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment (High Academic Achievement)
School Goal 1: Reading
- The percentage of 7th grade students scoring At or Above Goal in Reading will increase from 72.1% to 77.1% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March, 2013.
- The percentage of 7th grade students scoring At or Above Proficientin Reading will increase from 85.7% to 90.7% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT, administered in March, 2013.
- The percentage of 8th grade students scoring At or Above Goal in Reading will increase from 65.6% to 70.6% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March, 2013.
- The percentage of 8th grade students scoring At or Above Proficient in Reading will increase from 76% to 81% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March, 2013.
School Goal 2: Math
- The percentage of 7th grade students scoring At or Above Goal in Math will increase from 51% to 57% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March,2013.
- The percentage of 7th grade students scoring At or Above Proficientin Math will increase from 80.7% to 86.7% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March,2013.
- The percentage of 8th grade students scoring At or Above Goal in Math will increase from 42.3% to 48.3% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March,2013.
- The percentage of 8th grade students scoring At or Above Proficient in Math will increase from82.9% to 88.9% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March,2013.
Part 3: Bloomfield DistrictPrioritiesand School Goals
School Goal 3: Writing
- The percentage of 7th grade students scoring At or Above Goal in Writing will increase from 55.9% to 60.9% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March,2013.
- The percentage of 7th grade students scoring At or Above Proficient in Writing will increase from 78.9% to 83.9% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March,2013.
- The percentage of 8th grade students scoring At or Above Goal in Writing will increase from 52% to 57% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March,2013.
- The percentage of 8th grade students scoring At or Above Proficient in Writing will increase from 85% to 90% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March,2013.
School Goal 4: Science
- The percentage of 8th grade students scoring At or Above Goal in Science will increase from 41.3% to 46.3% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March,2013.
- The percentage of 8th grade students scoring At or Above Proficient in Science will increase from 64.3% to 69.3% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March,2013.
Part 3: Bloomfield DistrictPrioritiesand School Goals
Priority 2: Holistic Accountability
School Goal 1: School and Instructional Data Teams
- 100% of Carmen Arace MiddleSchool teachers will participate on at least one data team.
- 100% of Carmen Arace MiddleSchool data teams will use and adhere to norms and processes as measured by the CSDE Standards for School and Instructional Data Teams Rubric administered in May, 2013.
Priority 3: Positive School Climate
School Goal:
- The percentage of families who indicate that bullying is a problem at Carmen Arace Middle School will decrease from 59.5% to 49.5% as measured by the District Climate and Satisfaction Survey administered in May, 2013.
Priority 4: Parent and Community Engagement
School Goal:
- To ensure effective involvement of parents and support a partnership with the community, Carmen Arace School will implement a “Welcoming Schools “ Plan,a School, Family, Community Action Team Plan, and a School-Parent Compact during the 2012-2013 school year as measured by completed school plans and parent participation data for school year 2012-2013.
Part 4: School Assessment Data Analysis
The table below shows performance in Mathematics, Reading and Writing (% At/Above Goal, % At/Above Proficient) for the school over a three year period. The last column shows if our school was higher than (+) or lower than (-) the previous year.
The bar graph below shows results for this school comparing performance in each grade with the State in Mathematics, Reading and Writing for % At/Above Goal and % At/Above Proficient.
Part 4: School Assessment Data Analysis
2012 Connecticut MasteryTest
- Individual strand analysis shows that 94% of students in grade 7 are at/above proficiency in Strand A: Forming a General Understanding
- Individual strand analysis shows that 92% of students in grade 7 are at/above proficiency in
Strand D: Examining the Content and Structure
- Individual strand analysis shows that 93% of students in grade 8 are at/above proficiency in Strand D: Examining the Content and Structure
Identified Need/Concerns:
- Individual strand analysis shows that Strand B: Developing Interpretation is an area of concern for 7th graders scoring at 87% at /above proficiency
- Individual strand analysis shows that Strand C: Making Reader /Text Connections is the weakest area with only 70% of 7th graders at/above proficiency
- Individual strand analysis shows that Strand A: Forming General Understanding is the weakest area for 8th graders with only 48% of students at/above proficiency
- Individual strand analysis shows that Strand B: Developing Interpretation is weak with 64%of 8th graders at/above proficiency
- Individual strand analysis shows that Strand C: Making Reader/Text Connections is also weak with 74% of 8th graders at/above proficiency
Cohort Analysis:
ReadingPercent At/Above Proficient / Change / Percent At/Above Goal / Change
6 to 7 / 2012 / 87.2 / (2) / 70.9 / (5.4)
2011 / 85.2 / (1) / 65.5 / (-4.7)
2010 / 84.2 / 70.2
7 to 8 / 2012 / 85.7 / (9.5) / 72.1 / (9)
2011 / 76.2 / (2.6) / 63.1 / (8.8)
2010 / 73.6 / 54.3
Implications/Next Steps:
- Curriculum and pacing review
- Professional Development of researched-based effective teaching practices
- Weekly/bi-weekly grade level content meeting with literacy consultant
- Bi-weekly progress monitoring including a week for re-teaching
2012 Connecticut Mastery Test
Math Analysis
7th grade – Individual strand analysis shows % of mastery by strand
- 99% of 2012 6th grade students mastered Math content strand #1 – Place Value
- 97% of 2012 6th grade students mastered Math content strand #18 – Spatial Relationships
- 96% of 2012 6th grade students mastered Math content strand #19 – Tables, Graphs and Charts
8th grade – Individual strand analysis shows % of mastery by strand
- 89% of 2012 7th grade students mastered Math content strand #2 - Pictorial Representation
- 75% of 2012 7th grade students mastered Math content strand #21 – Probability
Identified Need/Concerns:
7th grade – Individual strand analysis shows % of mastery by strand
- 39% of 2012 6th grade students mastered Math content strand #25 – Math Application
- 49% of 2012 6th grade students mastered Math content strand #11 – Estimating Solutions to Problems
- 49% of 2012 6th grade students mastered Math content strand #16 – Customary and Metric Measures
8th grade – Individual strand analysis shows % of mastery by strand
- 26% of 2012 7th grade students mastered Math content strand #16 – Customary and Metric Measures
- 30% of 2012 7th grade students mastered Math content strand #13 – Computation with Percents
- 30% of 2012 7th grade students mastered Math content strand #23 – Algebraic Concepts
Cohort Analysis:
MathematicsPercent At/Above Proficient / Change / Percent At/Above Goal / Change
6 to 7 / 2012 / 95.7 / (5.4) / 72.2 / (4.8)
2011 / 90.3 / (-1) / 67.4 / (-7.4)
2010 / 91.3 / 74.8
7 to 8 / 2012 / 80.7 / (0.1) / 51 / (-3)
2011 / 80.6 / (-6.2) / 54 / (6.1)
2010 / 86.8 / 47.9
Implications/Next Steps:
- Curriculum and pacing review
- Professional Development of research-based effective teaching practices
- Weekly/bi-weekly grade level content meetings with math facilitator
- Bi-weekly progress monitoring including a week for re-teaching
2012 Connecticut Mastery Test,
Writing Analysis
- 98% of 2012 grade 7 students mastered Direct Assessment of Writing
- 96% of 2012 grade 8 students mastered Direct Assessment of Writing
Identified Need/Concerns:
- 34 % of 2012 grade 7 students mastered Composing/Revising
- 52% of 2012 grade 7 students mastered Editing
- 33% of 2012 grade 8 students mastered Composing/Revising
- 52% of 2012 grade 8 students mastered Editing
Cohort Analysis:
WritingPercent At/Above Proficient / Change / Percent At/Above Goal / Change
6 to 7 / 2012 / 88.6 / (2.3) / 75.6 / (15.5)
2011 / 86.3 / (-3.7) / 60.1 / (-7.4)
2010 / 90 / 67.5
7 to 8 / 2012 / 78.9 / (0.3) / 55.9 / (16.2)
2011 / 78.6 / (1.9) / 39.7 / (-8)
2010 / 76.7 / 47.7
Implications/Next Steps:
- Curriculum and pacing review
- Professional Development of research-based effective teaching practices
- Weekly/bi-weekly grade level content meetings with literacy consultant
- Monthly progress monitoring including bi-weekly re-teaching
2012 Connecticut Mastery Test,
Science Analysis
Comparison of data from the Average Scale Score for Bloomfield compared to the State.
- Highest performance in Literacy, Numeracy, and Inquiry: Bloomfield 11.9; State 13.8
- Life Science: Bloomfield 10.6; State 11.6
Identified Need/Concerns:
Comparison of data from the Average Scale Score for Bloomfield compared to the State.
- Earth Science: Bloomfield 9.9; State 11.5
- Physical Science: Bloomfield 10.2; State 11.5
Science Data:*A cohort analysis is not available because students are tested in grades 5 & 8
SciencePercent At/Above Proficient / Change / Percent At/Above Goal / Change
8 / 2012 / 64.5 / (1.4) / 41.9 / (.8)
2011 / 63.1 / (2.1) / 41.1 / (2.8)
2010 / 61.0 / 38.3
Implications/Next Steps:
- Review content from grades 6-8
- Incorporate inquiry labs to deepen content knowledge and experience.
- Utilize effective teaching strategies for vocabulary and comparing concepts.
- Utilize data teams to structure content and consistency.
- Monitor data with Common Assessments
Part 5: School Objectives and Strategies
Priority: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment (High Academic Achievement)
- Ensure high academic achievement for all students by redesigning and strengthening the academic rigor and fidelity of implementation of the District’s curriculum, instruction and assessment to align all practices with Connecticut’s Common Core State Standards in reading and math.
School Goal 1: Reading
- The percentage of 7th grade students At/Above Goal in Reading will increase from 72.1% to 77.1% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMTadministered in March, 2013.
- The percentage of 7th grade students At/Above Proficient in Reading will increase from 85.7% to 90.7% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered inMarch, 2013.
What is the intended impact of SAP strategic work on targeted student outcomes? / What is the intended impact of SAP strategic work on adult practices? / What key strategies will be undertaken in each priority area for successful implementation of the School Accountability Plan?
The intended impact is measured by CMT Change over time: 2012-2013.
- Carmen Arace MiddleSchool will deliver an annual increase of 5% of 7th grade students attaining At/Above Goal in Reading on the CMT.
- Carmen Arace Middle School will deliver an annual increase of 5% of 7thgrade students attaining At/AboveProficient in Reading on the CMT.
- A rigorous curriculum aligned with Common Core Standards will be implemented for 7th grade students in Reading.
- 100% of teachers will effectively embed the curriculum in lesson planning, instructional delivery and assessment as measured by the Teacher Evaluation system.
- A rigorous assessment system aligned with the Common Core State Standards will be implemented at Carmen Arace Middle School in Reading.
Curriculum Implementation Strategies:
- Develop and implement Units of Study
- Align school resources to Common Core
- Create end of unit student Performance Task
- Powerful Strategies for Effective Teaching
- Student Accountability Plans
- Progress Monitoring
- Analysis of CFA’s
Part 5: School Objectives and Strategies
Priority: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment (High Academic Achievement)
- Ensure high academic achievement for all students by redesigning and strengthening the academic rigor and fidelity of implementation of the District’s curriculum, instruction and assessment to align all practices with Connecticut’s Common Core State Standards in reading and math.
School Goal 1: Reading
- The percentage of 8th grade students At/Above Goal in Reading will increase from 65.6% to 70.6% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March, 2013.
- The percentage of 8th grade students At/Above Proficient in Reading will increase from 76% to 81% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered inMarch, 2013.
What is the intended impact of SAP strategic work on targeted student outcomes? / What is the intended impact of SAP strategic work on adult practices? / What key strategies will be undertaken in each priority area for successful implementation of the School Accountability Plan?
The intended impact is measured by CMT Change over time: 2012-2013.
- Carmen Arace Middle School will deliver an annual increase of 5% of 8th grade students attaining At/Above Goal in Reading on the CMT.
- Carmen Arace Middle School will deliver an annual increase of 5% of 8thgrade students attaining At/AboveProficient in Reading on the CMT.
- A rigorous curriculum aligned with Common Core Standards will be implemented for 8th grade students in Reading.
- 100% of teachers will effectively embed the curriculum in lesson planning, instructional delivery and assessment as measured by the Teacher Evaluation system.
- A rigorous assessment system aligned with the Common Core State Standards will be implemented at Carmen Arace Middle School in Reading.
Curriculum Implementation Strategies:
- Develop and implement Units of Study
- Align school resources to Common Core
- Create end of unit student Performance Task
- Powerful Strategies for Effective Teaching
- Student Accountability Plans
- Progress Monitoring
- Analysis of CFA’s
Part 5: School Objectives and Strategies (Cont’d)
Priority: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment (High Academic Achievement)
1. Ensure high academic achievement for all students by redesigning and strengthening the academic rigor and fidelity of implementation of the District’s curriculum, instruction and assessment to align all practices with Connecticut’s Common Core State Standards in reading and math.
School Goal 2: Math
- The percentage of 7th grade students At/Above Goal in Math will increase from 51% to 57% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMT administered in March, 2013.
- The percentage of 7th grade students At/Above Proficient in Math will increase from 80.7% to 86.7% by the end of the 2012-2013 school year as measured by the CMTadministered in March, 2013.
What is the intended impact of SAP strategic work on targeted student outcomes? / What is the intended impact of SAP strategic work on adult practices? / What key strategies will be undertaken in each priority area for successful implementation of the School Accountability Plan?
The intended impact is measured by CMT Change over time: 2012-2013.
- Carmen Arace MiddleSchool will deliver an annual increase of 6% of 7th grade students attaining At/AboveGoal in Math on the CMT.
- Carmen Arace Middle School will deliver an annual increase of 6% of 7th grade students attaining At/AboveProficient in Math on the CMT.
1. A rigorous curriculum aligned with Common Core Standards will be implemented for 7th grade students in Mathematics.
2. 100% of teachers will effectively embed the curriculum in lesson planning, instructional delivery and assessment as measured by the Teacher Evaluation system.
3. A rigorous assessment system aligned with the Common Core State Standards will be implemented at Carmen Arace MiddleSchool in Math. / Carmen Arace Middle schools’curriculum, instruction, and assessment strategies will align with fidelity to the CT Common Core State Standards.
Curriculum Implementation Strategies:
- Develop and implement Units of Study
- Align school math resources to Common Core
- Align Holt McDougal Courses 2 and 3 and Algebra 1State Piloted Curriculum to the Common Core
- Holt McDougal Courses 2 and 3 and Algebra 1State Piloted Curriculum implementation
- Performance Based Tasks
- Project-based Learning
- Performance Based Tasks
- Project-based Learning
- Progress Monitoring
- Analysis of CFA’s, Benchmark and Unit Assessments
Part 5: School Objectives and Strategies (Cont’d)
Priority: Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment (High Academic Achievement)
1. Ensure high academic achievement for all students by redesigning and strengthening the academic rigor and fidelity of implementation of the District’s curriculum, instruction and assessment to align all practices with Connecticut’s Common Core State Standards in reading and math.
School Goal 2: Math