Guideline for fulltext prepared for PAPN,16th - 17thSeptember, 2013 Liberec, Czech Republic (Times 14, bold, centred)

A. First Author1 , B. Second Author2 , C. Third Author2 , D. And Others1

(Times 12, normal, centred)

1ÚFE, Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic), E-mail:

2INP Greifswald, Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 2, 17489 Greifswald (Germany), E-mail:

(Times 10, Italic, centred)

Here include a very short résumé of the abstract. Use Times New Roman font, 10 pt, justified left and right. Margins are 2.5 cm left and 2.5 cm right and for résumé 3.5 cm left and right.

1 General introduction (Times 11, bold)

Contributed papers must be in English. The total lengthisminimaltwopages. Authors are responsible for the content and style of their contributed paper. Accepted contributions will be reproduced without reduction or modification. Papers which do not conform to the format described below may be rejected. Each abstract should be submitted separately in electronic form at the e-mail address:

The submitted file must be both a Portable Document Format (.PDF) and a source file - Word Document (.DOC).

All contributed papers will be refereed. Based on their topic conformance, they may be rejected. A book of proceedings, containing abstracts of the invited talks, as well as all accepted two pages abstracts, will be distributed to the participants on their arrival to the conference site.

2 Recommendations for the text

2.1 Text formatting

The fulltext should be typewritten for A4 format paper, using two columns Times New Roman font (exactly according to the present template). Document margins are Top, Bottom: 2.5cm; Left and Right: 2cm. Columns distance is set 0.5cm. Title Font is Times 14, Bold centred; Affiliations font is Times 10, Italic, centred; main text font is Times 11, justified in left and right. For figure and table captions use Times10, italic (except the word "Fig." or "Tab." and the corresponding number), centred. Major headings (Times 11, bold) and subheadings (Times 10, bold) are placed flush on the left-hand margin on a separate line.

2.2 Figures, tables and equations

Fulltext may include figures and tables. A caption should be attached to each of them. Examples:

Fig. 1: Short caption

value [unit1] / value2 [unit2] / error [%]
parameter / 2500 / 100 / 5

Tab. 1: A caption to a table.

Equation numbers must be in parentheses and placed flush with right-hand margin of the column.


Gratitude for funding. The conference participationwas granted by EC OP Reg. No. CZ.1.07/2.4.00/12.0061.


[1] A Somebody, B. Other Buddy, C. Nobody: A Science journal A 5 (2008), 115.

When referring to them in the text, type the corresponding reference number between brackets as shown at the end of this sentence [1].