
Pamela Couture:

Edited books and journals:

International Conflict Resolution. Guest editor with Emmanuel Lartey. Journal of Pastoral Theology focused edition. 2007. June.

Poverty, Suffering and HIV-AIDS: A Challenge to Practical Theology and Ecclesiology, edited with Bonnie Miller-McLemore. 2003. Cardiff Academic Press. Papers of the International Academy of Practical Theology, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Pastoral Care and Social Conflict: Essays in Honor of Charles V. Gerkin, edited with Rodney Hunter. 1995. Abingdon Press. Consolidated the voice of the Society for Pastoral Theology on the social and cultural context of pastoral care.


“Lessons from the Heart of Darkness” in Upper Room Disciplines 2009: A Book of Daily Devotions. March 23-29, 2009. 94-100.

“Demystifying the War in the Democratic Republic of Congo”, The Journal of Pastoral Theology Vol. 17 no. 1, Spring 2007.

"The Way and Practice of Peace" in Upper Room Disciplines 2007: A Book of Daily Devotions. December 2-9,2007. 350-356.

“The Effect of the Postmodern on Pastoral/Practical Theology and Care and Counseling.” Journal of Pastoral Theology. June, 2003.

“Songs of Struggle.” In Poverty, Suffering, and HIV-AIDS: A Challenge to Practical Theology and Ecclesiology. Cardiff Academic Press, 2003.

“Pastoral Care and the Social Gospel,” in The Social Gospel Today. Ed. Christopher H. Evans. Westminster John Knox, 2001.

“Teaching, Preaching and Caring in Time of War.” Circuit Rider 15:3 April 1991.

Joyce S. Dubensky:

Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding with David Little, ed., Peacemakers in Action: Profiles of Religion in Conflict Resolution (Cambridge University Press, 2007).

Joyce S. Dubensky and Matthew Lucas, “I am a doing woman,” Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue (February 11, 2010).

Joyce S. Dubensky, “A hidden resource for US diplomacy,” Common Ground News (April 21, 2009).

Joyce S. Dubensky and Rachel Lavery, “Torture: An Interreligious Debate” in Karen J. Greenberg, ed. The Torture Debate in America. (Cambridge University Press, 2006).

Heather DuBois:

Heather DuBois, “Madrasa enhancement in Pakistan,” Common Ground News (July 14, 2009).

Heather DuBois, “Religion and Peacebuilding: An Ambivalent Yet Vital Relationship,” Journal of Religion, Conflict and Peace, volume 1, issue 2 (Spring 2008).

Heather DuBois, “On Catholic Peacebuilding: Strengths and Challenges, Philosophy and Practice,” unpublished dissertation, MA in Conflict Resolution, University of Bradford (2006).

Bishop Sally Dyck:

“Holy Conferencing.” In Christian Civility in an Uncivil World. Edited by Mitch Carnell. Smyth and Helwys Publishing, 2009.

Frank James:

“The Bullinger/Vermigli Axis: Collaborators in Toleration and Reformation,” in Heinrich Bullinger: Leben—Denken—Wirkung, ed. Emidio Campi, Zürcher Beiträge zur Reformationsgeschichte (Zϋrich: Theologisher Verlag Zϋrich, 2007), pp. 165-175.

Niki Johnson:

Practicing Discipleship: Lived Theologies of Nonviolence in Conversation with the Doctrine and Teachings of the United Methodist Church, June 2009 by Wipf & Stock Publishers.

Vincent Machozi:

2009: Book Review of “THE ROOTS OF AFRICAN CONFLICTS: THE CAUSES & COSTS: ZIMBABWE, LESOTHO, KENYA, SUDAN, UGANDA, THE HORN OF AFRICA. By Alfred Nhema & Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, Oxford, James Currey Ltd, 2008 published by The International Journal of African Historical Studies, B U African Studies Center Publications, 2009.

2009: Book Review of “The Resolution of African Conflicts. The Management of Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Somalia, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Mauritius. Edited by Alfred Nhema and Paul Tiyambe Zeleza. Athens: Ohio University Press; Oxford, James Currey, 2008, published by The International Journal of African Historical Studies, B U African Studies Center Publications, 2009.

Class Papers:

2004: “Evaluation of the Intercongolese Dialogue”, Boston College, May 2004, Advisor: Prof. David Hollenbach, s,j.

2005: “Towards the resolution of the Congolese conflict (1996-present) by a Spiritual approach”, Boston College, April 2005, Advisor: Prof. Raymond Helmick, s.j.

2005: “Evaluation of the UN intervention in the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1960 to 1964”, Boston College, May 2005, Advisor: prof. Timothy Crawford.

Ellen Ott Marshall:

Christians in the Public Square: Faith that Transforms Politics. Abingdon Press, 2008.

Ed. Choosing Peace through Daily Practices. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2005.

“Practicing Imagination.” In Ellen Ott Marshall, ed. Choosing Peace through Daily Practices. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2005.

“United Methodist Witness in Times of War: Five Characteristics.” Quarterly Review 24, 1 (Spring 2004): 21-34.

Mary Elizabeth Moore:

“Beyond Poverty and Violence: An Eschatological Vision,” International Journal of Practical

Theology, vol. 7, no. 1 (Summer 2003), 39-59.

“New Creation: Repentance, Reparation, and Reconciliation,” in Douglas Meeks, ed., Wesleyan

Perspectives on the New Creation (Nashville: Kingswood Books, Abingdon, 2004).

“Walking with Children toward Hope: The Long Road to Justice and Reconciliation,” in Hanan

Alexander, ed., Spirituality and Ethics in Education: Philosophical, Theological, and

Radical Perspectives (Sussex: Sussex Academic Press, 2004), 83-97.

“Imagine Peace: Knowing the Real, Imagining the Impossible,” in Handbook of Process

Theology, eds., Jay McDaniel and Donna Bowman (St. Louis: Chalice, 2006), 201-216.

“Non-theological Discourse in Theological Practices of Peacebuilding,” in Secularization

Theories, Religious Identity and Practical Theology: Proceedings of the International

Academy of Practical Theology Conference Berlin 2007, eds., Wilhelm Gräb and Lars

Charbonnier (Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2008).

with Claire Bischoff, “Cultivating a Spirit for Justice and Peace: Teaching through Oral

History,” Religious Education, 102:2 (Spring 2007), 151-171.

“Passion for Life: Power for Building Justice and Peace, in: Redeeming the Present: Essays in

Honour of Grace Jantzen, ed. Elaine Graham (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Pub., 2009).

Andrew Sung Park:

Triune Atonement: for Victims, Sinner, and the Whole Creation. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, January 2009.

From Hurt To Healing: A Theology of the Wounded. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2004.

The Other Side of Sin. Edited with Susan Nelson. New York: State University of New York Press, 2001.

Racial Conflict and Healing: An Asian-American Perspective. Orbis Books, 1996.

The Wounded Heart of God: Western Sin and Eastern Han. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1993.

Rodney Petersen:

Books and Articles

(Books ed./written in bold.)

Editor and contributor, Christianity and a Civil Society: Theological Education for Public Life (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1995).

“Restorative Justice Nuts and Bolts,” The Bridge,” December 2000.

“Violence and the Church: Tales of Hope,” in Violence, Truth and Prophetic Silence. Religion and the Quest for a South African Common Good, ed. by C. W. du Toit (Pretoria: Research Institute for Theology and Religion, University of South Africa, 2000): 102-128.

Editor and contributor, Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Religion, Public Policy and Conflict Transformation (Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press, 2001 hardback version; 2002 paper; 2003 Polish edition); contribution: “A Theology of Forgiveness: Terminology, Rhetoric, and the Dialectic of Inter-Faith Relationships.”

“Racism, Restorative Justice, and Reconciliation.” Originally a talk given at the annual meeting of the American Society of Missiology, June 22, 2003; Published in the Journal of Missiology (January 2004).

“Global Citizenship, Religion and World Order,” in Theology in Global Context: Essays in Honor of Robert Cummings Neville. Edited by Amos Yong & Peter Heltzel (Edinburgh: T & T Clarke, Fall 2004): 43-57.

“Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Christian Theology: A Public Role for the Church in Civil Society,” edited by Emmanuel Clapsis, The Orthodox Churches in a Pluralistic World (World Council of Churches -Risk, HC, 2004).

“Building an Identity of Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Church as Neighborhood Center for Forgiveness and Reconciliation,” in Emmanuel Clapsis, ed., Violence and Christian Spirituality (Geneva: Risk WCC Publications, 2006).

“Mission in the Context of Racism, Restorative Justice and Reconciliation,” in The Antioch Agenda: The Restorative Church at the Margins. Celebrating the Life and Work of Orlando Costas, Ed. by Daniel Jeyaraj, Robert Pazmiño and Rodney L. Petersen (New Delhi: ISPCK, 2007).

“Religion and Multi-Track Diplomacy,” in Marian Gh. Simion & Ilie Talpasanu (Scientific Editors) The 32nd Annual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA) Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, 2008 USA, Proceedings; Polytechnic International Press: Montreal, 2008

“Religion, Security & Multi-Track Diplomacy” in Korean Journal of International Affairs (Fall, 2008).

“American Dissonance: Christian Communities in the United States and their Cultural Context," in Synagogues in a Time of Change: Fragmentation and Diversity in Jewish Religious Movements, Zachary Heller, ed., (Washington, D. C.: Alban Press, 2009).

"Forgiveness and the Religions: Towards Societies of Compassion, Justice and Dignity," in Francisco Diaz Granados, ed., Cultura política de perdón y reconciliación (Spanish ed.: Bogota, Colombia: ESPERE, 2009).

"Forgiveness and Religion: A Schematic Approach, in ARA Journal, Col. 2005-2009, no. 29-33: 61-64.

"Forgiveness and the Religions: Towards Societies of Compassion, Justice and Dignity," in Francisco Diaz Granados, ed., Political Culture of Forgiveness and Reconciliation (English ed.: Bogota, Colombia: ESPERE, 2010).

Editor and contributor, “Forgiveness, Human Rights and Religious Freedom,” in Religion and Public Policy: Human Rights, Conflict, and Ethics, ed. by David Little, Rodney Petersen, and Barney Twisse (forthcoming, 2011).

2. Reviews

(Representative Reviews)

Review of Religious Separation and Political Intolerance in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Eastern European Studies, Number 20. By Mitja Velikonja. Translated from Slovenian by Rang’ichi Ng’inja. College Station, Texas: Texas A & M University Press, 2003. 352 pp. $45.00 cloth. In Journal of Church and State.

Review of For the Glory of God: How Monotheism Led to Reformations, Science, Witch-hunts, and the End of Slavery. By Rodney Stark. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003. 496 pp. $35.00 paper. In Journal of Church and State.

Review with Thomas Porter of Honest Patriots: Loving Our Country Enough to Remember its Misdeeds. By Donald W. Shriver, Jr. (Oxford University Press, 2005); in Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. XXIII, No. 2 (2007-08).

3. Films and Videos

(These films were produced as a part of a larger project documenting issues of human rights by Professor John Michalczyk, Boston College.)

Executive Producer, “Out of the Ashes: Northern Ireland’s Fragile Peace Process,” A Boston Theological Institute and Boston College production based upon the Seminar-Workshop held in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, May-June 1997 (March 1998).

Executive Producer, “Prelude to Kosovo. The War in Croatia and Bosnia,” A Boston Theological Institute and Boston College production based upon the Seminar-Workshop held in the Balkans, May-June 1998 (March 1999).

Executive Producer, “A Change of Heart: An Interview with South African Reformed Theologian Nico Smith,” A Boston Theological Institute and Boston College production based upon the Seminar-Workshop held in South Africa, May-June 1999 (October 2000).

Executive Producer, “South Africa: Beyond a Miracle,” A Boston Theological Institute and Boston College production based upon the Seminar-Workshop held in South Africa, May-June 1999 (April, 2001).

Executive Producer, “Different Drummers: Daring the Peace in the MidEast,” A Boston Theological Institute and Boston College production based upon the Seminar-Workshop held in Israel, the West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem, May-June 2000 with additional filming in 2002 (Spring, 2003).

4. A Select List of Workshops and Papers Delivered on Peace-building Themes:

(Participant and organizer in annual BTI workshops on themes of restorative justice and peace-building, 1997 – 2010.)

Caux, Switzerland (2000): Peace-building workshop for inter-faith theological students from the former Yugoslavia.

Zagreb, Croatia (2002): Participant in conference on “Identity and Forgiveness.”

Reykjavík, Iceland (2004): “Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Restorative Justice and Community.”

“The Church and Civil Society.” Paper delivered at the International Theological Congress, World Council of Churches, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 12 – 25 February 2006.

“Security, Diplomacy and Reconciliation in the Context of a Religiously Divided World,” presented at the International Conference of the Holy Metropolis of Demetrias Academy for Theological Studies, Volos, Greece, May 17 – 20, 2007.

Lincoln, Nebraska, USA (2008): “Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Restorative Justice and Community.”

Wilmot, NH, USA (2008): Forgiveness Workshop, Presbyterian Church, USA.

Brighton, MA (2009): “Forgiveness in Protestantism”; Paulist Reconciliation Association

Bryant College (2010): “Peace-building and Protestantism.”

Elkhart, IN: Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary – “Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Accountability: Case Studies of Liberia and Kashmir” (Peace Among the Peoples Conference), July 2010

See the list of annual BTI International Seminar-Workshops and Joint Projects, 1990 – 2010, particularly lectures in United Theological Seminary, Bangalore, India (2005); Soongshil and Ehwa Universities, Republic of Korea (2007); Rosario University, Bogota, Colombia (2010). See BTI website: for complete listing.

* A complete list of publications is found in my curriculum vitae.

Thomas Porter:

The Spirit and Art of Conflict Transformation, Creating a Culture of JustPeace (Nashville: Upper Room Books) 2010

Editor, Conflict and Communion: Reconciliation and Restorative Justice at Christ’s Table (Nashville: Discipleship Resources) 2006

Chris Rice:

More Than Equals: Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel, 1993, InterVarsity Press (with Spencer Perkins)

Grace Matters: A Memoir of Faith, Friendship, and Hope in the Heart of the South, 2001, Jossey-Bass

Reconciling All Things: A Christian Vision for Justice, Peace, and Healing, 2008, InterVarsity Press (with Emmanuel Katongole)

Selected articles

Born Again, Again, Christianity Today, 2010

What’s Changed? Obama and Race in America, Christian Century, 2008

Posttraumatic Christians: Lamentations in Africa, Christian Century, 2007

A Passion for Reconciliation: An interview with Chris Rice, Christian Century

See also

Recovering Reconciliation as the Mission of God: 10 Theses by Chris Rice and Emmanuel Katongole

Reconciliation as the Mission of God: Christian Witness in a World of Destructive Conflicts, a 2005 paper from 47 leaders across the world

Marian Simion:


“Prolegomena to a Peace Study Model for Eastern Christianity” Pp.81-90 in Marian Gh. Simion

(Ed.) Journal of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences No 29-33/ 2005-2009 (volume dedicated to George Emil Palade, 1974 Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine or Physiology). Polytechnic International Press: Montréal, 2009. (peer reviewed paper)

“Seven Factors of Ambivalence in defining a Just War Theory in Eastern Christianity” pp.537-543

in Marian Gh. Simion and Ilie Tlpanu (Scientific Editors) Proceedings: 32nd Annual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences Polytechnic International Press: Montréal, 2008 (peer reviewed paper)

“‘The Axis of Evil’ – A Misrepresentation of Christianity,” (English & Korean versions) pp.52-66 in Reconciliation in Korean Church and Society Vol.3 Published by Presbyterian College and

Theological Seminary & Korea Peace Institute, Seoul, 2008.


Marian Gh. Simion, David Little, Ambassador Mihnea Motoc. 2010. Religion and Political Conflict:

From Dialectics to Cross-Domain Charting. American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (Boston, Chisinau, Lausanne, Montreal, Timisoara) & Presses Internationales Polytechnique (Montreal: 2010)

Semegnish Asfaw, Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven, Marian Gh. Simion. (Eds.) (Year TBA) War and