Guided Meditation
Scripts & Audio Downloads

Inner Sanctuary

Inner Garden
Treasure Chest

Magical Inner Journey Guided Meditations, copyright 2010-2011
by Anne Marie Bennett. All rights reserved.
Music from Thaddeus, used with permission from Sanaya Roman.

Purchasing these written scripts gives you permission to:

1.Use the meditations for your own personal inner work

2.Use the meditations in group settings
where you read the scripts aloud
(or play the recordings)
to facilitate a guided experience for others.

Please do not copy, forward, record, give away or reproduce this material
without written permission from the author.

Lots of love, deep inner listening, and creative energy
were called forth for the creation of these guided meditations.
Please honor and respect Spirit, from whence they were born.
To give feedback or to contact the author, please email .

These Magical Inner Journeys
are brought to you by…......

Spinning the fragmentsof your world
into wholeness and beauty

through SoulCollage®

Table of Contents


Audio Downloads5


Inner Sanctuary 6

Inner Garden 8

Treasure Chest 11


Anne Marie Bennett 13
More SoulCollage® Fun 14


If you choose to use one or more of these scripts to facilitate a guided meditation experience for others, please preface the journey for them by reminding them that not everyone “sees” things during a guided meditation. This is very important, because our goal is for them to move a bit closer to their own soul during the journey, not to give them one more reason to believe they’ve failed.

In the years that I’ve been using these guided meditations, many people have shared experiences with me where they weren’t able to see anything, but they did hear something. Or they felt the environment with imaginary kinesthetic touch. Or they just had a deep sense of inner knowing about something during the inner journey. All of this is perfectly okay!
And once in a while, someone doesn’t see, hear, feel or imagine anything. That’s perfectly okay as well. Certain inner journeys just don’t “fit” with some people. And sometimes, a guided meditation needs to be listened to and experienced more than once in order to sufficiently relax and open up a person’s inner world.

Also, at the end of facilitating one of these MagicalInner Journeys, please allow participants ample time to process their experience. You might want to give them several minutes to writein their journals, orinvite small group voluntary sharing. It also might help to make yourself available afterwards for a personal conversation about their experience within the meditation (if a participant chooses this).

It’s really important that each person have a way to express and integrate the guided meditation experience. For some people, this means verbal sharing with others; for others, this means time to absorb it quietly and in solitude into their own reality via journaling or other writing.
Each of these Magical Inner Journeys was given to me as a direct gift from Spirit. I hope that you enjoy experiencing them and facilitating them as much as I have. Thank you for your interest, and I wish you many blessings on all of your own inner journeys.

If you have any questions, please email me:

Anne Marie Bennett
SoulCollage® Facilitator and Facilitator Trainer

Beverly MA

June 2011

Magical Inner Journeys - Volume 5: Inner Treasures

Audio Downloads

Intro Track (2:44):

To listen online, click here:

To download as an mp3 file, click here:

Inner Sanctuary (13:42):

To listen online, click here:

To download as an mp3 file, click here:

Inner Garden (19:36):

To listen online, click here:

To download as an mp3 file, click here:

Treasure Chest (16:38):

To listen online, click here:

To download as an mp3 file, click here:

Inner Sanctuary

Begin by making yourself really comfortable wherever you are right now….you can do this sitting up in a comfortable chair that supports your back, or you might want to lie down and stretch out…..listen to your body and respect what it is asking you for right now.

Now….. focus on your breathing …..feel the air flowing in and out of your nostrils… and out… in and out…… feel your chest rising and falling with each breath….. rising and falling… rising and falling…..rising and falling…..

Now you are completely relaxed…..and in your imagination I want you to see a path. It can be any kind of a path at all….. a little trail in the woods or a country road or a brick walkway in a garden…… this path can be anywhere you want it to be……by the ocean, in the city, up a mountain, in a meadow……

Wherever this path is……it is a path created just for you… is a friendly path…. You feel safe on this path…… and as you start walking on this path, you feel a lovely sense of expectancy and joy.

So continue to walk on this special pathway that is your own….. follow it and trust that it will lead you where you need to go….
Look around you as you walk….. what do you see?...... what colors surround you?.... what do you hear as you continue to walk on your path….are there birds singing?.....children laughing?..... ocean waves splashing against rocks?...... listen……..Can you smell anything---- freshly cut grass? Lilacs? Cows?
As you continue on this path, pretty soon you are going to come upon your sanctuary….Your inner sanctuary is a safe place inside of you that you can access any time you need to check in with yourself… or offer yourself some comfort, compassion or love…..
It can be any kind of a structure that you want….. this is your path and it’s your sanctuary…… it might look like a house….. or a cottage……it might be a castle….. or a large tent…..or even a barn…..a cave….. a treehouse…… Make it exactly what feels right to you…. Make it a very special place that you will want to come back to again and again…

Stop walking when you get to your sanctuary……. Stop walking and just stand in front of it for a few moments……what color is it?...... what is around it?...... Remember, this is a completely safe place for you….. this is a refuge and a place of joyful discovery…..

Now….. walk up to the main entrance of your sanctuary… and enter…….. I’m going to give you a few minutes to explore….. let the music carry you as you investigate your inner sanctuary for a few minutes on your own…. Walk around….. see what there is to see…. How many rooms are there….. walk or skip or crawl from space to space…. Remember, this is your own inner creation…. This sanctuary is totally safe and secure…. The only surprises you will find here are good ones…..

PAUSE 1.5 minutes or longer….

It’s almost time to leave your sanctuary for now…. Remember, you can always come back here….anytime you want…..

Right now I want you to find your way back to the door or entrance that you came in….. ……. And next to that entrance is a small table of some sort…. And on that table is a blue velvet box…. In the box there is a gift for you……just for you…..
So open the blue velvet box……. And take out the gift that is there for you…… examine it……..admire it…….. open your heart to receive this gift…..this very special gift….
It’s time to leave now…..I want you to be sure you bring the gift back with you….. it’s important that you don’t leave it on the table….. so carry the gift however you need to….. and exit the sanctuary the same way you entered…….
Follow the path that led you here…… follow it back……and back……and back…..until you are able to feel yourself sitting on your chair….or lying on the floor or the bed….wherever you are….
And now, bring yourself back to your breath… feel your breath as it enters through your nose and mouth, shimmers thru your body, then exits…. Feel your stomach rising and falling with each breath….

Begin to feel your body again…..your feet……legs….. torso…..chest…. arms……. head…….. You may want to lightly flex your fingers and toes, gently shake out your arms and legs……

When you are ready, open your eyes and pick up your notebook and just take a minute or two to jot down some words or ideas or feelings…… anything that will help you remember what this inner journey was like for you today…… you might want to doodle or draw or sketch what you saw…. You might just want to write a word or two…..

Thank you for joining us for this Magical Inner Journey… and may there be many more Magical Inner Journeys for you to share with your bright, beautiful soul!

Inner Garden

Welcome to this KaleidoSoul Magical Inner Journey… Inner Garden..…, written and recorded by Anne Marie Bennett. Before we begin, please take a moment to find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Turn off your cell phone and eliminate any other distractions. And… as this meditation is designed to bring you into a deep meditative state, please do not listen while driving or operating any kind of machinery.

So…. Take a deep breath and allow your eyes to close….. give your body permission to relax and be comfortable.

Allow your body to experience the contact that it makes with the chair and with the floor, and let it adjust itself in any way it needs to in order to be fully comfortable.

And as you tune in to the rhythm of your breathing, imagine that when you inhale you’re inhaling a little bit of the sky, and it’s very clear and very refreshing. As you inhale, let sky fill your body with lightness and openness, clearness and refreshment…let it fill your being with light and clarity and ease….

And as you exhale, imagine that you’re letting go of everything that’s old and stale and stressful…. You are letting go of everything that’s ready to be let go of for these next several minutes… responsibilities, to-do lists, chores, telephones….. As you exhale, you let go of all of this …. Easily and naturally…

Inhaling the light, clear sky….exhaling that which is stressful, anything that does not serve you right now…

So let the rhythm of your breathing be just what is is… a simple and beautiful process of taking in what’s fresh and clear… and letting go of what’s no longer needed…

Each breath you take relaxes and refreshes you…. Your breathing and your mind are becoming clearer and clearer…. Your body relaxes a little bit more with each inhale and exhale….

Allow your imagination to be open and receptive…. Breathing in….. and breathing out…. You’re going to take a little journey now….. a magical journey to the very center of your being…. To your inner world…. A journey to your soul…. To that deepest, most authentic part of you… the soul is that essence of yourself that makes you who you are…. Let’s go there now….

Imagine that you are sitting in a cozy little movie theatre…. It’s dark and quiet… you are sitting alone, wondering what the movie will be about…. Maybe you are munching on popcorn…. Maybe you’re simply curious, sitting still and waiting for this movie…..

Breathing in…..breathing out….

Now the screen is lighting up and on the screen you see a garden…. A beautiful garden…. watch carefully as the camera pans all the way around this amazing, colorful garden…. As you watch, you begin to sense that this garden is familiar to you somehow…. You are recognizing this garden….. it is a part of you…. This is your very own inner garden….

You are brimming with excitement and curiosity now…. So you stand up and walk to the screen…. You reach your hand out and find that you are drawn right into the screen…. Into the picture that is in front of you…. Into this beautiful garden…

You are standing on the edge of the garden now…. Take a few minutes to explore it fully… from one end to the other….. noticing… it light or dark? Are there birds and flowers…. Or only trees? Is your garden indoors or outdoors…. Is it well-tended or does it need some weeding, some pruning, some extra Tender loving care?…..


Simply observe, notice, no judgment… simply being aware of what is around you…..are there well-marked paths or is it hard to find your way around.….Keep walking anyway… What do you see….. what do you hear as you walk through your garden….. are there any smells in the air that you especially love…. Keep walking and exploring for a few minutes now….explore your inner garden, this inner sanctuary that is yours and yours alone…


So now wherever you are in your garden, I want you to find your way to the center… to the center of your beautiful inner garden…. And in the center of your garden you find the most beautiful flower you’ve ever seen… the most beautiful flower…. Walk up to this flower now and sit down next to it….. what kind of a flower is it… it a flower that you recognize or is it a flower you’ve never seen before…. what color is it…. one color or many colors…. Lean towards it and smell it…. what does it smell like to you….. gently and reverently touch its petals….. how do they feel to your fingers…. Notice anything else about this flower..

This beautiful, special flower is magical…. It represents your soul…. It knows exactly who you are… and it has all the wisdom in the universe stored right in its very being…. It has all the answers to all of your questions right there written into its beauty…. Because it is a part you…..

Now lean a little closer to your flower and let it whisper a special secret in your ear…a secret meant for you and you alone… perhaps you’ve been struggling with a question or an issue in your life…. And now just let your flower whisper an answer to you…. Listen…. What is it telling you? ….what has it been trying to say to you for a long time?...


So now it’s almost time to say good-bye to your flower…. Remember that you can come back here any time you want to…this inner sanctuary, this garden… is a special place of retreat and comfort that you can go to any time you wish…

Find a loving way to say good-bye to your flower… know that it is there for you any time you need its beauty… its comfort… its wisdom

Then walk through your garden, still noticing…. Enjoying every breath you are taking in this magical inner sanctuary that is your home….

Find the place where you stepped into the garden and then step…carefully… back out…. Back into the darkened movie theatre….

Find your seat in the theatre….sitting very still and quiet as you allow this experience to be absorbed into your senses….your breath…your body….your being…….

Feel your legs and buttocks against the chair that you are sitting on in this room…. Find your way back to the sound of my voice…. Feel your feet planted firmly on the floor….. breathing a little deeper now…. Breathing in the lightness and clearness of the sky… breathing out any thoughts that aren’t welcome right now….

And when you’re ready…. Open your eyes and take a moment to stretch and follow my voice back to the room that you are in right now…wherever you are…back to your body… and back to your breath….

Thank you for joining us for this Magical Inner Journey… and may there be many more Magical Inner Journeys for you to share with your bright, beautiful soul!

Treasure Chest

Welcome to this KaleidoSoul Magical Inner Journey… Treasure Chest..…, written and recorded by Anne Marie Bennett. Before we begin, please take a moment to find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Turn off your cell phone and eliminate any other distractions. And… as this meditation is designed to bring you into a deep meditative state, please do not listen while driving or operating any kind of machinery.

Sit comfortably in your chair with your feet flat on the floor to ground you... Sitting up straight and tall…. Straight spine… breathe deeply as you allow yourself to settle into yourself right now… in this moment…. Or lie down and rest on your bed or other comfortable surface… surrendering your body into the safety of the furniture that is supporting you…

Take a deep breath in….and let it go…take another deep breath….let it go….take another deep breath….letting it go… and out…..

Letting your body relax just a little bit more with each breath…. Inhaling relaxation…exhaling any tension that might be making its home in your body or mind….. inhaling relaxation…and exhaling tension… allow yourself to be more and more centered and relaxed….say YES to this calm….this deep inner peace that is yours with just these simple breaths….