Guide to Incorporating the Standard Social, Civic, and Global Responsibility (SCGR) Assessment into an EMCC Class Assignment
Introduction: Many classes focus on developing our students’ ability to recognize, understand, and demonstrate awareness of diverse viewpoints surrounding social, civic and global issues, but there has not been a way to systematically assess our students’ awareness of Social, Civic, and Global Responsibility (SCGR) across the curriculum.
A common assignment has been created by SAAC that could be used in virtually class, but some instructors may decide to create their own assignment or modify an existing assignment to complete the assessment. This document is designed to guide these instructors in developing an assessment instrument that is both relevant to their specific discipline’s curriculum as well as standardizing data collection across disciplines.
Rubric: We will assess our student’s SCGR ability using a common rubric used across the curriculum. While grading your students’ assignments, also keep track of the number of students that are “Proficient”, “Approaching proficient”, and “Not Proficient” in each of the areas identified in the rubric (see appendix document). You are encouraged to
· Work collaboratively with other instructors teaching common courses to create a common assignment (optional)
· Share the rubric with your students as part of the assignment, so they know how they will be graded.
· Base your students’ grades at least partially on the results of the rubric (the scoring sheet could help with this).
At the End: When your class has completed the assessment, you will send the results of your student’s assessment to the Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness (OPIE) for aggregation with other instructors’ results. Your students’ results will be part of the data set used to identify our students’ overall strengths and weaknesses in their SCGR ability, ultimately informing strategies for improvement. All packets must be received by OPIE by May 30th, 2012.
You will be receiving the “SCGR course results sheet”, which is a spreadsheet that you can use to document student’s results. Email the “SCGR course results sheet” to . Note that it’s important to include students’ names so that we can analyze student performance based on their academic background (retrieved in SIS).
Assignment Creation Format: Use these steps to create an assignment relevant for your curriculum that will align with the rubric.
· SCGR Issue: Start your assignment by identifying or having your students identify a Social, Civic, or Global (SCG) issue. An "Issue" for the purposes of this assessment is defined as an issue, event, or trend with social, civic, or global ramifications for people, society, government, economy, or environment that can be analyzed from two or more viewpoints. See the common assignment description for examples of SCGR issues.
· Identify key characteristics of the issue: Prompt the student to identify the key characteristics of the issue, and the major “players” or “stakeholders” in the issue.
· Analyze the consequences of the Issue for all Stakeholders: Ask students to discuss the likely or potential consequences of the issue for all of those impacted by the issue.
· Decide on responsible behaviors addressing the issue at the individual level: To understand the ability to be SCG responsible, students needs to have an understanding of what is the appropriate role of the individual to promote responsibility. Prompt students to discuss what responsible individuals can do to address this issue.
· Decide on responsible behaviors addressing the issue at the social, civic, or global level: It’s not enough for students to be able to understand how one can act individually on an issue (micro level), but what needs to occur at the social, civic, or global level that will address the issue (macro level). Have students discuss action at the social, civic, or global level to act responsibly.