Guidance on Documenting Home Visits (HV), Parent Teacher Conferences (PTC),

and Family Goals in Child Plus

For Teachers, the two educational HV and two PTCdates and notes are documented in the Education tab and the family goals are documented under the Family Services tab. Here are step by step directions for documenting the dates and notes:

  1. Click on the Education tab.
  2. Enter date of HV or PTC in the applicable box. Note: we will not use the individualized Curriculum date boxes as that is documented in TSG.
  3. Enter Education Notes by first clicking on the date/time stamp button. An example of Education Notes could be “reviewed education philosophy”; for a detailed list of educational home visit topics, see the Education and Family Services Implementation plan.
  4. Click Save button in top right corner of page.

For combination-option Teachers, home-based Home Visitors, and Family Service Coordinators, the home visit documentation will go under the Family Services tab. To document the first home visit (to document future scheduled home visits, skip to step 15):

  1. Click on the Family Services tab.
  2. Click on green Add Event button.
  3. Enter date of HV by clicking on the calendar by Initial Date.
  4. Under Event Type, home-based Home Visitors select Home Visit, and combo-option Teachers select Home Visit/Combo.
  5. Under Description, write “[child’s first name] scheduled home visit”.
  6. Under Service Area, select appropriate option (most often it will be Education or Social Service).
  7. Under Issue, select appropriate option.
  8. Under Source of Information, select appropriate option (however, most often that will be Parent or Other Family Member).
  9. Under Agency Worker, select your name.
  10. Under Family Members, write whoever was in attendance.
  11. Closure Expected, Progress, Date Closed, and Outcomes Rating are to be left blank.
  12. Date/time stamp in Event Notes, and then enter the notes from the HV.
  13. To enter future scheduled home visits (for home-based Home Visitors and combo-option Teachers this will happen on the first home visit and then on an as needed basis):
  14. Once you have completed the above steps and before saving and closing, click on the blue Schedule Home Visit tab to the right of Initial Date.
  15. For all home-based Home Visitors and combo-option Teachers, select “For a Home-Based Program”.
  16. Under “Schedule a home visit the same day each week starting”, the date needs to be the current date, and “continuing until” one month out for home-based Home Visitors, and three months out for combo-option Teachers.
  17. “Start the counter at” the number HV you are on that particular day.
  18. When this information is entered, click the blue Schedule Home Visits button on the bottom.
  19. Click the green Save and Close button.
  20. To document in an already scheduled home visit in Child Plus:
  21. Click on the Family Services tab.
  22. Click on the most recent Home Visit under Family Services Event.
  23. Scroll down and click on the appropriate visit number under Actions Associated with the Home Visit.
  24. If needed, change the Action Date;never change the Scheduled Date. Change of the Action Date will be needed if the scheduled visit date was changed by family or staff. The Action Date is the date in which the home visit actually occurred.
  25. Under Status, choose appropriate option.
  26. Date/time stamp the Action Notes, and write your notes about the home visit.
  27. Click green Save and Close button.

To document initial family goals:

  1. Click on the Family Services tab.
  2. Click on green Add Event button.
  3. Enter date the goal was established by clicking on the calendar by Initial Date.
  4. Under Event Type, select Family Goal.
  5. Under Description, write the first name of the person the goal pertains to, then the actual goal.
  6. Under Service Area, select appropriate option.
  7. Under Issue, select appropriate option.
  8. Under Source of Information, select appropriate (however, most often that will be Parent or Other Family Member).
  9. Under Agency Worker, select your name.
  10. Under Family Members, type the person’s name that gave you the information.
  11. Under closure expected, click on the calendar and select appropriately.
  12. Under Progress, select New.
  13. Date Closed and Outcome Rating will only be used when the goal is complete (although may not be met).
  14. Date/time stamp the Event Notes and enter additional information, if need be.
  15. Click the green Save and Close button.

To document follow-up on family goals prior to the goal being completed:

Note: progress needs to be updated regularly.

  1. Click on Family Services tab.
  2. Click on the family goal you want to follow up on.
  3. Under Event Details for this Family Goal, change Progress to appropriate selection.
  4. Scroll down, and click on green Add Action button.
  5. Under Action Type, select Direct or Referral. Anything internal with Head Start (including case management referral), select Direct; anything external, select Referral.
  6. Under Scheduled, use the calendar to select appropriate date, if applicable.
  7. Under Action Date, use the calendar to select the date the follow up happened on.
  8. Under Referred To, if the Action Type is a referral, select the appropriate option from the scroll down list. If the provider is not listed, leave blank and contact Lynn Richards, Family Services Manager.
  9. Under Referral Type, if the Action Type is Referral, select Written or Verbal.
  10. Under Type of Contact, select appropriate type.
  11. Under Description, write brief description of what happened.
  12. Under Status, select appropriate option.
  13. Under Agency Worker, select your name.
  14. Type in Total Time spent on the follow up.
  15. Under Action Note, click the date/time stamp, then enter additional information pertaining to the follow up.
  16. Click the green Save and Close button.

To document completed goal:

  1. Click on the Family Services tab.
  2. Click on the family goal you want to close.
  3. Under Progress, click Completed.
  4. Under Date Closed, select the date the family goal was closed using the calendar.
  5. Under Outcome Rating, select the appropriate option.

Please note: ALL social service releases we receive will be attached under the Family Services tab. For the 2016-17 PY, all hard copy releases will also be sent to the center.
