Guidance Notes for Completing this Application Form.

  1. Information

Information you provide on the application form will be treated as confidential. To ensure greater objectivity in the selection process, it is divided into two parts (A and B) – with only part B used to shortlist candidates for interview. Therefore, please do not enter your name on part B of the Application Form or on any additional information submitted in support of your application.

Part A of the application form is for monitoring purposes only and is confidential – it will not be seen by the selection panel or considered in any way during the appointment process.

Please ensure that both parts of the application form are securely returned together to:

Hull Kingston Rovers Community Trust, KCOM Craven Park, Preston Road, Hull, HU9 5HE or electronically to

  1. Completion of the form

Please complete this form electronically as the boxes will expand automatically. If you do wish to complete by handwriting, please continue on separate paper clearly indicating which question you are answering.

If you have a disability that prevents you from completing the Application Form, you may have someone complete it on your behalf. Braille or taped applications are welcome. Read each section of the application form carefully.

  1. References

We need two references one of which should be from your present or most recent employer. If you have never been employed or have been out of paid work for a long time, you should give the name of a responsible person who knows you well but is not a relative. It is our practice to contact referees of all short-listed applicants following interview, unless otherwise directed on the application form. If not contacted following an interview, the referees of the successful candidate will be contacted before an offer of appointment can be made.

  1. Education and Training

The ‘Qualifications’ section gives you an opportunity to list any examinations or certificates you are currently taking. For some jobs, qualifications are essential, but not all jobs require formal qualifications – the person specification should tell you whether qualifications are required. Original certificates will be checked upon appointment.

  1. Work History

Please start with your current employment or your most recent. If you have had more than one employer please list with the most recent first. If there are any gaps in your work history, please explain these.

  1. Supporting Statement

This is your chance to tell us why you are the person most suited to undertake this role. We want to know more about the skills and expertise you have and how you have gained them. Follow the job description carefully and make sure that you have covered all the “Essential criteria” If you have any additional experience or skills that you’ve not already highlighted then please mention them there. Stick to the word limit.

Recruitment Monitoring Form: PART A

As an equal opportunity employer the Trust actively seeks a workforce which reflects the community it serves and is committed to providing equality of access to employment and development opportunities for people from all parts of the community. To ensure this policy is carried out effectively, we ask all applicants to provide the following information. Selection for appointment/promotion will be based only on merit and ability.

Post Title / Post Reference No
Personal Details
Surname/Family Name / First/Other Names:
Address: / Tel No:
Mobile No:
E-mail address:
Post Code: / NI No.
Within the last two years have you:
Had an illness or operation causing you to be unfit for work for a period of 2 weeks or more? Yes / No
Attended hospital as an outpatient for a course of treatment, which lasted more than 4 weeks? Yes / No
Had 6 or more separate occasions of sickness / absence? Yes / No

References Please give the name, address, position and relationship of two referees. One of these should be your current or (if you are unemployed) most recent employer. If you have not previously been employed give the name of a responsible person who knows you well. Neither of your referees must be a relative.

and Position:
Capacity in which
known to you:
E-mail address:
We normally take up references before interview if you are short-listed. Can we contact this referee at this stage? Yes/No
and Position:
Capacity in which
known to you:
E-mail address:

Office use onlyPART A

Date Received:

Applicant number:



Applicant no:

Office use only

Qualifications Gained – Educational and Professional

Name of School / College / University / Subject / Qualification or Level / Dates – Year Awarded / Grade Obtained

Qualifications Currently Being Taken

Name of School / College / University / Subject / Qualification or Level / Date commenced and duration of course

Membership of Professional Bodies – Relevant to the position you are applying for

Training Provider / Grade of Membership / Membership Number / Date Awarded (if by exam)

Additional Qualification Information

Employment History

Present or most recent employment or voluntary work undertaken

Company Name
Nature of Business
Job Title
Date Started
Salary / Wage
Notice Required
Date Left (if recent)

State briefly your main duties and responsibilities and your position within the organisation. If you are no longer in this job, please state the reason for leaving.

Previous employment or voluntary work undertaken

Include part-time and temporary posts plus any previous posts with your present employer. Enter details with your most recent post first.

Company Name
Nature of Business
Job Title
Date Started
Salary / Wage
Reason for Leaving
Company Name
Nature of Business
Job Title
Date Started
Salary / Wage
Reason for Leaving
Company Name
Nature of Business
Job Title
Date Started
Salary / Wage
Reason for Leaving

Please add any further additional employment details on a separate sheet of paper and attach.

Please can you explain why you are the best candidate for the job and how you meet the essential criteria (no more than 1000 words)