March Madness

(Of a Different Kind)

This presidential election season, of which the March 15 “swing state” Ohio primary is an important part, has been colorful to say the least. Campaigners have come and gone. Alliances, frenemies, and outright dislike between political candidates. Heated rhetoric, questionable tactics, thought provoking insights, hope for our nation, high ratings on television debates, rewriting of the political playbook - all for seeking the highest office in the land. Politics is rough and can be, dare I say it, maddening. As I write this article it is 258 days until we exercise our right as citizens of this country to elect our next president on Tuesday, November 8th, 2016.

As followers of Christ we are also, first and foremost, citizens of the kingdom of God. The Apostle Paul reminds us that “Our citizenship is in heaven and from it we await a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:20).” Citizenship in God’s kingdom is a great gift given to us in our baptism and renewed in Holy Communion. So how does being a citizen of the heavenly kingdom make a difference for us on earth? And for someone who has yet to know our Lord?

1. Life is scary. Unemployment, food prices, domestic terrorism – there is a lot to be afraid of in our world today. But we have a relationship with the One who calms storms, and we therefore know that though the journey is challenging, we are ultimately promised a safe harbor.

2. People are lonely. Abandonment, abuse, neglect – no matter how wonderful the person or relationship, there are times when the best of human companionship will disappoint. Yet as St. Augustine stated, we all have a God-shaped place inside that only Jesus can fill. Invite your friends to worship and know Jesus, the only one whose love will never fail through all of life, through death, and into eternity.

3. Everyone needs a purpose. It is discouraging to live life climbing the ladder of success only to realize it is leaning against the wrong wall. Invite your friends to the grace and resurrection of Jesus, the compass to guide you to a life well lived.

4. We’re all going to live forever. Many folks believe that. The question is, if you are going to live forever, what neighborhood will you live in? Jesus promises that those who believe in him and follow him will live in an eternal neighborhood of love and joy without pain and with God. But Jesus won’t force anyone to live in his neighborhood. Problem is, any place outside his neighborhood is an eternal place of darkness, pain, regret and isolation. Invite your friends to begin a relationship with the shepherd and guardian of our souls, the Lord Christ.

Look at the church calendar in your newsletter for Holy Week worship times to invite your friends. God bless you during this holiest time of the year! Pastor Will

March 22nd for the April 2016 Messenger. Submit your items on or before the 22nd. Please have your items written/typed before you bring them. Meisa

Yellow Ribbons: There is a display on the bulletin board next to the main entrance. We would like to include the names of our loved ones who are in military service on this board. Please contact the church office (419-238-6336) to have a name listed on the board. Remember to pray for the safe return of our men and women.


Wednesday Evening Cancellations Information

If Van Wert Schools cancel, due to fog, the Wednesday evening youth/kids meetings WILL MEET as planned. If Van Wert Schools cancel or have early dismissal due to ice, snow, etc. then Wednesday evening youth/kids meetings WILL NOT MEET.

FUMC Food Pantry: A reminder that items are collected the 1st Sunday of every month. The next Sunday for collection is Sunday, March 6th. Some specific items that are always needed are: vegetables, paper products (toilet paper, paper towels, Kleenex, etc.) oil, flour, sugar, spices, laundry items, etc. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. The Esther Circle delivers in March.


Hospital Reminder

Please call the office with ANY information on hospital emergency visits or admissions.



The greeters for 8:00 a.m. services in March are Mike & Pam Chavarria. Third greeter for March 20th & 27th is Alicia Hickerson


Need A Ride to Church? Call Marc Grubaugh during March at 419-203-3889 for a ride to church on Sunday.

Church Cancellation Information Available

Please be advised, you may listen to the following radio/TV stations for any church service or activity cancellations due to severe winter weather conditions or look on our webpage

WERT radio1220 (Van Wert)

WKSD radio 99.7 (Van Wert)

WTGN radio 97.7 (Ft. Wayne)

WBCL radio 90.3 (Ft. Wayne)

Channel 15 (Ft. Wayne)

Channel 21 (Ft. Wayne)

Channel 33 (Ft. Wayne)

Channel 6 (Van Wert cable)




Address Notification

Please remember to notify the church office if you have changed your e-mail address or phone number, especially if you have given up your land line and switched to your cell phone. St. Mark’s does not give out or sell member’s information. It is used internally to keep you informed.


Wednesday Night Meal Helpers

March 2nd (green eggs & ham)

Alicia Hickerson &

Susan Bowery

(youth @ 5:55 & adult @ 6:30)

March 9th

Alicia Hickerson, Kathy Van Eman

& Jeannine Roediger

(youth @ 5:55 & adult @ 6:30)

March 16th

Alicia Hickerson, Nancy Wolverton

& Carol Greulach

(youth @ 5:55 & adult @ 6:30)

March 23rd—NO MEAL

March 30th

Rita Adam & Karen Wagonrod

Any questions, please contact Alicia Hickerson at 419-771-0795 or .

Don’t forget anyone involved with Wednesday night youth should attend the meal that starts at 5:55 p.m.




Thank you for your participation in our Christmas Caring and Sharing Food baskets. Without your help we would not be able to continue to do the Caring and Sharing baskets and our regular monthly food assistance. The Christmas season is a very busy time for us at The Salvation Army, with the Christmas basket distribution, having our red kettles out at merchants all over the city and of course all of our regular assistance and services. The thought of knowing your congregation was there for us to collect the food we needed to distribute was a blessing. Once again thank you for your kind generosity in bringing a smile to the families that so desperately needed good for a blessed Christmas dinner. Respectfully,

Arthur Barter, Major

Corps Officer

Thank you: My sincere thanks and blessings to all my church family, Pastor Will and the prayer shawl ministry for all their prayers and the beautiful shawl! Blessings to each of you!

Mary Donaldson

Thank you: Our heartfelt thanks to our St. Mark’s family for their support for Art and our family during his time in the hospital and his passing. To Pastor Will for his many visits, prayers and support. For the cards, notes and prayers of our church family. To Sandy Errett for delivering the beautiful prayer shawls. God bless each of you,

The family of Art Shook

Thank you: We wish to thank you for the prayer shawl you gave to Mike. We appreciate you thinking of him.

The Gearhart family

Thank you to Sandy Errett for delivering the beautiful shawls to me and Karan. The love and prayers put into the shawls by the Prayer Shawl Ministry is a comfort to us. Betty Shook &

Karan Ottenweller


Our sympathy to the friends and family of Art Shook who entered the church triumphant on Thursday, January 28, 2016.

Church Security

Just a reminder that if you unlock a door at the church please be sure to lock it again when you leave or lock it behind you when you enter the building. Some doors have been found left unlocked. Please be extra careful to lock anything you have unlocked.



Mid-Week Lenten Services on March 2nd, 9th & 16th at 12:00 & 7:35 with suppers prior to 7:35 services.

March 20th—Palm Sunday

March 24th—Maundy Thurs.

Communion Services

at 12:00 p.m. & 7:35 p.m.

March 25th—Good Friday

8 p.m. Tenebrae Service

of Shadows

March 27th—Easter Sunday

Services at 7:00 a.m.

and 10:30 a.m. with

Breakfast at 8:15 a.m. &

Sunday School at 9:15.

Our Annual Congregational Meal & Meeting is on Sunday, April 17th after the 10:30 worship service.


A Reminder to All Committees: It’s that time of year again and year end reports

are due ASAP.


Coffee Hour Volunteer Listing for March 2016

March 6th—Shupe

March 13th—Grubaugh

March 20th—Hickerson

March 27th—Easter(none)


CHURCH LIBRARY CART: The A.I.M. Committee would like to reintroduce the church library on a smaller scale. We are collecting new or used Christian based reading for all ages, faith based movies and music CD’s. We will place a donation box in the Gathering Room area for collection. Thank you!

According to Punxsutawney Phil Spring is coming! Time for Flowers! We are giving you two options this year for flowers. The lilies are again available at the same price of $9.00. The second option available is hydrangeas in pink OR purple (3-5 blooms per pot) at the cost of $10.00. All flowers are from K & J Greenhouses out of Columbus Grove. The order envelopes are in the cloak room, elevator room & gathering area. Deadline to order is March 6, 2016.


SUMMER CAMP INFORMATION IN CLOAK ROOM!! All registrations must be done by the office on-line. The parent’s check, which is 20% of the total due but not to exceed $100, must accompany the registration form(s) to be registered. Registration forms and camp info are available in the cloak room and church office. Take a look at (Ohio) and (Indiana) to get specific information on camps you are interested in attending. Questions? Call the office 419-238-6336.


Circle Meetings

Esther Circle

Tuesday, March 8th 9:30 a.m.

Dot Burley, hostess

______________, devotions

Meet at Van Wert Manor at 9:30 a.m. in the Activity Room

Ruth-Eunice Circle:

Wed. March 9th, 1:30 p.m.

Susan Bowery

hostess & program


Quick Reminder: Please notify the office BEFORE you schedule a meeting with a group or committee due to the fact we are having many different people using our facilities. If you schedule a meeting without notifying the office there may not be a place for you to meet.

The Outreach Committee is seeking input from the congregation regarding potential recipients of Outreach Funds for 1) hunger programs locally, nationally and globally, as well as 2) non-hunger allocations. Suggestions can be made on the I Worshiped Today, to chairperson Kathy Taylor or to the church office. For national and global ideas, some suggested websites are (but not limited to):

Preparing for Death: A Resource Guide: Death can be a difficult thing to think about, but being prepared can ease the decision making process during that time. A manual has been prepared by the Health Ministry to assist congregational members in planning for death—their own or that of a loved one. The booklet includes instructions for advance directives, local information, checklist of steps, suggestions for funeral arrangements, forms for biographical information and funeral preferences. Booklets are in the cloak room/ church office.

Annual Steak Dinner To Support Rice Kit Project: It’s time for our steak dinner to be held at St. Mark’s, on Sunday, March 13th, after the 10:30 service. As we have done in past years, we are eating in the fellowship hall and also have carry-out available. This will be done for one’s convenience, as you drive through the parking lot beside Collins Fine Foods, (like in the past, with people bringing your meal out to your car.) If you are unable to get your meal, call Joan Holland at 419-238-4085, or 419-203-9754 so we can deliver it to you. All proceeds from the meal, catered by the Topp Chalet in Delphos, Ohio, go to fund the “Kids Against Hunger Program” Please sign-up on the I Worshiped Today if you can help in any way. It takes a lot of workers to be successful. The menu includes: swiss steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, roll or biscuit, carrot & celery sticks, dessert and drink (coffee, ice tea or lemonade). Meal price is $9.00 and tickets are available starting this Sunday at both doors and continuing through March 6th. Please come, and enjoy the food, fellowship, but especially to help the Kids Against Hunger Program. Thank you,

Joan Holland

VBS Is Coming! Vacation Bible School is coming this June to St. Mark’s! Our theme is Cave Quest: Following Jesus The Light of The World. However, in order to have another faithful and successful experience for the children of St. Mark’s and the Van Wert community, we are in need of a VBS Director(s) this year. Stacie Korte and Crystal Haggis are available to provide step-by-step mentoring with the person(s) wanting to lead this important outreach ministry to the local community. Stacie and Crystal will order all supplies needed. lIf you would like to know more information then mark your I Worshiped Today or on line to


24 HOURS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD is the focus and theme for our Mid-week Lenten services. Together we will revisit the final 24 hours of the life of our Lord Jesus and the significance of his suffering and death for all creation.

Wednesday, March 2:

Jesus, Barabbas, and Pilate

Wednesday, March 9:

The Torture, Humiliation and

Crucifixion of the King

Wednesday, March 16:

Christ the Victor

These lunch time and evening services are open to the public at Noon and 7:35 p.m.


HELP NEEDED!!! St. Mark’s is looking for some good planners to help coordinate the meals for Bread and Bowl, a program that feeds the hungry in the Van Wert area every Friday night at the First United Methodist Church. Dinner coordinators help plan the meal, purchase main course items, oversee the Friday meal, and recruit volunteers to prepare side dishes and desserts and to serve the meal. Financial ssitance is provided to cover the cost of the meal. Experienced coordinators would be willing to assist you as needed. If interested, please contact the church office (419 238-6336) or Kathy Taylor (419 605-8467).

The only date of Bread & Bowl that still needs covered is September 30th.