Out of Programme (OOP) Guidance
This policy provides guidance to trainees, Educational Supervisors, Programme Directors and Heads of School regarding approval of OOP experiences
Health Education East of England (HEEoE) is committed to equality and diversity within the organisation and this policy is in line with the Equality Act 2010. HEEoE will ensure that the application of any part of this policy does not discriminate, either directly or indirectly, against anyone on the grounds of race, disability, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age, pregnancy or maternity, marriage or civil partnership. An Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) will be carried out on an annual basis or in light of any amendments made to ensure this policy will not have a positive or adverse impact on any trainee.
1)Introduction to Out of Programme
2)Out of Programme Training (OOPT)
3)Out of Programme Research (OOPR)
4)Out of Programme Experience (OOPE)
5)Out of Programme Career (OOPC)
6)Ongoing Time Out of Programme
7)Extension to Time Out of Programme
8)Appendix One: OOP Application Form
Introduction to Out of Programme
Health Education East of England (HEEoE) recognises that trainees may wish to take a period of time Out of Programme (OOP) for a number of reasons. This guidance sets out the process and requirements which have to be met when a trainee requires an OOP period and the circumstances in which it can be granted.
OOP relates to trainees that wish to participate in an experience that is out of their planned programme of training. There are a number of circumstances that trainees may wish to spend time out of programme: to gain training or clinical experience; to undertake research; or to take a career break.
Time out of programme will not normally be agreed until a trainee has been in a training programme for at least a year and will not normally be allowed in the final year of training other than in exceptional circumstances. A link to the new Gold Guide can be found here:
The Postgraduate Dean is ultimately responsible for OOP; working with Heads of School and the Programme Directors.
Before applying for OOP, trainees must discuss their plans with their Educational Supervisor and/or Training Programme Director. This discussion will determine the suitability of the OOP and ensures the proposed post will meet the educational needs of the trainee. It is recommended that this discussion takes place at least 6 months in advance.
Subject to capacity HEEoErequires OOP application forms and supporting documentation to be submitted at least 3 months in advanceof the proposed OOP start date; exceptions will only be agreed by the Postgraduate Dean. Trainees must inform their current employer at least 3 months in advance to ensure that the needs of patients are appropriately addressed.
Trainees must understand that undertaking time out of programme whilst retaining their training number is subject to the following:
a) Three years out of clinical programme will normally be the maximum time allowed out of programme. Extensions to this will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances that will need further written approval from the Postgraduate Dean.
b) Trainees will need to liaise closely with their Educational Supervisor and Training Programme Director so that their re-entry into the clinical programme can be facilitated. At least 6 months’ notice must be given of the date the trainee intends to return to the clinical programme and the placement will depend on availability at that time. Trainees must understand that they may have to wait for a placement. Usually an OOP will start from trainee’s rotation date and only at other times by exception.
c) Trainees must return anEducational Supervisor Report of their progress in their research/clinical placement to form part of the Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP). Failure to do this could result in the loss of their training numbers.
d) Trainees who are less than full time (LTFT) should complete the same OOP application form noting their agreed hours of work.
Out of Programme Training (OOPT)
OOPT relates to an out of programme training experience. This could include a secondment to another training schemeboth within the UK/or a training fellowship outside of the UK. OOPT will normally be for a period of 1 year in total and may count towards a CCT. *In exceptional circumstances can be up to 2years (as outlined in the GMC guidance).
Royal College approval
For all OOPT applications, the appropriate College approval must support the application. It is the trainee’s responsibility to gain Royal College approvalonce approved by both their Educational Supervisor and Training Programme Director before submitting the application to HEEoE for Postgraduate Dean’s approval.
GMC approval
GMC approval will only be granted once HEEoE approval has been received. The GMC cannot accept applications from individual trainees, Colleges, Speciality Advisory Committees or faculties without HEEoE’s support.
GMC approval must be sought prospectively to enable training time to be counted towards a CCT. No retrospective approval will be given.If GMC approval has not been sought prior to the proposed start date of the OOPT, the trainee will not be able to have the time counted towards their CCT and an OOPE may be considered instead.
Certificate of Completion of Training
An OOPT generally contributes towards a trainee’s Certificate of Training (CCT). The GMC must prospectivelyapprove OOPT if it is to count towards a trainee’s CCT.
Acting Up (AUC)
Trainees who are in their final year of training can apply for an OOPT to Act Up as a Consultant (AUC) for a minimum of 3 months which can count towards their training.
A doctor in training can apply to their LETB to take time out of programme and credit the time towards CCT/CESR(CP) as an AUC – but only if it is permitted in the relevant specialty curriculum. Where the AUC is in the same training programme, then prospective approval is not needed from the GMC. If it is a different training programme, the usual Out of Programme (OOP) process applies,which includes a college letter endorsing the AUC.
If the relevant specialty curriculum does not have provisions for AUC – i.e. the curriculum does not say an AUC post can count – then it cannot count towards CCT/CESR (CP). Furthermore, the time cannotbe applied for through the OOP process.
Out of Programme for Research (OOPR)
OOPR relates to a trainee undertaking research as part of their training experience. Research projects may last up to 3 years and can contribute up to 1 year towards the trainee’s CCT. Research should usually be toward a higher degree.
Royal College Approval
For all OOPR experiences, the appropriate College approval must support the application. It is the trainee’s responsibility to gain Royal College approval.
GMC Approval
This will be required if any of the time OOPR is to count towards the CCT.
Out of Programme Experience (OOPE)
An OOPE relates to an out of programme clinical experience which does not fall under OOPT and does not contribute towards CCT. OOPE will normally be for a period of 1 year in total and may apply to a training experience outside of the curriculum. Applications must be approved by both the Educational Supervisor and Training Programme Director before being submitted to HEEoE for Postgraduate Dean’s approval.
Royal College Approval
Royal College approval is not required for an OOPE but the college does need to be notified through HEEoE.
Out of Programme Career Break (OOPC)
An OOPC relates to trainees who for personal reasons, request time out from their training programme. This may relate to illness, family caring responsibilities or other personal reasons. Normal approval lasts up to 1-2 years however may be longer in exceptional circumstances. Trainees must relinquish their National Training Number (NTN) if they take more than a 2 year break.Applications must be agreed by both the Educational Supervisor and Training Programme Director before being submitted to HEEoE for Postgraduate Dean’s approval.
Royal College Approval
Royal College approval is not required for an OOPC but the college does need to be notified through HEEoE.
On-going out of Programme (on-going OOP)
On-going OOP relates to time out of programme that has been previously agreed.
Trainees are required to ‘keep in touch’ with HEEoE for the duration of their OOP. This involves completing and submitting documentation relevant to the ARCP process on an annual basis:
- UpdatedOOP Application Form signed by Educational Supervisor, Head of School and the Training Programme Director
- Educational Supervisor’s Report of Progress
- A statement detailing progress made during OOP
All documents must be submitted to the ARCP panel even if trainee’s presence is not required.
Extension to existing OOP Application
Extending time out of programme relates to trainees who are currently on a previously agreed OOP. Trainees may wish to apply for an extension to their previously agreed OOP and must submit the appropriate documentation at least 6months prior to their original planned end date.
The following documentation must be forwarded to HEEoE:
- Extension to OOP Application Form signed by Educational Supervisor, Head of School and the Training Programme Director
- Educational Supervisor’s Report to support application
- A statement detailing reasons for applying for an extension
Unsuccessful Applications
In all cases if an OOP application is unsuccessful, trainees are advised to discuss the outcome with their Training Programme Director in the first instance.
Version / Date / Remarks1.0 / July 2010 / Amended from West Midlands Deanery guidance by KR & SS
1.1 / January 2012 / Inclusion of Equality and Diversity Act 2010 statement
1.2 / April 2013 / Revised by AB, KR
1.3 / Sept 2013 / Revised by AB, KR, SB
2.4 / May 2014 / Revised by PP, AB
Out of Programme Policy
Updated May 2014
Health Education East of England
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