My Ref: / Your Ref: / HM09 / Date:
Enquiries to: / Direct Dial: / Fax: / 01226 772799


Permission to keep chickens in your garden

I confirm receipt of your signed acceptance of conditions form, a second copy of which is provided for your reference. I am pleased to inform you that permission is granted which includes construction of the coop as detailed in your application.

All the conditions detailed on the form should be strictly adhered to at all times.

This permission will remain valid for 12 months from the date of this letter.

As stated in the guidance notes this permission is subject to an annual review and we will contact you when the review is due to arrange a suitable appointment to visit you.

If you require any further assistance in this matter please contact me on the above number.

This agreement is valid for 3 months from the date of this letter. If the work is not completed within this time you will need to ask for permission again.

Yours sincerely

Housing Management Officer

A fresh approach to people, homes and communities



Poultry such as chickens kept in captivity require a 24 hour commitment, they cannot just be a passing fancy. It is not easy to find someone with the skills needed to look after them when you are away from home. Before considering keeping any type of poultry carefully think about what time, garden space and funds you have.

  1. Permission to be obtained

Before any work is carried out or any commitment entered into, permission of Berneslai Homes, representing your landlord BMBC, must be obtained in writing.

  1. Site Plan and Specification

Included with your application you will need to provide a scaled plan showing the boundaries of your garden and the proposed location of your chicken coop and run. A specification showing the type and size of the coop should also be provided. Any structures should not take up more than a third of the garden area.

  1. Bird Numbers

A maximum of 4 chickens only will be permitted to be kept within a domestic garden area. Cockerels will not be permitted to be kept due to the loud early morning calls they make that will disturb neighbours in a domestic environment

  1. Suitable Quarters

Chickens should be kept outdoors in a coop or shed.

Your coop should have:

  • at least 250 centimeters squared floor area for each bird
  • a perch for them to stand on while they sleep
  • an exercise space, or ‘run’
  • a nesting box filled with wood shavings for the hens to lay eggs

You should keep the chicken coop clean and provide a regular supply of fresh bedding. You must also comply with our other conditions relating to structures within a garden area.

  1. Tenancy Regulation 9

Full compliance is also required with the conditions detailed in your tenancy regulation number 9 which relate to the keeping of animals. (Please refer to your tenancy agreement for full details of this regulation). Also remember that chickens will cause damage to gardens, scratching about, uprooting and eating plants. Every effort should be made to keep your garden clean and tidy.

  1. Concerns

Please note that any concerns we have regarding the welfare of the bird/s will be passed directly to the RSPB / RSPCA.

  1. Liability

Barnsley MBC and Berneslai Homes will not be responsible for any costs connected with your application.

8. Termination of Tenancy

If a notice is received to end the tenancy, you will be required to remove the coop from your garden.

  1. Annual Renewal of Permission

Permission will be subject to an annual review which will include a site inspection and if required viewing of required documentation.