St. Nicholas Orthodox Church
Frequently Asked Questions
New Direction in Christian Stewardship with Respect to Giving
1. Why does the Church want to go in a new direction?
Our Church is following the wishes of our Diocese, where at the XXII Diocesan Council Sobor in October 2013, all Church delegates voted to move in this continued direction of Stewardship.
2. What does it mean to “pledge,” and how do I determine what to pledge?
A pledge is simply a “good faith” estimate of your intentions. At the beginning of the year, you might consider:
a) Review what you have given to the Church in the past year or two;
b) Consider your anticipated income and expenses;
c) Prayerfully ask, “How can I be a faithful steward of what God has provided, and give back to Him and the Church in meaningful ways?”
d) The Church will provide sample giving profiles that might help you decide.
3. How will I know what I have contributed to the pledge?
The Church will provide quarterly updates on your giving.
4. What happens if I wish to later change my pledge?
To borrow a baseball analogy, our Church recognizes that sometimes life throws us a curveball. We will not legally obligate or coerce you to pay your pledge. We simply ask that you do your best. If at anytime, you face a financial hardship, which makes it difficult to honor your pledge, simply notify Father Don or Phyllis Tarasovich, the Church Financial Secretary.
So too, sometimes we experience a significant increase in our anticipated earnings. This might come through an inheritance, company bonus or promotion, lottery winnings, or otherwise. If so, prayerfully and kindly consider revising or exceeding your initial pledge.
5. This seems like a major step. Will our Church receive enough money?
We remain hopeful that St. Nicholas Church will experience increased giving as parishioners see and experience the benefits of increased giving. It actually produces a feeling of well-being anytime we give of ourselves to help others. “For God loves a cheerful giver.” (See 2 Corinthians 9:6-7)
Thankfully, amount of giving per member or member-family at St. Nicholas Church has steadily increased in recent years.
St. Nicholas Church Parish Meeting
September 27, 2015