NCDPI Extended Content Standards

Guidance for Occupational Therapists in IEP Goal Development

K-1 English/Language Arts

  • When presented with drawing/written word related to next event, goes to corresponding area or activity (snack, closet/cubby, bathroom).
  • Identify 1-2 core high interest words related to personal preferences (Thomas the Tank, vacuum, ball, truck, etc.)
  • Identify 1-2 high interest logos (Universal Studios, McDonald’s, etc.)
  • Identify 1-2 beginning letters within high interest words (Thomas, vacuum, Barney, etc.)
  • Choose picture from array (2-3 pictures) that is related to next daily event to indicate preference for that event (snack, closet/cubby, bathroom)
  • Match manipulative letters of name to letters of name on card.
  • Use a picture or photo to make a transition to a familiar activity or area of the room
  • Use picture sequence (first-then) to complete a sequence of activities (first use bathroom, then wash hands)
  • Use a 3-4 picture list to gather materials for a task
  • Match own photo to name card
  • Retrieve photo/name card from array and place on attendance chart
  • Select picture of self from choice of 2 in response to “Where’s ___?”
  • Choose a logo or label (from two choices) to indicate desire for a specific snack item (Lay’s Potato Chips vs. Cheetos)
  • Given a personal photo book, point to photos of self or family members spontaneously

  • Demonstrate attention to the reader and the text
  • Demonstrate a response to the visual text
  • Point to line of print on page to get teacher to read story
  • Position book correctly for reading/viewing of pictures
  • Turns pages of book from front cover to back
  • Follow book pictures from left to right on page
  • Follow a model (teacher’s movements) to turn page, to point to picture, to close cover
  • Respond to repeated line, rhythm, and/or movement within story by turning head, smiling, movement, etc.
  • Respond to intonation, volume, inflection and movement of teacher while reading by turning head, smiling, movement, etc.
  • Activate switch to begin a story
  • Activate switch to continue listening to a book on tape whenever it stops (continue computer program, etc.)
  • Follow single-step oral-graphic directions.
  • Touch pages of a tactile book
  • Reach to indicate desire to turn page
  • Correct behavior or shows appropriate behavior in response to classroom rules (hands in lap, etc.)
  • Select a book for story time from choice of 2 (1 is familiar, 1 is distractor)
  • Given two objects (object used in song vs. distractor) at circle time, indicate object associated with song to request song
  • Attempt communication using various means.
  • Turn head or eye gaze to speaker calling name

  • Demonstrate ability to track print.
  • Demonstrate understanding of commonly used environmental symbols.
  • Choose and explore books for reading.
  • Identify 1-2 words and symbols in elementary school environment (bathroom, exit, library, cafeteria, gym, etc,)
  • Identify words and symbols set up by teacher within classroom environment to identify areas or activities (reading center, play center, calendar, schedule, etc.)
  • Flip through pages of book to locate a picture matching a picture of an object presented by teacher
  • Repeat movement or words in repeated line text, given hesitation at appropriate time by teacher
  • Given symbol, picture or object in elementary school environment (bathroom, exit, library, cafeteria, gym, etc.), match identical symbol, picture or object
  • Anticipates end of familiar text.
  • Obtains related objects prior to reading of familiar text.
  • After repeated readings (with movement) of motivating book or story (Pat the Bunny, Where’s Puppy?, etc.), produce movement associated with book when teacher mentions or asks about book or character
  • Given two photos of own actions (photo of snack time and photo of outside time), connects one photo to event in text (“If you give a mouse a cookie,…”)
  • Choose and categorize symbols or logos (Sponge Bob/Patrick/Sandy vs. Cinderella/ Pumpkin/ Prince/fat mice, etc.) with favorite themes

  • Relates objects or actions to stories or songs.
  • Interacts with others in relation to text (using actions, expressions or gestures)
  • Complete a sequence of two movements on two separate cards or pictures
  • Create a partial representation of a story (act out).

  • Create a partial representation of a story (illustrate).
  • Draw shape or marks on page of ‘book about me’ and indicates what marks represent (must be related to self)
  • Choose name stamp from a set of stamps to stamp name on own literacy project
  • Use manipulatives to copy 1-3 letters (straight and curved sticks)
  • Connect point to point to create 1-2 letters within a classroom activity
  • Glue printed words in order on page to make sentences or sentence fragments
  • Grasp/open hand/move hand/etc. to accept support in making mark or in producing permanent product (pudding, glue/shaving cream, washable paint)
  • Write to create a product.
  • Create a story independently using words pictures and drawings
  • Use letter tiles to spell name, sight words, and CVC words from a model