SOAS Academic Promotions Procedure

Referee Nomination Form

Title / Name
Department / Current Post

Guidance for candidates and Heads of Department

  • Referees should not normally be the applicant’s PhD supervisor or a close, present or past collaborator (e.g. co-author, former Departmental colleague). If it is proposed to use a PhD supervisor or collaborator as a referee this must be approved by the Chair of the School Promotions Panel.
  • As a general rule, referees should be of a status at leastequal to the promotion being sought. For this purpose, “Associate Professor” in the US system is considered equivalent to Reader.
  • Only some of the nominated referees will be contacted, as determined by the Promotions Panel in the autumn term. Please see section 4 of the Promotion Procedure for further information.

Part One: Candidate Nominations

  • Candidates applying for promotion to Senior Lecturer should provide details of two external referees.
  • Candidates applying for promotion to Reader/Professor should provide details of four external referees.

All referees should be contacted by the candidate in advance to ensure that they would be willing to provide a reference. Please make your referees aware that if contacted, they will be asked to provide a reference inJanuary.

Referee 1:

Title / Surname
Forename / Email
Telephone / Address
Job Title / Institution
Rationale for nomination
☐I have contacted this referee to confirm their availability to provide a reference. They are aware that, if contacted, they will be asked to provide the reference inJanuary.
☐I confirm that this referee is not my PhD supervisor or a close, present or past collaborator.

Referee 2:

Title / Surname
Forename / Email
Telephone / Address
Job Title / Institution
Rationale for nomination
☐I have contacted this referee to confirm their availability to provide a reference. They are aware that, if contacted, they will be asked to provide the reference in January.
☐I confirm that this referee is not my PhD supervisor or a close, present or past collaborator.

Referee 3 (applicants for Reader and Professor only):

Title / Surname
Forename / Email
Telephone / Address
Job Title / Institution
Rationale for nomination
☐I have contacted this referee to confirm their availability to provide a reference. They are aware that, if contacted, they will be asked to provide the reference in January.
☐I confirm that this referee is not my PhD supervisor or a close, present or past collaborator.

Referee 4 (applicants for Reader and Professor only):

Title / Surname
Forename / Email
Telephone / Address
Job Title / Institution
Rationale for nomination
☐I have contacted this referee to confirm their availability to provide a reference. They are aware that, if contacted, they will be asked to provide the reference in January.
☐I confirm that this referee is not my PhD supervisor or a close, present or past collaborator.

Part two: Head of Department Nominations

In the case of applications for promotion to Senior Lecturer, the Head of Department or Pro Director should nominate two additional external referees.

In the case of applications for promotion to Reader or Professor, the Head of Department or Dean should nominate four additional external referees, including at least one who can be asked to read and evaluate the published work/reflective teaching portfolio.

All referees should be contacted by the Head of Department in advance to ensure that they would be willing to provide a reference.

Please make referees aware that if contacted, they will be asked to provide a reference inJanuary.

Referee 1:

Title / Surname
Forename / Email
Telephone / Address
Job Title / Institution
Rationale for nomination
☐Reader Referee (Reader/Professor applications only)
☐I have contacted this referee to confirm their availability to provide a reference. They are aware that, if contacted, they will be asked to provide the reference in January.
☐I confirm that this referee is not the applicant’s PhD supervisor or a close, present or past collaborator.

Referee 2:

Title / Surname
Forename / Email
Telephone / Address
Job Title / Institution
Rationale for nomination
☐Reader Referee (Reader/Professor applications only)
☐I have contacted this referee to confirm their availability to provide a reference. They are aware that, if contacted, they will be asked to provide the reference in January.
☐I confirm that this referee is not the applicant’s PhD supervisor or a close, present or past collaborator.

Referee 3 (applicants for Reader and Professor only):

Title / Surname
Forename / Email
Telephone / Address
Job Title / Institution
Rationale for nomination
☐Reader Referee (Reader/Professor applications only)
☐I have contacted this referee to confirm their availability to provide a reference. They are aware that, if contacted, they will be asked to provide the reference in January.
☐I confirm that this referee is not the applicant’s PhD supervisor or a close, present or past collaborator.

Referee 4 (applicants for Reader and Professor only):

Title / Surname
Forename / Email
Telephone / Address
Job Title / Institution
Rationale for nomination
☐Reader Referee (Reader/Professor applications only)
☐I have contacted this referee to confirm their availability to provide a reference. They are aware that, if contacted, they will be asked to provide the reference in January.
☐I confirm that this referee is not the applicant’s PhD supervisor or a close, present or past collaborator.

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