Guest Writer Guidelines

Benefits: You’ll be a published author and expose your name and talents to tens of thousands of readers every month! Whether you’re an aspiring author, looking to gain more traffic to your blog, or just want to share your knowledge, writing as a guest writer for Safari the Globe is a great way to gain some exposure or build your resume. Unfortunately, Safari the Globe doesn’t compensate guest writers or bloggers in any form.

Content:All submissions must be relevant to Safari the Globe's focus and mission (see below), meaning it must be focused on some form of culture. This may include identity, food, religion, relationships, sports, arts, entertainment, holidays, festivals, architecture, and nearly any other part of daily life from work to school.

Safari the Globe does not post articles or blogs focused on politics, economics, or fashion (we do accept posts about traditional clothing or how the clothing is changing today), although naturally these items affect aspects of the culture and may be addressed in a culturally-focused article. Additionally, Safari the Globe doesn't take any political stances and won't post articles with a specific political or economic stance stated overtly or subtly. However, personal opinions are allowed so long as they are supported by observation and/or research.

If you've written a blog post on your own website that you think would be relevant you may submit that and we'll post the first few sentences of your post, then will direct our readers to your blog. However, any previously published article/blog must be approved in writing for re-publication by the copyright owner.

All submissions must be written in English and must be void of foul language and political, economic, racial, and other biases.

Links: You may include links with your submission; these links may include links to third party sources, articles, websites, or to your personal blog or website. These may not be commercial links or links to inappropriate websites.

Format:Submissions can be written in the form of a blog or article.

Length:500 - 1,500 words

Copyright:As a guest writer on Safari the Globe, you maintain the copyright to your work, however by submitting an article, you give Safari the Globe permission to post your article or blog on royalty free indefinitely.

Imagery:Providing images is voluntary; if provided, you must own all copyrights and allow Safari the Globe to post these images on royalty free. This will not be a transfer of the copyright as you will maintain the copyright to these images, but by submitting images, you are giving Safari the Globe permission to post the images indefinitely.

Safari the Globe’s Mission:At Safari the Globe, our mission and focus is on understanding modern-day cultures, which are created by the landscapes and events from every culture's past. This begins with knowing the modern culture, including the language, food, ethnicity, and even the sports and entertainment loved by the people. Plus, we want our readers to better understand why these people speak their language, eat these particular foods, and love the sports that they love. To understand any culture, one must better understand the landscape and events of the past. We hope to accomplish this by teaching our readers more about the geography that influenced the way of life, the weather that provided plants, the animals that call the lands home, the history that changed the people, the religions that have influenced daily life, and the languages and ethnicities that help contribute to the modern society and culture.

It is our hope that each of our visitors gains more knowledge about their destination, but more importantly a better understanding of why their destination is what it is today.

Note: Safari the Globe maintains the right to reject any submission for any reason, may remove or edit any links or images. Prior to significantly altering any written content, Safari the Globe will seek the author’s permission prior to publication.

Guest Writer Submission Form

(To be submitted as an attachment via e-mail to: )

Your Name:

(Note: all articles must be submitted by the author)

Article/Blog Title:

Primary Content:

Architecture Arts Culture Daily Life

Entertainment Festivals Food Holidays


SchoolSportsWork Other:

Secondary Content:

Architecture Arts Culture Daily Life

Entertainment Festivals Food Holidays

Identity Language Relationships Religion

School Sports Work Other:

Does this Article Contain Links?

Yes No

Do you Own the Copyright to all Content?

Written Content: Yes No

Imagery: Yes No

Has this Article, in Full or in Part, Been Published in the Past?

Yes No

If “Yes”, who published it?

If “Yes”, when was it published?

If “Yes”, do you still own the copyright? Yes No

Please Include Any of the Following That You’d Like Published (optional):

(Note: if accepted for publication, your name will appear on The below information will only be published on if you included here)



Your Title:

Are You Including a Headshot of Yourself? Yes No


Name: Date:

(By typing your name above, you are guaranteeing that all of your statements and answers in this document are true and accurate)

Submit Your Article:

Once completed, save this document to your computer’s hard drive and e-mail this document, along with your article, and images (if any) to .