Minutes -February 28, 2011
Boardmembers in attendance: Eric Pihl, Toby Thaler, Norma Jones, Shawn Mulanix, Matt Gasparich, Linda Clifton, Stephanie Pure, Mrs. Noble and George Heideman
Mayor McGinn joined Fremont residents for a walking tour.
Fremont Arts Council has a new president, Michael Clark
Guest Speaker-Tim Durkan, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
Department of Neighborhoods (DON) is undergoing some major changes and is in the process of searching for a new director and new direction. On 1/4/11 the Neighborhood service centers were reduced from 13 to 7. Tim’s new office will be located at 23rd and Jackson.Concerns were raised about the new office’s distance away from Fremont, and that most residents would choose to go to either Ballard or the UDistrict service centers, or downtown, instead of visiting this location.
Community feedback is accepted until July 1, 2011. Contact Community Relations Strategic Advisor Lois Maag: 206 615 0950 or
Review and Approval of Outstanding Minutes
Treasurer’s Report-FNC has approx $65k in bank, $1800 earmarked for 46th mural project maintenance
Old Business
Ernst Park Addition/Grant Application
SPU N. Transfer Station Follow-Up – We are going to invite them to an upcoming meeting
Reports from Committee Chairs
Land Use
The project at 40th and Stone appears to be moving forward, concerns were raised about the scale of the project
FS 9 Update
Membership99 members
New Business
AGM Planning
Speakers that should be considered Tim Burgess, Reuven Carlyle, Frank Chopp
NPF Grant Applications
Need to repair the bridge way mural, Fremont Arts Council president is taking this on, FNC board approved $200
Crossing Flags & Signals
Council authorized up to $250 for flag buckets at 41 + Fremont 43 + Fremont Motor Pl + Fremont 42 + Fremont . Council asked that “Provided by Fremont Neighborhood Council” be written on the buckets.
N 38th / Fremont Way N – requested change to crosswalk signal timing. Draft letter approved to be sent to Peter Hahn at SDOT.
Executive Session
3518 Fremont Ave N #111 – SeattleWA 98103-8814 –