Kent Interhall Council

Meeting Agenda

March 20th, 2018

I. Call to Order:7:00p

II. Roll Call

Allyn/Clark / 1B / Engleman / 1 / Leebrick / 0
BMV / 4B / FleMan / 8B / PrenBar / 4B
CCAB / 2B / Koonce / 3B / StoJo / 3B
CCCD / 0 / Korb / 6B / Verder / 2B
CCEF / 3 / Lake/Olson / 6B / Wright / 8B

IIIApproval of Last Meeting’s Minutes

IV.Old Business

V.New Business

a. Homecoming Nominations

  1. Mary Simon
  2. Erica Rickey

b. Elections for 2018-2019 Executive Board

  1. March 20, 2018 Elections
  2. Director of Marketing
  3. Hayley Rabich
  4. Director of Programming
  5. Corina De Anda
  6. April 3, 2018 Elections
  7. Director of Student Relations

VI.Officer Reports

a. Executive Director (Ryan Pasquino, )

  1. Good Luck to Everyone Running! I am excited to see the next KIC E-Board!
  2. Bids for Director of Student Relations are Due Tuesday April 3 at 5:00pm
  3. Next President’s Roundtable Tuesday April 24 is at 3:30 PM in Studio A!
  1. Please make sure that there is at least one representative per hall council!
  2. The more the merrier!

b. Director of Business Operations (Emiliana Morales, )

  1. Creative Minutes Due Every Tuesday at 5:00pm in the KIC/NRHH Office
  2. Last Week’s Winner: Wright Hall
  3. This Week’s Theme is: Spring
  4. Minutes Due Every Tuesday at 5:00pm
  6. Rentals

c. Director of Community Development (Alex Olsen, )

1.Want to help with Flashathon?!

  1. Flashathon Committee Thursdays at 4:15p in the KIC/NRHH Office
  2. Get HOTS Points for Attending
  3. Currently raised $972 #ForTheKids!!

2.Go to this link to donate to our team! Every dollar counts! Post in your halls/on social media!

3.HOTS Points leaders!

  1. 1st Place: ______
  2. 2nd Place: ______
  3. 3rd Place:______

4.Jar Wars!- Don’t Forget to Bring Change to KIC General Meetings or the KIC/NRHH Office

  1. Collect change in your hall and bring it to KIC meetings to put in your hall’s jar, the hall with the most change in their jar at the end of the meeting on the 3rd will win 15 HOTS points and possibly something else. You can also stop in the KIC office during hours and drop off change as well.
  2. All the change will go towards KIC/NRHH’s Flashathon team

d. Director of Marketing (Mary Simon, )

  1. Best Dressed Winners!
  2. 1st Place: ______
  3. 2nd Place: ______
  4. 3rd Place:______
  5. Follow us on our Social Media
  6. Facebook: /KentInterhallCouncil
  7. Instagram: @kentinterhall
  8. Twitter: @kentinterhall
  9. Snapchat: @ksukic

e. Director of Programming (John McDermott, )

  1. Sibs and Kids Registration is Open!!
  3. Help Volunteer
  5. Festival of Nations
  6. All should have gotten emails about forms

f. Director of Student Relations (Corina De Anda, )

  1. Social Justice Meetings Every Monday at 7:00pm in the KIC/NRHH Office
  2. Get HOTS Points for Attending
  3. Comment Box!!! (Ooh Ah that’s amazing)

g. National Communications Coordinator (Celina Soussou, )

  1. Want 5 HOTS Points?
  2. Come to the KIC/NRHH Office, Pick-up and Deliver Care Packages to your Residents!
  3. Great Way to Meet Your Residents and Build Community!
  4. Fundraising Committee: Every Thursday at 5:30p in the KIC/NRHH Office
  5. Get HOTS Points for Attending

VII. Guests

a. National Residence Hall Honorary ()

  1. End of the Year Celebration
  2. Nominations are Live!- DUE This Friday March 23 at 5:00p
  3. April 30th in the Kent Student Center Ballroom!
  4. Want to help? Ask me!
  5. Submit OTM’s by 4/4 at 11:00pm
  6. Get HOTS Points!
  7. Follow us on our Social Media
  8. Facebook: /KentStateNRHH
  9. Instagram: @KentState_NRHH
  10. Twitter: @KSUNRHH
  11. Any questions? Email at

b. Undergraduate Student Government (Morgan Marshall, )

  1. Thank you for everyone who voted!
  2. Office Hours: Monday 11-2pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30-10:30a.
  3. In the USG Office
  4. Come say hello!

c. Residence Services

  1. Roommate Friending Event Thursday 5:00p in Studio A

d. Dining Services

  1. Meal Plan Presentations and Q&A: Every Monday and Wednesday 12:00-1:00p in Studio A
  2. Get Entered in a Raffle for 1 Free Meal Plan
  3. Dining Feedback
  5. Follow Dining at
  6. Instagram: @KSUDining
  7. Facebook: @KentStateDining
  8. Twitter: @KSUDining

e. Tech Help ( )

VIII. Open Forum

IX. Second Roll Call

Allyn/Clark / 1B / Engleman / 1 / Leebrick
BMV / 5B / FleMan / 9B / PrenBar / 5B
CCAB / 2B / Koonce / 3B / StoJo / 3B
CCCD / 1 / Korb / 5B / Verder / 2B
CCEF / 3 / Lake/Olson / 6B / Wright / 8B

X. Adjournment: 8:20p

Upcoming Events This Week:

●This Month is National Women’s History Month!

●Flashathon, Saturday April 7, Noon-Midnight in KSC Rec

Sibs and Kids Weekend, April 13-15

HOTS Points
Allyn/Clark / 34 / Engleman / 6 / Leebrick / 26
BMV / 46 / FleMan / 65 / PrenBar / 47
CCAB / 39 / Koonce / 42 / StoJo / 66
CCCD / 29 / Korb / 65 / Verder / 58
CCEF / 28 / Lake/Olson / 71 / Wright / 105