
Subject: Invitation to the 1 ^ the Slingshot World Cup Italy 2018 -
Hereby the Specialty – Slingshot Italy - associated with FIGEST - based in Perugia - Italy Via Martiri dei Lager in the person of the President and the entire organizing committee is pleased to invite your nation and your team in the first league the shooting world with the Slingshot to be held from day 21 to 24 June 2018 Italy - Gualdo Tadino (PG).

The program will be as follows:
June 21, 2018
9:00 am Gathering of all participating athletes at the sports hall Carlo Angelo Luzi and opening Meeting with delegates from each participating country aimed at the creation of the first international board - where he will talk about the regulation of the world in 2018 and the subsequent organization of future world.
From 12:00 am to 15:00 pm Collection of inscriptions and delivery of Parcels race for the athletes (the parcels will be delivered to each Country Representative who will deliver them to their athletes)
From 15:00 pm to 19:00 pm Start of the shooting field trials Race
21:00 Appointment of all Athletes in Square PIAZZA MARTIRI DELLA LIBERTA’ for OPENING CEREMONY - Parade of GIOCHI DE LE PORTE - GREETINGS FROM THE MAYOR AND ALL THE INSTITUTIONS - presentation of the participating athletes that will be called on stage AND NATIONAL HYMNS.
22:00 Reception Buffet Welcome to all participating athletes at the “Taverna” of the four doors offered by the Organizing Committee
June 22, 2018

9:00 Before the Shooting Stage Start
From 13:00 to 14:45 Lunch break
15:00 Resumption of Gare
June 23, 2018
9:00 Start Second Phase of Tyre
From 13:00 to 14:45 Lunch break
15:30 Resumption of Gare
21:00 Gala Dinner of all nations Participants - At Affiliated restaurant.
June 24, 2018
10:00 Final Round Start Team
15:00 Start Closing Ceremony - Award Ceremony - Greetings.
Monte Prizes for winners: In addition to the World Title there will
Ranked first gift voucher Plane ticket of € 500,00
Ranked second gift voucher ticket of € 300.00 Plane
Third Prize Voucher purchase ticket of € 200.00 Plane
Attached to this you will find the Regulation of the races and all the necessary information to arrive and stay.
The registration fee for each athlete will be € 20,00 :
- Insurance coverage, entry to the shootings, an agreement with structures where to stay and enjoy food - Dinner of the day June 21 Welcome and Gala Dinner on June 23 - Start Bag production bonus.
Athletes and nations who wish to participate in the world must send before the day 28.05.2018:
1) membership model attached to this with the list of Athletes. (ANNEX A)
2) Copy of a document valid for foreign travel abroad for any athlete in writing
3) Copy of the registration fee payment bill for those wishing to benefit from the discount (€ 48.00 to athlete)


Sergio Sabbatini
the Secretariat
Brunetti Marco

Marinelli Mirko

Giacometti Leonardo



Date ______

Sir. President

ITALY 2018



The undersigned – Name and Surname ______dates a ______il ______in quality of ______.

Nation ______

PRESIDENT - OR REFERENT Sir. ____________


E-MAIL ______

He/she asks to be able to participate in the SLINGSHOT WORLD CUP – ITALY 2018.

that it will be held :

Address Via Flaminia km 189 – Palazzetto Carlo Angelo Luzzi

CAP 06023 Country Gualdo Tadino – Italy Prov. PG

Email : - –


SIR______dates ______


SIR______dates ______

SIR______dates ______

SIR______dates ______


SIR______dates ______






DISCLOSURE PURSUANT TO ART. 13 Legislative Decree 196/2003
Under Article. 13 of Legislative Decree no. June 30, 2003, n. 196 of the Code for the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter "Code"), and in relation to personal data provided at the time of enrollment, the affiliazio¬ne and / or otherwise at any other time of the activity in ' scope of the Italian Federation of Traditional Games and Sports (hereinafter collectively the "Data"), we inform you as follows:
1) Purpose of processing - The processing of data - and in this case the collection, recording, storage, consultation, communication, transfer and / or distribution - is managed and limited by the performance of the FIG and ST and, in the role of independent data to their respective competence, CONI, international organizations where the FIG and ST accedes, the institutional tasks entrusted to them by state law and the rules and sporting regulations concerning the organization and operation of the FIG and ST in Italy, the rules that the person concerned must be aware of.
Such duties include, without limitation:
a) the enrollment of athletes and coaches with the company;
b) the organization of activities for the promotion, dissemination and improvement of technique, tactics and values ​​of sport among the members;
c) the organization and management of the national teams, regional or local;
d) participation in the activities carried out by CONI doping and other international bodies;
e) any other assignment entrusted to bodies mentioned above by the Federal FIG Cards East. and any laws or regulations regarding the traditional sports industry.
The data processing is also intended to provide the person any relevant information relating to the activities performed by the FIG and ST, also through its website.
2) Processing - The data processing is:
a) set up both with papers and with the aid of electronic or automated means; in any case they have been adopted and are used appropriate security measures;
b) carried out directly by F.I.G. ST and, by their own employees or staff offices, the Sectors, bodies and joints from time to time federal authorities, which commissioned de! treatment that will handle it in such a way as to guarantee an adequate level of safety, or by persons appointed to be in charge of processing, whose names are communicated on request or found at
c) carried out, where necessary, by persons other than the FIG East. referred to in item 1) above, in the capacity as independent data and for their proper purpose, however within those described in point 1) above.
In particular as regards the treatment relating to anti-doping purposes, although the World Anti-Doping Code provides for and regulates the transmission of personal data of athletes at the new database ADAMS (Anti-Doping Administration & Management System), managed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) , the personal data of the athletes will not be processed by the database until not met the minimum guarantees provided by the Privacy Code.
3) Nature of provision of data - Unless otherwise indicated, the provision of data and permission for its processing is necessary for the performance of the tasks referred to in point 1) above by the persons referred to therein, and therefore mandatory.
4) Consequences of a refusal to respond - The failure to provide data and / or the consent will make it impossible to proceed with the request made by this federal form.
5) Communication of Data - The data may be disclosed to parties other than the FIG East. mentioned in point 1) above permitting them, in as independent data, take over the handling of data for the purposes indicated in the same paragraph 1). Data can also be communicated to the media for the purpose and to the extent strictly necessary for the exercise of the freedom of the press. Further communication of data may take place to the authorities as required by law.
6) Dissemination of data - Data can be circulated solely for the pursuit of the purposes mentioned in point 1) by means of releases they will be disseminated by means of computer networks and / or electronic communications through the Internet site of the FIG East. or other person referred to in point 1), and / or for the fulfillment of additional disclosures prescribed by sports. Further spread of the data may be made via the press release by the same data controller only for the purposes and within the limits of the exercise of freedom of the press.
7) Transfer of data abroad - the data can be transferred to EU countries or countries outside the European Union for the purposes of paragraph 1) and within the limits and in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Code and the orders of the General Authority for the protection of personal data.
8) Rights of the - We inform you that you may exercise rights with respect to the processing of data in accordance with art. 7 of the Privacy Code:
1. You have the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in intelligible form.
2. You have the right to obtain information:
a) source of personal data;
b) the purposes and methods of treatment;
c) the logic applied in case of treatment with electronic instruments;
d) the identity of the owner, manager and the representative appointed pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 2;
e) subjects or categories of persons to whom the data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the State, managers or agents.
3. You have the right to:
a) updating, correction or, if interested therein, integration of data;
b) the cancellation, anonymization or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data that need not be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
c) confirmation that the operations in letters a) and b) have been notified, also for quan¬to regards their content, of those to whom the data were communicated or disclosed, except where such It proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly proporzio¬nato to the protected right.
4. You have the right to object, in whole or in part:
a) for legitimate reasons to the processing of personal data, pertinent for collection purposes;
b) to the processing of personal data for purposes of sending advertising materials or direct sales or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.
9) data processor and any responsible - data controller is the FIG East. - Italian Federation of Traditional Games and Sports, recognized association of private law based in Perugia, Via Martyrs of the camps, n. 73, tel. 075 5002584, at which you can refer the person concerned to exercise the rights referred to in paragraph 8 above), or for a list of the persons appointed to be responsible for the processing of data concerning him – and ASD GRUPPO FIONDATORI GUALDO TADINO – Via Flaminia 06023 Gualdo Tadino (PG).

Asd Gruppo Fiondatori Gualdo Tadino - Italia

Address - Via Flaminia snc – Loc. Palazzo Mancinelli – 06023Gualdo Tadino – Perugia – C.F. 92013510547

Contact : Phone +39 3331367617 secretary + 39 3397154737 secretary + 39 3498348571 president

Web site :

Email : - –