User Guide for Alberta Worm Invasion – Worm Tracker 2.0
The WormTracker App Version 2.0 is available for use on iOS and Android devices or through an Internet browser. Links to download the mobile apps or access the web-based version of the app can be found here.You will be asked to take pictures of the worms that you identify so the data should be collected on a device with a camera if possible.If you have a data connection (Wifi or 3G/LTE), you can submit your observations from the field. If not, all of your data will be saved which allows you to submit later when your have a data connection again. You can make more than one observation without submitting your data.
Navigation in the App
Here are some useful tips regarding navigation in the app:
- To move between screens in the app, use the and buttons.
- The info buttons found within the app include useful information about how to enter various types of data throughout the app. For example, on the Location screen, the info button for “Description” includes information on the different habitat types.
- Entry fields with an asterisk (*) are required fields and you will not be able to submit your entries if these fields are not completed.
- If any of the required fields are missing you will receive an error message when you attempt to add a new sighting on the “Submit” screen. If this occurs, use the back button to find the missing information, which will be highlighted in red.
Home Screen
On the home screen you will see two buttons: “Start Sighting” and “About Worm Tracker”. Click “About Worm Tracker” to get additional information on the app, the project, and an overview of how to use the app. Click “Start Sighting” to enter data about earthworm sightings.
About Worm Tracker
On this screen you will find information describing the App, a link to the website associated with the project, and a description on how to do a sighting report.
Start Sighting
This will take you into the app where you can enter data about the worms you have found and the ecosystem they were found in.
On this screen you will provide information regarding the location where you are conducting the survey.
If you are using the web-based version of the app, you may be asked if you are willing to allow the website to use your current location. Choosing “Allow” will allow the app to enter the GPS coordinates based on the location of your computer/device. If you do not allow this, then the GPS coordinates can still be entered manually (instructions are provided within the app regarding how to determine your GPS coordinates using Google Maps).
- Description of location – Describe the environment where you are conducting the survey. See the info button for descriptions of each environment type.
- Latitude and Longitude – This will be entered automatically using the GPS on your mobile device. If you are entering samples that were collected manually (e.g. on paper), you can use the “Override” checkbox to enter the Latitude and Longitude values directly. See the info button for instructions on how to look up the latitude and longitude using Google Maps.
- Forest Floor Litter – Enter the depth of the forest floor litter in cm.
- Human & Terrain Impacts – Identify any human or terrain impacts near the survey location. Check all boxes that apply.
On this screen you will provide information regarding the weather, sampling method, and plot size used for this survey.
- Date–This will be entered automatically, but can be modified if needed by typing in the box.
- Weather – Enter a description of the weather on the day you collected the sample.
- Ground Moisture – Describe the ground moisture (dry, wet, or medium).
- Sampling Method – Describe the sampling method used. The mustard extraction method is the recommended method since it is the most effective method for sampling the widest range of species.
- Midden Count – Middens are mounds of dirt and vegetation deposited by deep dwelling earthworms (i.e. anecic species) at the entrance to their burrows. If you see any middens present where you are surveying, record the number found here.
- Standard 25 x 25 cm plot used? – Identify whether or not you have used a standard 25 x 25cm plot for this survey.
- Did you find worms? –If you enter yes, you will be taken to the screen where you can record additional information about the types of worms found. If you enter no, you will be taken to the Submit screen where you will have the option to enter data for a new location or upload your sightings.
On this screen you will enter information for each type of worm that you find. Before entering the data, group the worms by type (i.e. deep burrowing, soil dwelling, litter dwelling, juveniles, unsure). See the info button for information about how to identify the different types of worms. Choose one of the worm types and enter data for that type. After recording data for the first type of worm and submitting a picture (optional) you will be asked if you want to enter data for “More Worms” (at this location) or if you want to enter data for a “New Location”.
- Worm type - Identify the type of worm that you will be entering data for. See the info button for more information about the different types of earthworms.
- Number of worms (of this type) – Enter the number of worms of this type that were found at this site.
- Average length of worms– Choose the category that best describes the average length of the worms of this type (i.e. <7cm, 7-12cm, >12cm).
- Worm colour – Choose the category that best describes the color of the worms of this type (i.e. dark red/purple, dark greenish, white, grey, pink).
- Colour gradient, with lighter tail? – Check this box if the worm has a gradient of colour with the tail being a lighter colour than the front part of the body.
- Clitellum absent? – Check this box if there is no clitellum present. No clitellum indicates that the worm is a juvenile. If you have checked this box, indicating that the worm is a juvenile, then you will be asked to answer the following questions which will help in identifying the type of worm. See the info button for pictures to aid in answering these questions.
- Diameter greater than 2mm?
- Tail flattens when moves?
On this screen you have the option to take a photo of the worms. If you have a device with a camera, please take a picture of the worms of this type that were found in your survey. The photos will be used to aid in verifying the worm type identifications.
On this screen, you will enter information about yourself and be provided with the options of entering additional data for this site, for a new site, or to upload all of your sightings.
- Describe Yourself – Choose the category that best describes yourself (i.e. elementary school student, junior high school student, high school student, post-secondary student, teacher, biologist, citizen).
- Age – This field is optional.
- Group ID –To enter data as part of a group, you will need to pre-register on theWorm Tracker website. If you have pre-registered, enter your group ID here.
- Submit Options – Choose one of the following options. If the buttons are RED this indicates that there is missing information in required fields (you will also get an error message if you attempt to click the buttons when there is missing information). Use the Back button to go back to the data entry screens and enter the missing information.
- More Worms – Select this option if you have data for additional types of worms for this site.
- New Location – Select this option if you would like to enter data for a new location.
- Upload Sightings – Select this option if you are ready to upload all of your data for the sightings that you have entered. The number in this button shows the number of sightings that have been saved. If your current sighting is complete, all of the sightings will be uploaded to the server when you push this button. If you have a data connection (Wifi or 3G/LTE), you can submit your observations from the field. If not, all of your data will be saved which allows you to submit later when your have a data connection again. You can make more than one observation without submitting your data.
Alberta Worm Invasion: Worm Tracker