GTA Contest 2 Authors Text


GTA Contest 2 – Authors’ Text

GTA 1: Topic: Recitation

Text: He didn't read my Palm, my stars or my zodiac. He merely glanced at me once during our tour. He handed be over a can of juice and saw me intently as I gulped my drink. Awkwardness was beyond tolerance. He then started listing out things about me. He recited with an excellent accuracy about my past and present. I was awestruck. I would usually brush off these things as mere mind games. But something about this man made me more curious. I was just drawn more and more towards his personality.

GTA 2: Topic: Textbooks

Text: On the very first day, the Physics teacher prescribed this terrible book. Within fifteen days or so, all of us purchased it. Some of my brilliant friends fell in love with this monster on the first day itself; it was ‘love at first sight’ for them. But for lesser mortals, it truly created a sense of terror. Every yellowish page of this book brought horror in our mind; every single problem from every chapter (except mechanics) was a torture. The back-benchers were truly mortified by this book.

When the brilliant ones used to keep this book beside their bed at the time of going to sleep, others used to keep it at the farthest corner of the study table. But, no! the adage ‘out of sight, out of mind’ has not been proved correct in respect of this textbook.

‘Fundamentals of Physics’ by Resnick-Halliday gives me occasional nightmares even after more than thirty years.

GTA 3: Topic: Research

Text: These days the lifestyle of the people is changed a lot. There is a revolution in the communication system all over the world. The Internet is playing a vital role in our lives. No person is seen without a smartphone. In all these developments the role of scientists and technologists is very important. The consistent desire of the human to excel in life is leading to all these research and development activities. Even after achieving all these we are not finding satisfaction in our minds. We still thrive on further development in our life which necessitates the research activities in our life. I think we all will be in an agreement that without scientific research there will not be any development.

GTA 4: Topic: Advisor

Text: Every person at some time or other in his life seeks advice in one form or other. Whenever we are at a crossroad or a state of confusion and are not able to take a conscious decision we have to go for some help in form of an advice from our teachers or parents or friends or relatives or any other person whom we feel is able to guide us in those difficult times.

The advice rendered by that particular person as advisor may be same as one of the options we already have or entirely a new suggestion but it inculcates a new wave of enthusiasm and energy in us to take an immediate decision on the pending issue.

So there is an important role of advisors in our life.

GTA 5: Topic: Discipline

Text: I am not sure but I do think that discipline, if taken literally, can be compared to our pulse or heart beat or to put it in a softer tone, to the rhythm of music. Discipline is the way we set our daily routine and is also applicable to each and everything we do as part of it. Picking up a newspaper, reading it through and then folding it up properly and keeping it in place is, in fact, a suggestion that you are disciplined. And, so is it when you give a word and abide by it. I won’t say that discipline is a way to success or anything of that sort; but, discipline does allow you to lead a set pattern and that would in turn relieve you of unnecessary tension and stress. Touch the pulse of your routine through discipline and stay happy. Discipline in life can make you aware of the consequences of what you say and also what you do. What is your opinion?

GTA 6: Topic: Teacher

Text: From the moment of birth a human being starts learning. To begin with it starts from the child's own mother and slowly turns to others, specifically to the nature.

A systematic learning starts only after attaining certain age. At that stage the child is taken to a person, called "teacher" who can provide additional knowledge than what was acquired till then. Gradually the need of acquiring more and more details, systematically, about many things, where the child is living, become a necessity with the continueing growth of child.

This necessitates contacting more teachers directly or through various institutions, referred as schools or colleges.

After attaining maturity, every individual selects own methods of acquiring additional knowledge which helps him/ her to improve his/her personality and thereby ones own life.

The ultimate aim of learning and acquiring knowledges is to select a means of living and to gain a successful life. Thus "teachers" play a key role in an individual's life directly or indirectly.

GTA 7: Topic: Skills

Text: Everyone focuses on a top-class education, many degrees, and a good job to have a successful life. But it doesn't end there, we cannot survive unless we have the skills to make good decisions, skills to think and solve problems, skills to communicate productively at the workplace and so on. These are skills that life teaches us the hard way or we specifically learn to succeed in life. At times of difficulty, when we hit a rough patch in life, our degrees, wealth or a good job doesn't come to our rescue, it is the skills to cope with stress, skills to be positive, skills to be creative and resilient that helps us to survive in life. No amount of classroom knowledge will help us to succeed without having the right set of life skills to achieve success in life.

GTA 8: Topic: Mentor

Text: “ Saying so, mentor hugged her and said, everyone loves you, don’think you are a failure.”

Though we are all familiar with the term tutor, trainer coach, we tend to get confused when we hear the word mentor.

A tutor helps his student to learn new subjects, topics and new concepts, mostly under a prescribed syllabus and framework. A trainer trains the trainee for a particular purpose and aim to make him to perfume the best. Coach enhances the knowledge and skills to a more developed stage.

A mentor is also like a coach, but there are some subtle and real differences. A mentor is an all-in-one of the above-a tutor, trainer, coach and a guide.

While coaching is for a particular session, series or season- i.e for a short term, mentoring is a long term relationship. Coaching is with a designed and defined framework, with regular schedules and time tables; but mentoring is somewhat informal and as per the needs and requirements of the mentee.

A mentor interacts and shares with the mentee about his career path, develops confidence and keeps confidentiality, sets up goals, develops and enhances the skills, supports emotionally, motivates, provides guidance and direction, solves problems, becomes a role model but not makes replica or clone. A mentor thus moulds and equips the mentee to be successful in doing better beyond the best.

P.S: First line quoted from <a href="/forum/155015-A-conversation-between-a-10-year-old-and-her-mentor.aspx">A conversation between a 10 year old and her mentor</a>

GTA 9: Topic: Writing

Text: Writing is an art. An art that describes your thoughts, views, your feelings, emotions. For some people, it is just source of expressing their thoughts and opinions. For others, it is a source of motivation, which helps them even progress in their life. For some people, it is a secret source of their sentiments, which they cannot express to anyone like we know there are some people who write personal diaries.

When you write down something, it is like you are revising down what you already know, what you are ought to be known. It is like making your thoughts to flow in an impressive manner or in a simpler. There are different forms of writing. Some people write in stories, some people would prefer on some theme-based topics. Some will give attractive headlines to their write-ups.

I feel writing gives answers to many of your questions. When you write and put forward your viewpoints in front of others, you get to see how everyone views, manipulates, ridicules or even praises your thoughts and opinions.

I think if we write down every single day of our life, it could form a beautiful story indeed. Because all of us play an amazingly mysterious role in our lives too.

GTA 10: Topic: Language

Text: The usage of our words, gestures, and tone of voice in a multitude of situation make a difference though your language is very polished and a polite one. Take this sentence - Why you have gone that way?

The question may look very simple but the way in which it was expressed by the other side can be interpreted in many ways. It is always very important for any individual that one should be more careful while expressing our thoughts irrespective of the fact that it's fair and frank. There are pretty chances that our version may be quoted out of context just as it happens in the print and electronic media today. The more we interact with others, the more we can be able to learn the art of good speaking and articulate skills. We should cultivate the habit of public speaking among the children since the childhood, after all a child is the father of the man!

GTA 11: Topic: Analysis

When someone behaves in a certain manner with you, you judge that person's character by it. If he is kind towards you, you think he is a nice and benevolent person. If he is rude and mean to you, you think he is an unkind, atrocious human being. But one act of kindness or one act of rudeness, never can bring the whole human character to you. Human behavior is much deeper. You must perform behavioural analysis before you come to any conclusion about a person. Analysis of a person's behavior will get you more close to his true character.

GTA 12: Topic: Knowledge

Text: Every time I see a response by Ms Juana, I can’t stop myself from marvelling at the beautiful quote that she uses as a footnote. "A love affair with knowledge will never end in heartbreak" - Michael Garrett Marino

A simple line embodies such a meaningful message. Do you agree with the thoughts expressed in the quote? How do you look at knowledge? Do you have a ‘love affair’ on with knowledge? What do you do to keep this love, for knowledge, alive and growing?

GTA 13: Topic: Words

Text: I would say that the most misused word in the English language is the word Sorry!, which is often used and reused in every possible situation. More often it is the least meant word yet very frequently used. Why don’t we really mean it when we say it? Has it become a word to escape the wrath of the offender?

We need to inculcate the habit of actually meaning it when we say Sorry, if not it will just remain a word with six alphabets with no actual meaning, a word which can be used after offending others. So let’s mean it when we say any words to others be it Sorry! or Thank you!

GTA 14: Topic: Guidance

When somebody seeks your guidance, you should be there to walk alongside, to gently nudge in the learning process. You can point out where the learner erred so that a step forward is made in the right direction. It is equally necessary to take a quiet step back and let the learner take a bit of initiative to discover how something should be done. Encourage and appreciate while walking alongside - and let the learner spread wings as you take a step back. Be an inspirational guide, not spoon feed to curb independent thought.

GTA 15: Topic: Training

Fitness trainers who wish to become a role model to trainees need to maintain a good attitude, habits, and communication skills. Having a pleasing personality is a de-facto item for a candidate who wishes to become a successful fitness trainer. A teetotaller would be ideal candidates who have a passion for the profession; good understanding of the basics and advanced fitness regimes is an added advantage. The candidates for this role from either gender in the age group of 20-35 fit the bill. Knowledge of modern technologies in the use of fitness equipment with additional self-knowledge of minor repairs is an added factor. Interaction with his or her trainees' post fitness training will further boost the morale of his trainees in the training given. Candidates who have undergone basic or professional training in highly esteemed fitness training centers will certainly attract more aspirants to be his or her trainees.


Happy Guessing!