Application Form 2016

International Summer SchoolsPlease fill out this form as a word document.

Osnabrück / Germany

Personal Details

Check boxes like this

Male Female

Contact address

Program Choice

Biomembranes & Cellular Microcompartments (BCMC), Language of Instruction: English (B2)

Period: July 01 – 22, 2016 (Arrival: 01 July; Departure: 24 July), Course Fee: 1,250 EUR

International Perspectives on Health Care (IPHC), Language of Instruction: English (B2)

Period: July 01 – 22, 2016 (Arrival: 01 July; Departure: 24 July), Course Fee: 1,250 EUR

Intercultural Competencies (IC), Language of Instruction: English (B2)

Period:July 01 – 22, 2016 (Arrival: 01 July; Departure: 24 July), Course Fee: 1,250 EUR

Educational Background

Home institution

Currentdegree program

Highest academic degree achieved

Language Competence

Other languages / I am currently studying
this language / I have attended a course in this language before / If yes, please state:
since when / amount of hours
German / yes no / yes no
English /  yes no / yes no

Emergency Contact Details

Details of someone we can contact in case of an emergency while you are in Osnabrück.


We, Osnabrück University’s International Office, will arrange for your housing. Depending on availability and your preferences, you will either be accommodated in a centrally-located student dorm or in a home-stay (the rent in the amount of 300 EUR is included in the course fee).

For further information, see:

Optional Program

Yes, I want to take part in the excursion to Berlin in the end of the Summer School program (July 24 - 26, 2016)

Fees: 240 EUR (includes transport to Berlin and back to Osnabrück, accommodation in Berlin, free public transport within Berlin, all sightseeing and cultural activities).

Please Note: If you take part in the excursion to Berlin, you should plan your departure for July 27.


Transfer / You will find the bank details and all other information for payment on the Letter of Acceptance which will be sent to you after the application process has finished. The university reserves the right to retrieve from applicants any bank charges or exchange costs that may be incurred.
Due-date / The total fee is due onMay 15, 2016. Fees for students accepted after the due dates are due upon formal notification.
Cancellation / The fee for cancellation made prior to 30 May, 2016, is 150 EUR.After May 30, 2016 no fees are refundable.

Letter of Motivation

International Summer Schools

Osnabrück / Germany

Please note that we would like to keep the bureaucratic effort involved in this application to a minimum. Therefore, you do not need to hand in any English language certificate.
It is thus of high importance that you write this Letter of Motivation independently and without assistance!
Please only apply for a program when you have reached the respective language level. Only then, it is guaranteed that you are able to follow the lectures, participate actively and complete the program successfully (i.e. receive your credits).
Place,Date, Signature

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

International Summer Schools

Osnabrück / Germany


I have read this form and fully accept the terms and conditions of Osnabrück University as stated in this form. Applications cannot be accepted without signature (original signaturerequired: please print out, sign and scan the form or alternatively use a digital pen).

Signature:______Date: ______

Please send the completed application form (as a word document and signed as a PDF) and documents by e-mail to:

until April 1, 2016.