CIfA groups toolkit

GT5.1 Event and workshop proposal form

Group activity and project proposal form

CIfA’s groups are one of our most important assets when it comes to supporting our membership in networking, professional development and helping meet our Strategic aims. We want to help groups provide a great service to the areas and specialisms they represent, and want to encourage activities and projects which help meet the aims of group business plans. The following proposal form covers events, activities and project proposals – essentially any area where groups may need some funding or support from staff. If you have any questions about this or any associated forms, just email your group coordinator and they will help you out.

Group Aims, Business Plan and CIfA Strategic Plan

Each group should have identified aims which help direct committees in the work undertaken. If your group aims have not been reviewed since 2012, we recommend you look over recent guidance and review aims against CIfA’s Strategic Plan. We also suggest all groups put together a three year business plan which identifies some basic targets – this is really to help guide committees and keep focused on initiatives, as well as allowing some consistency between different committee members. It may also be useful to familiarise the committee with CIfA’s Strategic Plan (2010-2020) every couple of years. Links to all documents can be found on the Groups Toolkit ( If you have any problems accessing this, please contact your group coordinator.

When proposals are submitted to CIfA, they will be reviews against the group aims and business plan, and the CIfA Strategic Plan.

Running CPD workshops with CIfA

CIfA are keen to help support groups, Registered Organisations and individual members run successful CPD workshops for both members and non-members of the Institute. All CPD courses and events are run under the umbrella of CIfA Smart CPD. Whatever the format, all CIfA Smart CPD will go through an evaluation process, set and reviewed by the IfA Professional Practice and Development committee, which will ensure that each opportunity will include

  • identified learning outcomes that are linked to National Occupation Standards
  • trainers who are competent and qualified
  • the right trainer to trainee ratio
  • certification
  • clear CPD hours

Group CPD workshopswill be managed and delivered by individual groups (or members where appropriate) with the support of staff at CIfA.

Other activities and projects

We encourage groups to also put together other types of activities or projects. This may include social and networking events, or specific projects which will help meet the group’s core objectives and business plan aims.

What we can do to help

CIfA staff will help support the development and delivery of events and projects – just keep us in the loop and one of the team will help identify the best ways we can assist. To help advertise events and courses, we can preparea flyer using CIfA’s house style, and for Smart CPD courses can also provide certificates of attendance, feedback forms and any paperwork you provide on the day. We are happy to format and put together any information, and can arrange printing and delivery of the packs to your venue. We also set up an Eventbrite booking page for your events which helps the administration of the event run smoothly.

Most importantly, we can help publicise your event or project. All courses will be promoted via our website and other communications (eg JIST, Member and RO bulletins), as well as in groups and noticeboard sections in The Archaeologist. We can also arrange for the design and printing of marketing material for the group, such as banners or postcards.

What we need from you

In order to start the ball rolling, we will need you to provide us with some basic facts about your activity using the proposal form below. This includes information on specific details (such as NOS related learning outcomes for CPD workshops) and identifies dates, times and locations for events. For projects, this allows you to provide a short business case for the project. For both, we ask you to provide reference to your group business plan and overall objectives, and an outline costing.

For CPD workshops and events, you will need to provide some additional information about the activity.

Once we have received the proposal we will get in touch to discuss the activity with you in more detail. We will put together an event checklist to help event organisers and supporting staff.


CIfA has a ring-fenced budget to help encourage and support group activities. This budget is small and primarily to help get things set up and in place, rather than cover all costs.

Ideally activities should be designed to meet their own costs, and should be able to contribute a small percentage overhead (ideally 10%) to cover the staff support and administration costs.

We encourage groups to think about ways of reducing the outlay for activities (such as finding free venues, or sponsorship in kind or cash) or charging to cover the costs of the event. In the case of projects where income cannot be identified, proposals will be reviewed against the CIfA Strategic Plan (see

General proposals for purchases and equipment

If your committee requires any other type of funding please use the second part of the form for this and again include all the relevant information to help us to agree it more easily.

This is to allow for one off purchases, such as for display boards or video conferencing equipment.

Please send this form, completed, to your CIfA group coordinatorJen Parker Wooding r Lianne Birney, .

GT5.1 Proposal form

Group name and main contact for this proposal
Title of activity
Business case[c.200 words which sum up what the planned activity, purchase or project is about; how does it help achieve your group aims and business plan? How does it relate to CIfA’s Strategic plan]
Indicative costs[Please provide a completed budget spreadsheet]
Amount applied for:
Expected income? [eg sponsorship, ticket price]:
Other information?[Anything relevant! For example, is the activity linked to anything external, or is the proposal collaborative with another organisation?]

Please complete the relevant additional information section below.

Additional information for CPD workshops and events

Training providers or facilitators [Basic and short biography of those giving the training, with contact details where appropriate]
Date and location [When are you planning to run the course? Have you got a location in mind, e.g. the town or city]
NOS linked learning outcomes [What are the Learning Outcomes? If NOS linked outcomes are not appropriate (eg if it is a networking event), please provide alternative outcomes]

Please send this form, completed, to your CIfA group coordinator (Jen Parker Wooding or Lianne Birney, ).

Office only
Date received
Date reviewed

Additional information for projects

Project manager/ specialists [Basic and short biography of those involved in undertaking the project, with contact details where appropriate]
Relevant dates [When are you planning to undertake the project? Is it specific to a certain timeframe, or linked to any external factors]
Project outcomes [Outline the project outcomes. What benefits are provided for members, the group and/or CIfA]

Please send this form, completed, to your CIfA group coordinator (Jen Parker Wooding or Lianne Birney, ).

Office only
Date received
Date reviewed