GSPP Application and ModificationForm
All information will be kept confidential and will not be made available to unauthorized third parties.Tariffs will be charged for the audits and travelling costs (by the audit organizations), and for the system (by the GSPP Foundation). For information on terms, definitions and standard information we refer to the GSPP website: .
The company who applies for GSPP certification is a company in progress untill it is accredited; by signing this form, the company in progress is obliged to participate in a Technical Investigation Procedure (TIP) in case a confirmed Cmm infection is found.Please send the completed and signed form to . Only duly signed forms can be processed.
Cross: / Indicate the use of the form:
GSPP Application (Application forms will be processed for a first application of a company after payment of a deposit of € 500 to GSPP Bank account)
GSPP Participant’s details modification (only fill in the information that is required to be changed and sign)
GSPP Participant’s QMS or site modification
GSPP Application for a renewal audit
Other, namely:
Date (of application or modification):
- Company/head office (full official name Company)
Cross: / Type of company:
Seed Producer
Seed Company
Plant Raiser Company
Seed Technology Company
Other, namely (indicate):
Company information
Name company:
Postal code:
Name contact person:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Name person authorized for Official Signatories:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Chamber of commerce (official registration number):
Official seat of the company:
Number of sites to be assessed:
Number of employees1):
1)Fulltime equivalent of permanent employees in the concerned company and its subsidiaries, working in vegetable related activities worldwide. This means all parts of the company with capital links (shares) of more than 50% (needed for tariff GSPP system). The GSPP board decides on the classification.
2. QMS Company (location of the QMS)
QMS Company informationName of the QMS location:
Same address as above
Postal code:
Name contact person:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Name person responsible for the QMS:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Cross: / Indicate your request for the QMS:
Pre-audit / Scope change
Initial audit
Periodical audit
Renewal audit / Other, namely:
Re-entry audit
Scopes QMS
Total scope for the application/ audit for the QMS. Indicate scope numbers:
Mark each cellwith an “X” in the first row for which scope the application is intended
Mark with “X”:SCOPE # / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
PROCESS / Sampling and/or testing of starting material / Interface (shipment of starting material) / Production of plants for seed production / Interface (shipment of plants) / Production of seeds / Interface (shipment of fruits) / Extraction / Interface (shipment of seeds) / Seed processing / Interface (shipment of seeds) / Seed treatment / enhancement / Interface (shipment of seeds) / Sampling and/or testing of seeds / Interface (shipment of seeds) / Trading of seeds, issue the Collective Trademark / Interface (shipment of seeds with GSPP-Collective Trademark) / Production of plants for fruit production / Interface (shipment of plants with GSPP-Collective Trademark)
RESPON-SIBLE / Seed Company / Plant Raiser
If applicable: subcontracting of scopes
Sub-contracting of scope numbers:
Sub-contracting at:
Name of the sub-contractor:
Postal code:
Name contact person:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Person responsible for the QMS / Person authorized for Official Signatories
3.Per site(Fill in one form per site)
Cross: / Site below belongs to:Seed Producer
Seed Company
Plant Raiser Company
Seed Technology Company
Other, namely (indicate):
Cross: / Indicate your request for the site:
Pre-audit / Add a Site
Initial audit / Remove a Site
Periodical audit / Scope change
Renewal audit / Other, namely:
Re-entry audit
Site information:
Name of the site:
Address of the site:
Postal code:
Name contact person site:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Name person responsible for the site
Telephone number:
Email address:
Other information:
This site is operating under the QMS of (name/address):
Preferred period in which the audit must take place:
Description of site:
Net house
Other, namely:
Production in:
Other, namely:
Area (inm2/ha):
Expected kg seed (in case of seed production):
Expected number of plants (in case of young plant production):
Accreditation period request (temporary red lock):
Yearly from to (indicate the months)
Scopes Site
Total scope for the application/ audit for the site. Indicate scope numbers:
Mark each cellwith an “X” in the first row for which scope the application is intended:
Mark with “X”SCOPE # / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
PROCESS / Sampling and/or testing of starting material / Interface (shipment of starting material) / Production of plants for seed production / Interface (shipment of plants) / Production of seeds / Interface (shipment of fruits) / Extraction / Interface (shipment of seeds) / Seed processing / Interface (shipment of seeds) / Seed treatment / enhancement / Interface (shipment of seeds) / Sampling and/or testing of seeds / Interface (shipment of seeds) / Trading of seeds, issue the Collective Trademark / Interface (shipment of seeds with GSPP-Collective Trademark) / Production of plants for fruit production / Interface (shipment of plants with GSPP-Collective Trademark)
RESPON-SIBLE / Seed Company / Plant Raiser
If applicable: subcontracting of scopes
Sub-contracting of scope numbers:
Sub-contracting at:
Name of the sub-contractor:
Postal code:
Name contact person:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Person responsible for the Site / Person authorized for QMS
GSPP Application and modification form V4.01