TitleWeb Meeting of Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) Research Working Group

Date23June2009, 1030 – 1230 UTC

ParticipantsEUMETSAT:Tim Hewison, and Marianne König

CMA:Xiuqing Hu

JMA:Kenji Date, Arata Okuyama, Ryuichiro Nakayama, Yuki Kosaka, and Hiromi Owada.

KMADohyeong Kim (no phone connection and couldn't participate fully – apologize for WebEx)

NOAA:Robert Iacovazzi, Xiangqian Wu (chair), and Fangfang Yu


  1. Review of Agenda
  2. Brief Announcements
  3. GRWG Chair and Vice Chair
  4. Web Meeting on SADE Site Selection
  5. SRF from GPRC
  6. EUMETSAT Presentation
  7. NOAA Presentation
  8. Review of Actions
  9. Any Other Business
  10. Next Meeting
  11. Date and Time
  12. Key issues
  13. Meeting Adjourned
  1. Announcement
  2. F. Wu will step down as GRWG chair next Feb. EP nominated T. Hewison as the GRWG Vice Chair. Waiting for EP formal announcement.
  3. A web meeting has been tentatively scheduled for 1030 – 1230 UTC, 14 July, for scientific discussion of SADE site selection. Will be finalized by 26 Jun.
  4. R. Iacovazzi thanked all GPRCs for providing web links of their respective GEO SRF, and reminded CMA to do so soon.
  1. EUMETSAT Presentation (T. Hewison)
  2. Hierarchical ATBDs for the inter-calibration of GEO-LEO IR imagers from EUMETSAT and JMA have been reviewed.
  3. These are currently available in MS Word format, but will soon become unmanageable.
  4. A. Jelenak is reviewing possible document management systems to handle the ATBDs, including Twiki and Word.
  5. R. Iacovazzi pointed out that this should include version control.
  6. A one-page ReadMe summary has been posted on for comment. GRWG members are encouraged to review and comment.
  7. A discussion of the requirements for static graphics for web-display has also been posted on comment.
  8. A revised NetCDF format for GSICS Correction Coefficients (Level 3 data) was proposed
  9. T. Hewison to circulate this to GRWG+GDWG
  10. JMA proposed content and format for collocation data files.
  11. F. Yu to circulate NOAA version
  12. Three levels of data files have been identified and their archive strategy onGSICS Server has been suggested. F. Wu and T. Hewison will develop a proposal to be discussed by GRWG/GDWG
  13. one month for Level 1: raw or subset data files
  14. one year for Level 2: collocation data files
  15. all for Level 3: product data files (GSICS Correction)
  1. NOAA Presentation (F. Yu)
  2. 30 day period of regression seems sufficient to smoothday-to-day variation
  3. Scientific suggestions from T. Hewison and M. Koenig to improve the analysis
  4. F. Yu to report the day-to-day variation in actual data
  5. The GSICS corrected radiance seems to be effective inremoving bias.
  1. Review of Actions
  2. Consensus GSICS hierarchical structure ATBD for EUMETSAT, JAM, and NOAA are within reach. T. Hewison and F. Wu will add editorial touch this week. Validation can be temporarily substitutedwith demonstration of effectiveness, e.g., F. Yu'splots.
  3. Coordinate with 3.3 above.
  4. GRUAN requested for recommendations on optimal conditions torelease special radiosounde around satellite overpass. T. Hewison will draft an initial proposal. GRWG will ask D. Tobin for input and coordinate the recommendation.
  5. M. Goldberg and J. Schmetz were tasked to evaluate theimpact of GSICS Correction on some key products for presentationat the User Workshop. GRWG is likely to ask for input.T. Hewison suggested studying the impact of 13.3 um channelcorrection on the cloud height assignment. M. Koenigsuggested Nov 2008. F. Wu concurred with the time frame and suggested further coordination.
  6. F. Wu will circulate NOAA ATBD this week.
  1. New Business – none.
  1. Next Meeting
  2. Tentatively scheduled 1030 -1230 UTC, 14 July 2009 (to be finalized by 26 Jun)
  3. Scientific discussion of site selection for visible channel calibration. These sites will be recommended for CNES for further characterization, similar to SADE sites.
  1. Meeting Adjourned