Balloch Community Association

Minutes of Committee Meeting 24 Sept 2012

Present: Billy Lowrie, June MacKinnon, Lorna Condie, Morven Reid, Lorna Robertson,

Viki Barclay

Apologies: Duncan Hendry, Jenny Card

Matters Arising from Minutes:

a) Duncan Hendry has drafted a letter to the Breadman and to Mrs Riddell,to be sent Recorded Delivery, setting out the terms of repayment of their debts or stating that a claim against them would be made in the Small Claims Court. Duncan has been unwell, so this has yet to be implemented.

b) Zoning of the hall heating – no action has yet been taken, as funds need to be raised before going ahead with the expenditure.

c) Eric Robertson has been notified of the increase in rent for the New Year’s event-there has been no comment yet from him.

d) A ramp has now been installed at the snooker club end of the hall-the exit ramp from the small hall will be the next installed.

e) Anti-scald valves have not yet been fitted to water supply.


1. Zoning of the hall heating was discussed. Kate Stephen is to be approached to find out whether there might be a grant available towards the cost.

2. Lorna Robertson asked about how inaccuracies on website should be addressed-Robbie Halkett runs the site through Nessweb. It was noted that for £10 a year any club can have its own website-administered by R H.

3. Robbie Bremner( Electrician) has submitted his bill- but 2 fans have yet to be installed.

4. Billy Lowrie had cut the grass at side of hall, and applied weed killer-mower repair and weed killer expenses have been paid by BCA.

5. The device for moving chairs has been “removed”- a replacement would cost £70. It may

“turn up” so no action to be taken yet.

6. Footballers would like storage for their equipment. Morven Reid also wondered about the Saturday morning young footballers having access to the hall toilets. It was felt that this should not happen-problems with muddy boots, adult supervision, other hall users at same time.

7. June MacKinnon gave update of finances. The auditor has refused to accept any remuneration for services. Billy thanked June for her efforts with hall finances over many years

8. Viki had been asked if there would be a Christmas Fayre this year. Morven suggested that Balloch Fundraising Group might be asked if they’d do this.

9. Lorna R asked about availability of any Saturdays as the Bowling Club would like to have an Open Day. There is a dancing class every Saturday afternoon, therefore only a morning would be possible-which would suit well. Lorna C and Viki wondered about running teas/coffees at same time, as a fund-raising event.

10. Hall Convenor’s pay may not be sustainable at the current rate, given that there are now fewer hall lets. A discussion followed.

7. Date of next meeting- 7.30pm Wednesday 10 October 2012.