Grudge Ball: Night Spring 2017

  1. What town is Elie and his family from? Sighet, Transylvania
  2. What does he have Moishe the Beadle teach him? Kabbalah – Jewish mysticism
  3. Upon his return to the village what does Moishe the Beadle do? Warn everyone (the Jews) to leave
  4. What special day was it for the Jews when they deported Sighet? It was the Sabbath (day of no work – observe God)
  5. On the train what does Mrs. Schachter have a vision of? Fire, flames, chimneys= crematorium
  6. What do men on the train do to make sure she stops screaming? They forced her to sit down, bound and gagged her.
  7. How many people in Elie’s family is he separated from in the camps? 4 (mother and 3 sisters)
  8. What ages does Elie and his father lie and say they are in order to survive selection? 18 & 40
  9. Who is the infamous doctor he runs into? Dr. Joseph Mengele – The Angel of Death – Dr. Death
  10. What is Kaddish? Prayer for the dead
  11. In Birkenau who beats Elie’s father? Gypsy Kappo This was the DEATH CAMP – largest killing camp
  12. In Auschwitz, who recognizes Elie and his dad? Mr. Stein his uncle
  13. Who does Elie loose his gold tooth to? Franek – used his weakness for his father to get it from him
  14. What type of infection does Elie have that requires him to have surgery? Infected foot
  15. In the concentration camp hospital Elie’s neighbor remarks he lost faith in everything except what? Hitler
  16. During the long run to Buna, what does Elie say was the only thing that kept him from giving up? The presence of his father
  17. In the shade taking a brief break from the run, what does Elie pray for? To have the strength to never abandon his father like the other boy had done.
  18. In the barracks of Gleiwitz what does Elie hear? Juliek playing the violin – forbidden to play German music – he played Beethoven – when Elie woke Juliek was dead and the violin was crushed.
  19. Where does Eilie’s father die? Buchenwald (concentration camp), Elie goes to sleep and when he awakes, his father is gone and no longer in the bed next to him. He hope his father was not taken to the crematorium prior to him stop breathing.
  20. What did the Jews discover when they looked out of the train car? They saw smoke; crematory burning bodies.
  21. Name 3 things the Jews eat every day? Black Coffee, bread, and soup.
  22. What did the soup taste like when the young boy was hanged? Corpse
  23. What inheritance does Elie get from his father? A spoon and a knife
  24. What was Elie’s decision about fasting on Yon Kippur; why did he make this decision? He decided not to fast, respect for his father and defiance to God.
  25. What words are on Birkenau’s entrance? Work makes you free – ironic
  26. Who is Idek? He is the Polish Kappo- beat Elie after he caught him with a young girl.