Grove Junior High School Choral Program

Ms. Wietrecki

(847) 472-3074

Daily Materials Needed:

Pencil (Pens are not acceptable for writing on music)

Choir Binder (Labeled on the FRONT with your name and class number)

Workbook (Labeled on the FRONT with your name and class number)

MANDATORY Dates: Please see the Chorus Website with a list of very important dates

Daily Classroom Expectations:All students must have their choir binder*, a pencil (pen is not acceptable for writing on music), and choir workbook in class everyday. Each student will be assigned a bin number. Students are expected to leave materials in the classroom.

*All Choir students are required to have a ½” binder for use in class. This binder will be collected periodically and at the end of each quarter and will bechecked for its organization and contents (choir music, theory worksheets, etc.). The FRONT of the binder must be labeled with each student’s first and last name, choir, and folder number.

Active participation is expected everyday in class. If a student is absent, they are required to put in the necessary time to catch up, meeting with Ms. Wietrecki if necessary. If a student is present but not feeling well, they are asked to notify Ms. Wietreckibefore class and remain focused in class so they do not fall behind.

Rehearsals & Performances: The majority of our rehearsal time for concert performances will be within the school day. All students are expected to attend all scheduled co-curricular after school rehearsals. These rehearsals are very important, as it is often time to work with the accompanist, or combine groups that rehearse separately.

All general rehearsal conflictsshould be worked out in advance with a parental note, email or call to Ms. Wietrecki. If a student is involved in sports, cheerleading, dance or other activities that conflict with after school rehearsals, please provide Ms. Wietrecki with a practice schedule and/or dates. School activities can be arranged so a student can participate in Chorus and other activities with advanced notice.Concert & dress rehearsals are mandatory and students will not receive credit if they are not in attendance.

Performance Policy:Because choir is a performance-based art, attendance & participation in all curricular performances is mandatory.Performances are like exams or tests and are a method of evaluation. Therefore, students absent from a curricular performance will receive a zero. Excused absences from concerts are considered only with a parental note or phone call at least two weeks prior to performance. In case of an unexpected emergency, such as unexpected illness, injury or death in the family, parental contact is expected the next day the student is present at school. If an absence is excused, a research paper or comparable assignment may be assigned and is due within one week of the performance to earn points lost from not attending a mandatory performance. If a student chooses not to complete the alternative assignment, his/her overall grade will be negatively affected.

Included in the Chorus Handbook (located on the Chorus Website- see web address above) is a list of mandatory rehearsals and performances for the entire school year. Please mark these dates on your calendar today!

Performance Attire:A uniform, which provides a unified and professional look and attitude to each ensemble, is mandatory for all members of each chorus. All 6th, 7th & 8th grade Chorus members are required to purchase a Chorus Tuxedo Shirt and provide long black pants, black socks, and black shoes (flats only, closed toe, must have a back). Sweatpants, jeans, gym shoes are not acceptable. Shoes with a high heel or platform are not safe and also not acceptable. Cummerbunds and ties are provided for Treble Choir and 6th Grade Chorus members. Green Ties are provided for Bass Choir members.

Assignments:Because choir is a performance-based class, the weekly homework will be minimal. There will be units with short assignments to help students develop their knowledge and musicianship. Class time will often be given for homework assignments. Students are expected to turn in assignments on time and late assignments will not receive full credit. Students who need additional help may see Ms. Wietrecki to set up a time outside of class. Most assignments will be contained within the new choral workbook. Replacement for a lost workbook is $5.00. Choir letters will also be taken home and returned with a parent signature for credit insuring that you remain informed throughout the year.

Absences:It is the student’s responsibility to check in with Ms. Wietreckiand complete any classwork after an absence from school. Sufficient time will be given for the make-up of an assignment. Should a student neglect to make-up an assignment, a score of zero will be recorded in the grade book. Should a student be absent the day an assignment is due, they are expected to turn it in the next day they are in class.

Grading:Grading for choir is as follows:

30% Assignments & Homework 40% Tests, Quizzes & Projects 30% Performances

Hall Passes:

1)Hall passes cannot be used when Ms. Wietrecki is teaching your choral section. They can be used during

work time or when Ms. Wietrecki is working with another section.

2)You must have this pass present in the room if you need to leave for any reason. If you have left it in your

locker, at home, etc., you are so out of luck!

3)Leaving the room is a privilege, not a right.

4)Students are not allowed to borrow or share hall passes. If you do, you will loose your hall pass privileges for the year!

5)Students not using any passes during the quarter will be rewarded!!


Quarter 1Quarter 3

Quarter 2 Quarter 4