Grove Junior High School

Chorus Handbook

2013 – 2014


Welcome to the Grove Junior High Choral Program! In chorus at Grove, you will be challenged to grow as a musician and as a person. By working towards common goals and participating in a variety of activities (concerts, contests, community performances and more!), you will reach new heights higher than you imagined. You may be surprised at how much potential you have, and at how much you have to offer. I hope that you feel that the chorus program at Grove will be your “second home,” and that together, we can make chorus a great place to be. I hope you are as excited for this year as I am! Please feel free to contact me at any time with your questions or concerns.

Ms. Heather Wietrecki

Choral Director


District 59 Mission Statement

Preparing students to be successful for life

Grove Junior High School offers three choruses for the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. These performance-based ensembles are elective choices for students who show applicable singing potential and performance desire. Our goal is to gain singing and acting experience to become more confident performers as students prepare for high school. Chorus will replace either a foreign language or FPA class in a student’s schedule for 7th & 8th graders, or academic enrichment for 6th graders.

6th Grade Chorus

The 6th Grade Chorus will begin with folk songs, American standards, and partner songs while focusing on the basic concepts of singing and technique. We will concentrate on high voice exercises, unison and part-singing as our vocal development continues throughout the year. We will apply these basics to our mandatory performances, which include: Winter Concert, District 59 Choral Festival, and Spring Concert.

Treble Choir & Bass Choir

Treble Choir & Bass Choir will begin with two-part and three-part repertoire, while continuing to focus on the basic concepts of singing and technique. We will also gain vocal knowledge as we begin to prepare for high school chorus while maintaining our vocal development throughout the year. We will apply these basics to our mandatory performances, which include: Winter Concert, District 59 Choral Festival, and Spring Concert/Musical Performances. In addition, 7th & 8th grade students may learn basic music theory and music history. We will apply what we learn through small compositions and various projects.

All Choruses will also experience drama activities to build musical confidence through performance. We will attend a live entertainment performance, which combines the music and drama skills will study in class on a professional level and enrich our performing experiences.

Grading Policies

Grades will be based on the level of musicianship each student demonstrates as a member of the GJH Chorus performing ensembles. The progress of each student will also be assessed on a point system. Students will receive personal points every day. Behavior will also be assessed daily and included in each student’s personal points. Because the progress of each student is assessed, every student needs to be in class every day. Therefore, attendance is mandatory in order to be fairly assessed. Because the GJH Choruses are performance-based classes, concert performances and after school rehearsals are factored into student grades. Students who wish to discuss any grade should make arrangements to do so outside of class instruction time.

Co-Curricular Activities

Co-curricular activities include rehearsals and performances outside of classroom instruction time that are part of the GJH Chorus Curriculum. Co-curricular activities can be after school, at night or sometimes on the weekends. Because the GJH Chorus is a performance-based group, co-curricular rehearsals and performances are mandatory. Attendance and participation is part of a student grade.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-Curricular activities include rehearsals and performances outside of classroom instruction time that are in addition to the GJH Chorus Curriculum. Extra-curricular activities can be after school, at night or sometimes on the weekends. Attendance and participation for extra-curricular activities are not required as part of a student grade, however, attendance and participation are appreciated by all performers and strongly encouraged.

Performance Policy

Each student is required to attend every concert performance. There are no excused absences. Performances are like exams or tests and are a method of evaluation. Therefore, students absent from a performance will receive a zero. Excused absences from concerts are considered only with a parental note or phone call at least two weeks prior to performance. In case of an unexpected emergency, such as unexpected illness, injury or death in the family, parental contact is expected as soon as possible. Students may be provided with a written assignment to earn points lost from not attending a mandatory performance.

After School Rehearsal Policy

To maintain a high level of excellence, students must be willing to show high levels of commitment. All students are expected to attend all co-curricular after school rehearsals. There are no excused absences. Students absent from a rehearsal will receive a zero. Excused absences from after school rehearsals are considered only with a parental note, email or call to Ms. Wietrecki before the scheduled rehearsal explaining the reason for student absences. If a doctor appointment cannot be scheduled at any other time, a doctor’s note is required to excuse a student absence.

The 6th, 7th & 8th grade students may meet for combined chorus rehearsals after school to prepare for a concert performance. A rehearsal schedule will be provided in advance. An activity bus will be available on all after school activity days at 4:00 p.m.

In the year of a spring musical, after school rehearsals will last from 3:00 p.m. till 5:00 p.m. from March to May. We will meet at least two to four times a week, and your child will be required to attend all rehearsals according to the monthly rehearsal schedule given. Students must arrange transportation on these rehearsal days. There are no activity busses after 4:00 p.m.

If a student is involved in sports, cheerleading, dance or other activities that conflict with after school rehearsals, please provide Ms. Wietrecki with a practice schedule and/or dates. School activities can be arranged so a student can participate in Chorus and other activities with advanced notice.


A uniform, which provides a unified and professional look and attitude to each ensemble, is mandatory for all members of each chorus. All 6th, 7th & 8th grade Chorus members are required to purchase a Chorus Tuxedo Shirt and provide long black pants, black socks, and flat black shoes. Sweatpants, jeans, gym shoes are not acceptable. Shoes with a high heel or platform are not safe and also not acceptable. Cummerbunds and ties are provided for 7th & 8th Grade Chorus members. Green and Gold Ties are provided for 6th Grade Chorus members.

Student Expectations

A performance ensemble, such as the GJH Chorus, demands a high level of student responsibility and dedication. The GJH Choruses provide an excellent opportunity to strengthen the individual character of each student. In addition, students can feel a sense of accomplishment after each performance, as well as a sense of belonging and importance. Students are expected to show their Chorus commitment every day.

Parent Expectations

In order to help your child develop their interest in performing through singing and acting, we need your support of the GJH Choral Department. What a great way to incorporate responsibility and trustworthiness by fulfilling their Chorus commitments!

To strengthen communication between student, teacher, and parents, please attend our GJH ChorusPARENT NIGHTS. Dates will be announced to discuss up-coming performances, fundraisers, field trips and preparations for the end of the year.

Parental involvement is the key to student success. Any parents willing to volunteer their time in any way is greatly appreciated and welcomed. Please contact me directly with questions, comments or concerns at: or call at: (847) 472-3074. You can also look for handouts, calendar events, updates and information on the GJH Chorus website:

I look forward to a great year!

Ms. Wietrecki

GJH Chorus Performance Dates


* EGHS Choral Showcase*

Featuring Treble & Bass Choirs

October 25, 2017

*Winter Concert *

December 7, 2017

* District 59 Choral Fest *

February 24, 2018

* Spring Concert *

May 10, 2018


~ VanderCook Middle Level Honor Fest ~

September 30, 2017

~ Caroling @ Alexian Rehabilitation Hospital ~

December 2017

~Music In The Parks~

May 17, 2018

~ Graduation (7th & 8th Grade) ~

June 2018

* Denotes required performance *


November 15, 2017

April 18, 2017