Name: KINE 4360 Lab Students (Spring 2009) & Intern Amanda Brown

Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009

Name of Activity: Movement-based Stations/Centers

Purpose of Activity: To practice skills learned throughout the year

Length of Lesson: 30 minutes (3 minutes/7 stations, with 3-5 minute group meeting at end of lesson)

Grade/Level: Kindergarten

Set Induction: Students will report to the station where their regular university teacher is located. As a large group the “intern” will remind the students of transition protocols. Music will be played while students are at each station.


  1. put up the equipment (music will stop)
  2. sit beside your cone
  3. zip our lips
  4. point to the next station
  5. walk to the next station

STATION 1 - GROUP 1 – Let’s Play Hockey:

Amber Wright, Jessica Barbrey, Tammy Bauer, and Jessica Haley

Striking With Implementation

  • Students will pretend they are hockey players and are practicing for a big game.
  • Students will use hockey sticks and bean bags to strike the bean bag with their hockey stick around an obstacle course and into the goal.

Students will take turns moving through the cones using zig zag skills while striking the bean bag to make it to the goal:

Students will move their bean bag across the line trying to keep it on the line while trying to make it to the goal.

Students will move the bean bag around the big cone and through the hula hoop and then score into one of the goals.

STATION 2 - GROUP 2 - Welcome to the Jungle


By: Alli Coggin, Kelly Campbell, Meaghan Mason, and Rachael Werner (GROUP 2)

The students will be using various forms of traveling to navigate through the vines and quick sand pits of the AEEC jungle. Students MUST use their imagination for this activity. The materials for this course and the designated method for navigating through this course are as follows:

  • Rocks in the river:eight poly-spots (students jump from spot to spot on these)
  • The mountain:The ‘ ^’ shaped bridge thing (students must take deep lunges to walk over it)
  • Tall grass: area with about four cones lining either side (students must skip/slide/shuffle through it)
  • The cave: area with about four cones on either side with jump ropes across it (students must crawl underneath it)
  • the narrow bridge:a balancing beam (students must tip toe across the beam making sure to go slowly and quietly as to not wake the tiger)

Make sure to divide your group so that they are spread out through the course and not all starting at one point. Have a teacher in each general area of the coarse to remind students how to complete that section ESPECIALLY AT THE “MOUNTAIN” AND THE “NARROWBRIDGE” FOR SPOTTING.


  • second time around-
  • rocks on the river: do frog jumps (crouch then jump) from pad to pad
  • mountain: pretend you’re an ant crawling over its hill (crawl)
  • Tall grass: crab walk through it/gallop
  • the cave: scoot on your back through it/slither like a snake
  • bridge: heel toe across the bridge/walk like your favorite animal across the bridge

STATION 3 – Group 3

Freeze Ball

  • One tagger per round.
  • The tagger will have a nerf size ball that they will tag the people with.
  • Each round will last 1 minute.

Round 1

  1. Tagger and non-taggers will jump around to try to tag and avoid being tagged.
  2. To unfreeze someone must give them a high-ten.

Round 2

  1. Tagger and non-taggers will gallop around to try to tag and avoid being tagged.
  2. To unfreeze someone must give them a high-ten.

Round 3

  1. Tagger and non-taggers will skip around to try to tag and avoid being tagged.
  2. To unfreeze someone must give them a high-ten.



*The Xs represent the cones in which the students will need to stay inside of while playing the game.

STATION 4 - GROUP 4 - Skill Theme: Throwing and Catching

1. Students will step on the wooden object that shoots the ball up, and will practice catching it in a milk jug.

2. Students will throw ball back and forth with partner catching with milk jug.

Hope this works,

Ashley, Lauren, Katie, and Lindsay!!!!

STATION 5 – Group 5-

"Ice Dribbling Tag" & "Dribbling"

Materials: cones, one red beanbag, one blue beanbag, 8 basketballs (one for each student)


  • This is a tag game that works on dribbling.
  • Students must dribble a basketball at all times, whether they are “it” or “not it.”
  • The student with the blue “freeze” beanbag will go around and tag (by touching) students with the beanbag while dribbling their ball.
  • Once the student gets tagged with the blue beanbag they are “frozen” and will stand in place holding their basketball.
  • If students go out of bounds or run without dribbling their ball then they will be “frozen” as well.
  • Once all students are frozen the teacher may choose a new student to be “ice”
  • Task variation:Give a student the red “fire” beanbag to dribble around and “unfreeze” students. To “unfreeze” students the student with the red beanbag will hand the classmate the red beanbag. Now the “unfrozen” student may go “unfreeze” someone else with the “fire”.

STATION 6 - Group #6- Part 1 - Katie, Marianna, Sarah

1. Have children think of ways to kick their ball around cones (quickly, slowly, zigzag, inside of foot, etc.)

2. Introduce the cone forest. Have the children more their ball around the forest by kicking the ball. (From one end of forest to the other.)

3. If they kick a ball into a cone or bump into another student, they freeze and hold their ball. A friend or teacher has to tag them to be free before they can move again.

Setup: cone forest (or a similar forest-like arrangement of cones to dribble around.)






STATION 7 - Group 6 – Part 2 - Kicking

This is based off of the "Bop It" Toy that is bought in stores. The students would be listening to the music and would act out the commands as the teacher calls them out to the beat of the music.

First explain that they are playing a game like Bop It. If they do not know what Bop It is then just explain that it is like Simon Says, but Simon doesn’t have to “say.” Explain each of the commands and model what they will do when it is called. Teachers will then call out the commands randomly. Teaching assistants can also participate in case the students forget what they command means.

Kick it - children kick in front of them (ensure they're all in a space first!)

Twist it - twist their bodies half way around then back, feet remaining in same place on the floor.

Spin it - children turn around

Pull it - imagine they are pulling two levers down from above their heads.

Throw it- students act out overhand throwing.

Bop it - jump in the air.