Healthy Minds - Groups & Classes in Stockport
Brief Description of Group / Location / Number of Sessions‘Take Control’
A group for people with mixed anxiety, depression and stress for people who just want to get back in control of their life. During the course we’ll talk about different ways to get more control. / Stepping Hill / 6 x 1 hour
Improving Sleep Workshop
A self-contained workshop which includes CBT based techniques; mindfulness and ACT aimed at helping people improve their sleep. / Stepping Hill / 1 x 2 hour
Living well with Pain and Physical Illness’
An acceptance based group for anyone experiencing low mood and/or anxiety as a result of living with chronic pain or a long term health condition. / Stepping Hill / 8 x 1 ½ hour
Cardiac Stress Management
This course is aimed at people who have had a heart attack and or living with an on-going heart condition. It teaches techniques to better manage symptoms of stress. / Stepping Hill / 4 x 1 Hour
Living Well With COPD.
This course is aimed specifically at people who have COPD. It teaches techniques to better manage symptoms of stress and breathlessness. / Stepping Hill / 4 x 1 hour
‘Social Anxiety’
Aimed at people with social anxiety. Teaches CBT strategies to help reduce the symptoms of social anxiety. / Stepping Hill / 8 x 2 HOUR
Aims at people with recurrent depression that is underpinned by low self-esteem and teaches strategies to manage and improve mood and self-esteem. / Stepping Hill / 8 x 2 Hour
Aim at people with excessive worry, a CBT based group that teaches strategies to manage excessive worry. / Stepping Hill / 8 x 2 hour
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Group
This course is aimed at people with OCD . Teaches CBT based strategies to help manage the distressing symptoms of OCD / Stepping Hill / 8-10 x 2 hour
Assertiveness Communication Skills Group (Wednesday) Gatley Medical Practice
This group is aimed at teaching you strategies to improve your assertiveness and interpersonal skills / Gatley Medical Practice / 6 X 2 Hour
Assertiveness Communication Skills Group (Monday) North Reddish Clinic
This group is aimed at teaching you strategies to improve your assertiveness and interpersonal skills / North Reddish Clinic / 6 x 2 Hour
Manage your Mood - Teaching Coping strategies for managing mood - Working towards breaking vicious cycles / Stockport Fire Station / 5 1 ½ hour
Stress Management – Teaching strategies to help manage stress / 6 X 1 ½ hour
Mindful Movement - Teaching a sequence of gentle gestures to form a following movement based on principles of mindfulness, to build on self-worth, challenging unhelpful habits to improve wellbeing / Stepping Hill Hospital / 1 ½ hour
For more information please contact the group team on Tel number : 0161 716 5725.
Or self refer via