Report Qualities
- Formatted like the sample report (Tyco) following the report style guidelines for margins, spacing, etc.
- Contains five pages—title page, 3-page report, and references. (Note: Tyco is only a 2-page report. Your report should be three pages)
- Begins with a purpose paragraph identifying the research topic, the company, and the accounting issues.
- Presentsnumbered conclusions after the purpose paragraph.
- The body supports each conclusion demonstrating analysis, synthesis, and understanding of the research materials—each section of the body should have a heading that expands on each conclusion.
Documentation Guidelines
- Make sure all references are complete. Refer to the Guffey link on APA style for sample formats using secondary sources from websites.
- Each sentence containing information from a secondary source needs to include a citation. If consecutive sentences contain information from the same source, then you need to clearly “front” the information. In other words, identify the source up front where you begin to present material that is not yours. Within a paragraph, you do not need to include the year in the subsequent references as long as the study cannot be confused with others cited in the report. See the example below for an illustration.
Today’s society and shifting patterns of social order may dictate a climate for abuse. Edward Ziegler (1996) argues that many parents are just not equipped today for parenthood. He says, for instance, that the “extended family is now rare in contemporary society, and with its demise the new parent has lost the wisdom and daily support of older, more experience familymembers” (p. 42). In truth, a family such as that portrayed by the Waltons on television seldom exists today with grandparents, parents, and many children all living together under one roof. No wonder Ziegler argues that “many parents are not as well equipped for parenthood as were their parents before them, since over the years most children have been given less responsibility in helping to care for younger siblings” ( p. 44).
- The information inside the parentheses of the citation begins with whatever is listed first in the reference followed by the date. If you are using a direct quote, you must have a page number. Internet sources without page numbers must use paragraph numbers.
Citation for Internet source with a page number
(Becker, 2005, p. 1)
Citation for Internet source without page numbers
(IMA, 2002, para. 7) or (IMA, 2002, ¶ 7)
Citation for a long Internet source without page numbers. (Cite the heading and the paragraph number following it.)
(SEC, 2003, Wells Fargo Reported . . . , ¶ 4)
- One person from each group must submit the group report to the turnitin website. Please submit your paper only once to turnitin.
Turn It In Web Site Information
Course:ACCT 351COM
Class ID:2489723
Assignment:Industry Revenue Recognition Practices