29th April 2010

3.00pm in RB 19(RichardsBuilding)


PresentMrs Sophie BeardmoreAdministrative Assistant

Mr David Childs (DC)Health and Safety Representative

Ms Rosey Davies (RD)Committee Administrator

Dr Vicky Stiles (VS)Biomechanics Representative

Prof Adrian Taylor (AT)Psychology Representative (Acting Chair)


Dr Gary O’Donovan (G’OD)Physiology Representative

Rev Dr James TheodosiusLay Member

Dr Jo Welsman (JW)Chair

Dr Daryl Wilkerson (DW)Physiology Representative

  1. Welcome and Apologies
  1. Minutes of meeting (24th February 2010)

Minutes of the Ethics Committee meeting held on 24th February 2010 were agreed and signed as an accurate record.

  1. Matters Arising

Item 3 Matters arising

RD suggested relevant people involved in submitting ethics proposals should attend these meetings to defend their case and also to submit their proposals in person. Discussions took place regarding the logistics of this, positives being a reduction on administration and overall speed up on the approval process, disadvantages being some proposals are too wordy and the problem with people’s availability. It was agreed that the person involved should be the lead researcher as the work is signed off by this person.The consensus is that this would need to be a committee decision or for the Research committee to decide.

Action: Discussions/decision to take place at the next ethics meeting.

Item 4 Matters arising

It was noted that exemplar Participant Information Sheets and Consent Forms which it is hoped will be used in the Policy and Procedures document have still not materialised (Ref item 3 matters arising Feb 24th, 2010).

Action: G’OD to produce quantitative exemplar, Parent and Child exemplars to be requested from Alan Barker, qualitative exemplars to be requested from Cassie Phoenix. RD to look through approved application for other potential exemplar material.

Item 5 Matters arising

RD advised that the new guidelines regarding exercise-induced muscle damage studies and studies using the environmental heat chamberhave not been put onthe website.

Action: RD to change ethics form so that a tickbox is added onto the ethics form regarding using heat chambers and muscle damage. This form also to be downloadable on the website and an email sent to staff to advise of this.

Item 6 Matters arising

Proposal 3 (21/10/09)

Title: An observational study of involvement and enjoyment in under 8 tag rugby union games

Applicants: Dr Mark Wilson with Dr Chris Byrne and four MSc Students (Matthew Cross, Matthew Cuss, Joshua Nowak, Pisi Zheng)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 3 (21/10/09)

Title: An observational study of involvement and enjoyment in under 8 tag rugby union games

Applicants: Dr Mark Wilson with Dr Chris Byrne and four MSc Students (Matthew Cross, Matthew Cuss, Joshua Nowak, Pisi Zheng)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 1 (24/02/10)

Title: Does the Learn To Move programme enhance motor performance, change in physical activity patterns and improve self-esteem in children with movement difficulties?

Applicant: Dr Ann Rowlands (Staff) with SueBridge (PG Research Student)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 3 (24/02/10)

Title: Changes in ventilation and perceived exertion responses during cycling following eccentric exercise

Applicant: Rosemary Davies (Staff) with Emily Baigent (PG Research Student)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 4 (24/02/10)

Title: 1H Transverse relaxation times (T2) derived indices of muscle activation during exercise in children and adults

Applicant: Assoc Pof Craig Williams(Staff) with Dr Jon Fulford (staff) and Brynmor Breese (PG Research Student)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 5 (24/02/10)

Title: Oxidative adaptations to intermittent hypoxic exercise at the muscle using 31 P-MRS

Applicant: Prof Andy Jones (Staff) with Dr Anni Vanhatalo (Staff) and Ben Holliss (PG Research Student)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 6 (24/02/10)

Title: The effect of acute dietary nitrate supplementation on aerobic fitness

Applicant: Prof Andy Jones (Staff) with Prof Paul Winyard (Staff) and Katherine Lansley (PG Research Student)

The amendments have not yet been submitted

Proposal 7 (24/02/10)

Title: The influence of chronic dietary nitrate supplementation on physiological and functional performance adaptations to training

Applicant: Prof Andy Jones (Staff) with Prof Paul Winyard (Staff) and Katherine Lansley (PG Research Student)

The amendments have not yet been submitted

Proposal 8 (24/02/10)

Title: Food intake and fat oxidation during continuous exercise in high active and low active girls

Applicant: Assoc Prof Craig Williams (Staff) with Melanie Moore (University of Plymouth) and June Muchuku (PG Research Student)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 9 (24/02/10)

Title: The effect of caffeine on oxygen uptake kinetics

Applicant: Prof Andy Jones (Staff) with Lucy Nye (MSc Research Student)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 10 (24/02/10)

Title: Does the intake of caffeine benefit sprint swimmers?

Applicant: Dr Gary O’Donovan (Staff) with Tanara O’Neill (BSc Research Student)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 11 (24/02/10)

Title: The feasibility /acceptability of high intensity interval training (HIIT) in obese individuals

Applicant: Dr Gary O’Donovan (Staff) with Dr Mark Gilchrist (Staff) and Shanaka Rose and Zoe Williams (MSc Research Students)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 12 (24/02/10)

Title: Investigating the efficacy of using lower limb compression as a recovery strategy following plyometric exercise

Applicant: Dr Ann Rowlands (Staff) with Cerys Rudall (BSc Research Student)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 13 (24/02/10)

Title: The placebo effects of caffeine on endurance-based performance

Applicant: Prof Andy Jones (Staff) with Marcia Stefani (PG Research Student)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 14 (24/02/10)

Title: Effects of whey protein hydrolysate on EIMD

Applicant: Prof Roger Eston (Staff) with Dr Chris Byrne (Staff) and Kristoph Thompson (PG Research Student)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 15 (24/02/10)

Title: Effects of L-arginine on running economy and performance

Applicant: Dr Anni Vanhatalo (Staff) with Prof Andy Jones (Staff) and Stephen Bailey and Fred DiMenna (PG Research Students)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 16 (24/02/10)

Title: Effects of low glycaemic index breakfast on appetite sensation and energy balance on female collegiate athletes

Applicant: Assoc Prof Craig Williams (Staff) with Mei-yi (Daphne) Wu (PG Research Student)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 17 (24/02/10)

Title: The information used by athletes to judge supportiveness of their coaches depends on whether the judgement reflects the personality of the athlete, the objective characteristic of the coaches or the unique coach-athlete relationship

Applicant: Dr Tim Rees (Staff) with Dr Paul Freeman and Francesca Gwynne (PG Research Student)

The required amendments have been submitted and have been approved by AT

Proposal 18 (24/02/10)

Title: Cold high sodium ingestion and its effect on intermittent exercise in the heat

Applicant: Dr Chris Byrne (Staff) with Oliver Jordan (UG Research Student)

This fast track application has been approved by the Committee until May 2010, following submission of satisfactory amendments

  1. Chair’s Business

Path A applications

Summaries of the approved staff applications (up to April 29th) and approved student applications (submitted March 19th 2010) were noted.

Disuse osteopneia study

Applicant: Sue Hopkins

Copies of NHS approvalhave been received

Proposal 4 (29/04/10)

Title: Narratives of Disability and the Global Body Politic

Prof Andrew Sparkes (Staff) with Dr Cassandra Phoenix (Staff) and James Brighton (PG Research Student)

This is an ongoing item, with a possibility of the student leaving as he is working with Prof Sparkes and may move with him when he leaves. AT confirmed that the proposal is straight forward as James Brighton is a teacher so a CRB check has been done. Details of approval of previous application to Hartpury College have been received so AT confirmed he has now signed forms and all approved.

Action: RD to adviseapplicant of the approval of his application.

  1. Consideration of submitted proposals (path B)

Proposal 1 (29/04/10)

Title: The contribution Physical Education lessons provide to the daily physical activity recommendations of Brunei children.

Applicant: Dr Richard Winsley (Staff) with Mas Hardiano Awg Hj Muhin (MSc Student)

Minor Concerns

  1. Poorly written throughout – must be checked carefully by supervisor
  2. A lay abstract is required
  3. Quality control of information sheet/consent form – achild information sheet and consent form need to be included. At present only a parent/participantinformation sheet is provided.
  4. Will the forms be issued in English? If not, who will translate these and who will ensure that they are appropriately translated? Supervisor to check this.
  5. Does the researcher have CRB check? Is there a Brunei equivalent? Proof of CRB documentation needs to be provided.
  6. Information sheet for caregivers doesn’t refer to their children it states “they” will take part. This needs to be changed

Decision: the Committee AGREED to provisionally approve the proposal until September 2010, but required the amendments outlined above (i-vi). The amendments need to be returned to RD for approval by AT prior to the commencement of the study.

Proposal 2 (29/04/10)

Title: Effect of low glycaemic index breakfast on appetite sensation and energy balance

Applicant: Assoc. Prof. Craig Williams (staff) with Dr Ann Rowlands (Staff) and Mei-Yi (Daphne) Wu (PG Research Student)

Minor Concerns

  1. All documentation, information sheets and consent forms must be proof read by the supervisor to ensure correct use of English. These need to be resubmitted.
  2. Please explain if vigorous-intensity activity will be prohibited for 24 to 36 hours before visiting the lab?
  3. Heart rate monitors do not provide valid estimates of energy expenditure. Please explain your rationale for using HR monitors.
  4. Why do the investigators propose to recruit a heterogeneous group of individuals from ‘sports of endurance, aesthetically judged, football, and swimming or with weight categories?
  5. It is unclear how individuals with ‘restrained eating behaviour’ will be identified or recruited.
  6. Do photographs provide an accurate record of food intake? Please explain your rationale for using photographs.
  7. Please include reference to the appropriate risk assessments for use of the BodPod and bioelectrical impedance analysis.
  8. Please advise what procedures will be followed if during screening, the researcher finds someone who is bulimic, as information should remain confidential. Appropriate qualitative steps need to be in place in order to support the participant. E.g. If the participant is over 18 years old then support leaflets or national advice/help lines and relevant information should be provided.

Decision: the Committee AGREED to provisionally approve the proposal until December 30th2010, but required the amendments outlined above (i-viii). The amendments need to be returned to RD for approval by AT prior to the commencement of the study.

Proposal 3 (29/04/10)

Title: Influence of feedback and prior experience on pacing during a 4 km time trial in untrained cyclists

Applicant: Assoc. Prof. Craig Williams (staff) with Sam Bailey (MSc Student)

Major concerns

  1. The study is not designed to meet its aim ‘to determine if untrained cyclists can adopt a more appropriate pacing strategy with experience’.Consider the study design.
  1. Were the values in the power calculations obtained from trained individuals (whose performance is probably less variable than untrained individuals)?
  1. Are forty max tests and forty time trials realistic and necessary for an MSc dissertation?
  1. Consider reducing the number of participants.
  2. Consider doing one time trial rather than two successive tests although this would not show the difference in pacing on the second test – consider doing them on separate days to enhance accuracy. There need to be two time trials but not on the same day
  3. Consider testing adults or children but not both

Minor Concerns

  1. Why is the term ‘untrained cyclist’ was being used. Most people are untrained cyclists, Consider using‘novice cyclist’?
  2. A stronger justification is required for the use of time trials.
  3. Justify the use of only male participants
  4. Please provide evidence of CRB check. If the researcher does not have one this needs to be arranged.
  5. Information sheets:
  6. There is an information sheet for parents/guardians – check information refers to the child and not the reader.
  7. Travel to and from the labs and supervision needs to be clarified and communicated to parents. Standard forms are available for schools.
  8. A separate information sheet for younger participants should be made available.
  9. Clarify that the time trial will require maximal effort
  10. Remove the sentence ‘the TT’s will be hard but not as hard as the maximal oxygen uptake test’

Decision: the Committee AGREED to provisionally approve the proposal until September 2010, but required the amendments outlined above (i-viii). The amendments need to be returned to RD for approval by AT prior to the commencement of the study.

Any Other Business

  • It was proposed that a deadline of December 10th 2010 is set for UG Ethical applications.It was noted that Paul F is in favour of this.The Committee advised that no problems were foreseen, but supervisors would need to know in advance.
  1. Date of the Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 7thJuly 2010 at 1pm.